Supplements and vitamins

Ascorbic acid with glucose: instructions for use and reviews

Ascorbic acid with glucose: instructions for use and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

For good he alth and proper functioning of all organs and systems, a person needs to receive a certain amount of useful substances every day. One of the most famous vitamin remedies is ascorbic acid with glucose

The best vitamins for immunity for children from the year

The best vitamins for immunity for children from the year

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Today's children often lack vitamins, which are responsible for the functioning of many organs and systems and for maintaining the body's defenses. To protect a child from illness and stress, doctors often recommend vitamins for immunity for children from the age of one. There are many multivitamin preparations now available

Pill for energy: composition, names, instructions for use, dosage and contraindications

Pill for energy: composition, names, instructions for use, dosage and contraindications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Modern rhythm of life leaves few opportunities for recreation. Adults have to work, hold on to their seats, spend long hours commuting to the office. Constant stress, misunderstanding of loved ones and insufficient sleep sooner or later leads to the development of psychosomatic diseases and neuroses. To avoid this, you should give yourself more rest

Vitamin B6: instructions for use, indications, release form, reviews

Vitamin B6: instructions for use, indications, release form, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is one of the substances included in the B complex. All B vitamins, including B6, play an important role in a number of physical and psychological functions. They are best known for helping to support he althy metabolism, nerve function, liver function, skin he alth, eye he alth, and help boost energy levels

Growth hormone intake: side effects and consequences

Growth hormone intake: side effects and consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Growth hormone is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that promotes bone and muscle growth and helps regulate metabolism, with levels gradually decreasing as we age. Some people have a true growth hormone deficiency in the body, not associated with aging, which requires injections of HGH. In fact, in January 2007, the US FDA issued a warning that prescribing and distributing growth hormone to combat aging is illegal

"Omega-3" ("Oriflame") for children: reviews, recommendations, composition, instructions for use and dosage

"Omega-3" ("Oriflame") for children: reviews, recommendations, composition, instructions for use and dosage

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Almost everyone talks about the benefits of vitamins for the body, but many forget that the body needs fatty acids even more. The supplement from Oriflame for children Omega-3 has positive reviews from both consumers and doctors. What are the features of the product discussed in the article

Vitamins "Opti-Men": instructions for use and reviews

Vitamins "Opti-Men": instructions for use and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

This vitamin complex is the ideal solution for people who exercise regularly. It must be consumed in order to maintain the normal functioning of people who actively and regularly exercise

Vitamins for vessels and heart

Vitamins for vessels and heart

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Sooner or later, everyone thinks about taking drugs for the heart and blood vessels. Which vitamins are better to choose remains a mystery to many, but all this is easy to figure out. Treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system can be reinforced by taking additional funds, but first you need to consult your doctor, therapist or cardiologist

Capsules "Shatavari": reviews. "Shatavari": application, description, prices

Capsules "Shatavari": reviews. "Shatavari": application, description, prices

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

"Shatavari" is a dietary supplement (BAA) used as an additional remedy along with the main therapy. It can be used as a tonic and restorative drug. It has a number of useful properties, as stated by multiple reviews. Relatively simple and safe to use. However, before purchasing a supplement, you should consult a specialist

Vitamin B overdose: symptoms and treatment. Daily dose of B vitamins

Vitamin B overdose: symptoms and treatment. Daily dose of B vitamins

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The human body all year round needs to maintain a good condition, both physical and mental. An important factor in this matter is enrichment with vitamins. The most important group of which is B vitamins. However, often with the wrong dosage of a particular drug, there is a risk of hypervitaminosis

Carnitine: what is it for, purpose, benefits and harm to the body, how to take

Carnitine: what is it for, purpose, benefits and harm to the body, how to take

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Supplements and energy drinks containing L-carnitine claim to increase metabolism and may help you lose weight and increase your athletic performance. However, scientific evidence may not be sufficient to support these theories. Read on to find out why

"LBB lacto- and bifidobacteria": instructions, reviews, features of the drug

"LBB lacto- and bifidobacteria": instructions, reviews, features of the drug

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

There are many probiotic and prebiotic products on the market today. The most effective are those that have a complex composition. They are called symbiotics. One of these drugs is a biologically active food supplement "LBB lacto- and bifidobacteria". Instructions, reviews and experience with this tool indicate its high efficiency

"Langena": instructions for use, reviews

"Langena": instructions for use, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

"Youth and energy in one capsule." Under this motto, "Langena" is produced. What is this tool and what benefits does it bring to the human body? Let's look into this issue. To do this, let's get acquainted with the features of the Langen tool, instructions for use, reviews

Gripe Water: reviews, instructions

Gripe Water: reviews, instructions

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Every young mother faces the problem of bloating in a newborn baby. This is quite normal in the early stages of a child's life. This is due to the lack of normal microflora in them. According to numerous reviews, Gripe Water is the drug that can help solve the problem of colic in a child. It contains medicines such as ginger and fennel, so many parents and grandmothers use this drug

Phytocomplex "Lax": reviews, instructions for use

Phytocomplex "Lax": reviews, instructions for use

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The problem of constipation is familiar to many people of different ages and genders. One of its solutions is the use of such a biologically active additive as the Laks phytocomplex. Reviews about the drug are mostly positive, as it gently and gently affects the body. The drug has a natural composition, it is safe and effective in solving delicate problems of the gastrointestinal tract

"Toksidont-may" - burdock root extract: reviews, properties, instructions for use, contraindications

"Toksidont-may" - burdock root extract: reviews, properties, instructions for use, contraindications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Recently, many people are thinking about medicinal plants and ancient methods of treating ailments. Burdock has a lot of useful properties. Reviews of the Toksidont-May burdock root extract confirm its effectiveness. Inconspicuous in appearance and familiar to everyone, the weed is able to improve the general condition. In addition, it is quite successfully used in various medical fields as the main or auxiliary agent

Pyridoxine - what is this vitamin and why does the human body need it?

Pyridoxine - what is this vitamin and why does the human body need it?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

What is vitamin B6? Why does the human body need pyridoxine? Who needs it in the first place? Presence of indications for pathologies and diseases. How to recognize a deficiency of pyridoxine in the body? What are the implications of this? What food contains the vitamin? How to keep it in it?

Vitamins "Ultra mens sport": reviews, composition, benefits

Vitamins "Ultra mens sport": reviews, composition, benefits

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

We all know that active people, and especially those who play professional sports or regularly visit the gym, need to take dietary supplements to maintain normal he alth. In specialized stores you can see different vitamin complexes from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. Which to choose? Many prefer Ultra men`s sport. What is this dietary supplement?

How to choose an inexpensive good quality protein?

How to choose an inexpensive good quality protein?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Concentrated protein powder has long been no surprise. If earlier this nutritional supplement aroused suspicion, today even those people who are far from the sports world and whose goal is simply to restore the necessary balance of protein in the body drink protein with pleasure. The benefits and ease of use of protein shakes are undeniable. You can choose an inexpensive protein for yourself based on the goals of intake and the needs of the body

Dietary supplement with magnesium from "Siberian He alth": composition, benefits and applications

Dietary supplement with magnesium from "Siberian He alth": composition, benefits and applications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

One of the most important trace elements for humans is magnesium. It is found in almost every tissue of the body, but most of it is concentrated in the muscles. Magnesium deficiency primarily affects the heart, which is accompanied by severe discomfort and a significant deterioration in the quality of life. In order to compensate for the lack of a vital microelement in the population, the Siberian He alth Corporation produced a biologically active supplement "Elemvital"

Metabolic: Metabolic activator reviews, course of administration, dosage and instructions

Metabolic: Metabolic activator reviews, course of administration, dosage and instructions

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Many people who want to lose weight without training and diets are interested in reviews of Metabolic - a metabolism activator. This drug is a slimming capsule that occupies a leading position in the market for body shaping products. According to the promise of the manufacturer, the drug has a balanced and natural composition that provides a natural mechanism for losing weight and getting rid of extra pounds. This is possible due to the acceleration of metabolism and the suppression of hunger

"Yogoraj Guggul": customer reviews, doctors' opinions, composition and results

"Yogoraj Guggul": customer reviews, doctors' opinions, composition and results

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Means "Yogoraj Guggul" from the pharmaceutical company "Baidyanath" is intended for the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, pain relief in the spine. This drug has been tested by many people, time and numerous scientific tests. Reviews about "Yogoraj Guggul" will be presented in our article

Orthomol Vital F: instructions for use, dosage, reviews

Orthomol Vital F: instructions for use, dosage, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Pharmacological product is not a drug, but is an active biological food supplement, which is used to improve the intellectual and physical condition of a modern woman. How to take vitamins Orthomol Vital F, we will tell below

Proteins: pros, cons, effects on the body and safe dosage

Proteins: pros, cons, effects on the body and safe dosage

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Many women and men want to have a beautiful and inflated body. A good figure and relief muscles rarely come from nature. In order to build strong and large muscles, you need to exercise regularly and go to the gym. However, you should know that in order to improve the result and stimulate the development of muscles, you need to eat well, and in some cases take special sports supplements. Proteins are very popular among athletes

Rating steroids. The best and safest steroids

Rating steroids. The best and safest steroids

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

When physical abilities are running out and the desire to add a few more pumped muscles to the body is high, some novice athletes think about using steroids. But the most important thing in this case is the preservation of he alth, since the negative effects from the use of anabolics are quite serious

Docosahexaenoic acid - what is it? Description of the substance, properties, benefits and harms, content in products

Docosahexaenoic acid - what is it? Description of the substance, properties, benefits and harms, content in products

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid are important compounds found in fatty varieties of cold water fish. Both of these substances are considered extremely beneficial to humans. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), found not only in fish, but also in some types of algae, is commercially available in supplement form. The human body has specialized biological systems that produce endogenous DHA

Fish oil for joints: benefits, dosage and instructions for use

Fish oil for joints: benefits, dosage and instructions for use

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Very often people use fish oil for joints. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of these omega-3 acids, which contribute to the normalization of a variety of functions in the human body. This product prevents the development of age-related ailments, such as osteoporosis and arthrosis. The drug is able to have a strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect on all systems and organs in the body. That is why fish oil is used not only for joints, but also for other purposes

Supplement Facts - what is it? The main pros and cons of using

Supplement Facts - what is it? The main pros and cons of using

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

In this article you will learn a lot of useful information about dietary supplements - what is it, how to use it correctly and in what quantities? And also we will figure out what they can still bring to our body - benefit or harm?

How do vitamins differ from dietary supplements, which is better?

How do vitamins differ from dietary supplements, which is better?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The priority issue in modern society is to improve the quality of life and he alth. The use of various compositions of microelements can provide significant assistance in solving this issue. However, going to the pharmacy again, many are wondering how vitamins differ from dietary supplements. What is the best choice to improve your he alth? In the article, we will consider how dietary supplements differ from vitamins according to expert reviews

"Complivit" for hair and nails: instructions for use, dosage and reviews

"Complivit" for hair and nails: instructions for use, dosage and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

After the transferred infections, and also at decrease in immunity at the person the condition of hair, skin and nails worsens. Sometimes cosmetic problems are seasonal. Most often this is due to a deficiency of nutrients in the body. Special preparations help to fill the lack of nutrients. One of such means is the vitamin-mineral complex "Complivit" for hair and nails. How effective is this remedy? And what is the right way to take it? We will answer these questions in

BCAA Mega Size 1000 caps: how to take, contraindications, reviews

BCAA Mega Size 1000 caps: how to take, contraindications, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Professional athletes and bodybuilders strive to get the most out of their workouts, gaining muscle mass, sculpting, increasing stamina and eliminating excess fat. To do this, they use full-fledged training, eat right and take effective biological supplements. One of the best dietary supplements is BCAA Mega Size 1000 caps, almost every bodybuilder knows how to take the drug

Multivitamin preparation "Alvitil": instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews

Multivitamin preparation "Alvitil": instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

During recovery from infectious and inflammatory diseases, as well as for the prevention of beriberi in the spring, doctors often recommend taking multivitamin preparations. One of the most effective is Alvitil. Instructions for use notes that in it the main components are in a fermented form, which is better absorbed by the body. Therefore, this drug is considered more effective than most similar multivitamin products

Vitamins "Alphabet Energy": reviews, description

Vitamins "Alphabet Energy": reviews, description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Vitamins are necessary for every person for the proper functioning of the body. But not all nutrients can be obtained from food. In order to avoid deficiency, various complexes and additives are created. For example, vitamins Alphabet Energy. There are a lot of reviews for this product

"Werwag Pharma" - vitamins for diabetics: composition, instructions for use, manufacturer

"Werwag Pharma" - vitamins for diabetics: composition, instructions for use, manufacturer

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Vervag Pharma for diabetics is a mineral-multivitamin complex, which is intended for use by patients suffering from diabetes mellitus in order to prevent disorders of the central nervous system, avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis

"Vita-Energy": reviews of the drug, description, composition and photo

"Vita-Energy": reviews of the drug, description, composition and photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The nutrition and lifestyle of the majority of modern citizens leaves much to be desired, for this reason beriberi are now becoming more common. A drug called Vita-Energy will help eliminate the lack of vitamins and other substances necessary for the body. Vitamin reviews will be presented at the end of the article

Food supplement E 536: name, composition, pros and cons of use

Food supplement E 536: name, composition, pros and cons of use

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

In modern production, various additives are increasingly being used, which allow not only to store products for a long time, but to give them an attractive appearance, improve taste and aroma. A complete list of nutritional supplements consists of several hundred names. Most of them are harmful to the human body, and some are very dangerous

Biologically active supplement to increase potency in men "Tiger Laohu": reviews, composition, instructions for use

Biologically active supplement to increase potency in men "Tiger Laohu": reviews, composition, instructions for use

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The prostate is a very important and vulnerable male organ. It is subject to a number of pathologies that arise as a result of an improper lifestyle. Pain and erectile dysfunction are considered the main symptom of prostate pathologies. The pain can have different severity and localization, but most often it is observed in the scrotum, genitals, pubic area

"Barsukor": reviews, composition and instructions for use

"Barsukor": reviews, composition and instructions for use

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Many remedies are used in the treatment of the first signs of a disease of the respiratory system and in the event of a relapse. The article provides complete information about the massage cough balm for children and adults - "Barsukore". Its pharmacological action, composition, indications for use are described, instructions and customer reviews are presented

"Lecithin" from "Art Life": reviews, composition, instructions for use

"Lecithin" from "Art Life": reviews, composition, instructions for use

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

In pharmacies you can buy "Lecithin" from "Art Life". Reviews about this biological additive are only positive. The main active ingredient of the product is lecithin. It is a natural product with many healing effects on the body. Who Should Take This Supplement. What medicinal properties does it have?

Vitamins for anemia: symptoms, overview of drugs, instructions

Vitamins for anemia: symptoms, overview of drugs, instructions

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

During the treatment of anemia, the doctor prescribes medications. The duration of the course of therapy and the dosage are determined strictly by the attending doctor, depending on the stage of the pathology, the individual and physiological characteristics of the patient's body