Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid are important compounds found in fatty varieties of cold water fish. Both of these substances are considered extremely beneficial to humans. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), found not only in fish, but also in some types of algae, is commercially available in supplement form. The human body has specialized biological systems that produce endogenous DHA.
Useful or not?
Eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids are considered essential for humans. They belong to the Omega-3 group. Such compounds are recommended for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, people immersed in depression. DHA is useful if a person has been diagnosed with dementia, heart disease, or high blood pressure. Often such a dietary supplement is takenpatients with psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis. Doctors consider DHA useful for high cholesterol in the circulatory system, with increased activity and weakness of attention, with Raynaud's disease. It is justified to include the acid in question as an additive in the diet for ulcerative colitis and the second type of diabetic disease. Some are convinced that the constant intake of DHA reduces the risk of cancer pathologies, macular degeneration due to age, Alzheimer's disease.

Obviously positive
Studies of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid have shown that both of these substances are needed by the human body. The need for them is inherent in people of all age groups. DHA is important for the formation of the nervous system. Its influence is especially pronounced in the first six months of a child's life. Additionally, experiments have shown that DHA affects many systems of the human body, effectively strengthens blood vessels and the heart. This substance has anti-inflammatory effects. Some are convinced that DHA is a reliable means of preventing diseases caused by the appearance of a focus of inflammation.
Specific tests carried out to investigate the qualities of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid prove that these substances have a multifaceted effect of influence. It is believed that their action is multifaceted. Many are convinced that these substances reduce the risk of heart disease. Such conclusions are based on materials published a decade ago. The scientists studied the grouppeople who received a combination of EPA, DHA. Observations allow us to conclude that the influence of risk factors that provoke heart and vascular diseases is reduced. Taking DHA, as the authors of the study considered, slightly improves arterial pressure. From the conclusions of the experiment, it can be seen that the risk of atherosclerosis was lower in persons who received the acid in question.
In the same year, it was determined that the combined intake of the mentioned acids reduces the risk of death due to heart disease.

Brain activity
EPA and docosahexaenoic acid are good for the human brain. About nine years ago, a popular science publication devoted to Alzheimer's disease published interesting reviews. The data presented in them allow us to reasonably assume the positive effect of DHA on the elderly. Probably, this acid prevents the decline in cognitive functionality due to age. Even before this material, several publications on the results of experimental studies have seen the light. The authors of these studies have found that mild cognitive impairment resolves faster if patients receive the types of acids in question. Separately, it is noted that these compounds do not cure Alzheimer's disease.
Emotional status
Docosahexaenoic acid, a member of the Omega-3 group, has a positive effect on a person's emotional state, psycho-emotional status. Studies on this issue were organized in 2010. Their resultspublished in the popular scientific publication "Biological Psychiatry". From the information that has come to light, it can be concluded that the substance protects a person from depression. The authors of the material collected information about 14 experiments that tested the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the bodies of patients. Analyzing numerical indicators, it was suggested that a decrease in the concentration of the considered acids can cause a decrease in the psycho-emotional status. The information revealed by this comparison suggests the need to include DHA, EPA in the diet of a person suffering from symptoms of depression. Such substances are currently being explored as a potential alternative to current therapies. Many talk about the exceptional prospects associated with these acids.

Curious aspects
Omega-3 EPA and docosahexaenoic acid are elements found in fish oils. Some time ago, they set up experiments that proved that fish oil is an extremely useful remedy for patients suffering from various diseases. In particular, the remedy is good for rheumatoid arthritis. Fish oil (in food, pharmaceutical) can help relieve psoriasis. He is advised to women who, during menstrual bleeding, are disturbed by severe pain. It is believed that natural fish oil improves the condition of asthmatics, reduces the risk of stroke and reduces the risk of developing cancer, primarily localized in the endometrium. True, currentlyspecialized tests have been conducted to prove that DHA has a similar effect to fish oil found in natural fish.
Are there any risks?
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is generally considered perfectly safe. True, this does not mean the absolute absence of undesirable effects. Fish oil is a product that can cause certain unpleasant phenomena. Some suffered from bad breath, others felt sick, and others developed heartburn while eating fish and supplements. Some scientists believe that fish oil lowers the activity of the immune system. At the same time, the body's ability to resist infection is reduced. There are scientific works devoted to the combination of fish oil and medicines. They show that the combination of drugs can adversely affect the human body. In particular, this is characteristic of the combined use of industrial fat and drugs for high blood pressure.
When planning to supplement your daily diet with natural or pharmaceutical fish oil, it is recommended that you first consult a doctor. You should see your doctor if you plan to include DHA as a stand-alone dietary supplement on your menu.

Checks and lack thereof
At present, doctors still do not know about the compound in question, but in general terms, any doctor knows what it is. The benefits of docosahexaenoic acid are considered practically proven, but there have not yet been reliable measures showing it.security. At present, both in our country and in the world, in principle, food additives are an area of the pharmaceutical industry that is less regulated than others. This means that some foods may contain more DHA per weight unit than others. Dietary supplements remain at risk of contamination from auxiliary compounds, including hazardous metals.
No trials have been conducted to prove the safety of DHA for pregnant and breastfeeding women. No such studies have been conducted, from which the compatibility of fish oil with medicinal compounds would follow. There is no information on the possible risks associated with taking a dietary supplement against a background of various diseases.
A lot or a little?
Often, the average person has no idea about the he alth benefits and importance of docosahexaenoic acid. What it is, doctors know best, who can explain to the visitor of the clinic why it is important to take fish oil or nutritional supplements with substances contained in this oil. The doctor will also explain why it is important to observe the optimal dosage. This is calculated based on the person's weight, age. For pregnant, lactating women, fish oil and its elements are prescribed strictly limitedly and only when it is really needed. For women in such "interesting" periods, it is advised to receive at least 0.2 g of DHA per day. For children up to four years of age, up to 0.15 g is recommended; up to six years, you can take 0.2 g. For children up to the age of majority, it is allowed to prescribe a quarter gram per day. For adults, DHA is prescribed at a dose of at least 100 mg, oftenthe volume reaches the gram.

About technical details
If a doctor recommends taking DHA as a dietary supplement, not always his client can immediately figure out what it is. Docosahexaenoic acid is just one of the compounds included in the Omega-3 category. DHA is considered one of the most important substances assigned to this group. It is a structural element important for cell membranes. It maintains them in a stable state, has a positive effect on cellular functionality. Since DHA is so important to humans, reactions occur in the body with its formation, but they are relatively weak, so a very small amount of the substance is produced. For this reason, it is recommended to include a nutritional supplement in your daily diet.
Of course, DHA can be obtained from pharmaceutical products, but there are foods that are fortified with omega-3s. Some doctors believe that it is much more useful to get this substance from food, since acids are better absorbed in this form. The classic food enriched with DHA is vegetable oils derived from flax, mustard. Finding out where docosahexaenoic acid is found, scientists have found it in flaxseeds and chia. Sea gifts are rich in this substance. Fish get their DHA from algae, a key source of acid. Among the most useful varieties of fish are all fatty ones. Mackerel recommended. Salmon, anchovies are good for he alth.
Do I need supplements?
The problem with food is that it contains enough docosahexaenoic acidfew. Getting the amount of this compound that a person needs per day with food is quite difficult. Additional risks are associated with the fact that fish, living in the ocean, absorb not only useful substances, but also harmful, toxic compounds that pollute the environment. Eating large volumes of fish, thereby a person receives such a poison with food, and this can affect he alth - and definitely not for the better. From history, there are many examples of poisoning by sea fish that have accumulated mercury in themselves. No less risk is associated with numerous heavy metals.
To minimize such hazards, preparations containing docosahexaenoic acid should be used. This output is optimal for those who do not like fish. Pharmacies have a wide variety of fish oils. There are also special supplements enriched with DHA, one of the most useful varieties of Omega-3. There are complex preparations that supply the human body with DHA and other compounds from the same class of fatty acids with each capsule.

What do I need?
From the above it is clear that docosahexaenoic acid is a useful substance. But no less important for the body is eicosapentaenoic acid. Some are interested: what exactly should be taken from these two substances, is it worth consuming both of them at the same time? Scientists believe that both elements are important for normal metabolism, they keep a person he althy. Both substances have a positive effect on brain activity, give energy, have a positive effect on memory and ability tohuman to think. In order for the effect to be maximum, a balance of concentration should be observed. These compounds bind to the same receptors, therefore, under certain conditions, they act as competitors. If a person receives a lot of EPA, the content of DHA in cell membranes is reduced.
To maximize human benefits, you need to get the most DHA, and other fatty acids should enter the body in a lower concentration. This is especially important during the period of bearing a child, in the first years of a little man's life.
The doctor, explaining that docosahexaenoic acid is a useful substance for ADHD, will pay attention to the recommendations to take fatty acids to improve blood flow. This has a positive effect on the mental activity of a person, so concentration is not so difficult. ADHD usually develops during childhood and persists into adulthood for many. Studies have shown that the blood of children with ADHD usually contains quite little DHA. Relatively recently, nine experimental works were organized to determine the effect of DHA. Seven of them showed that the behavior of the subjects during the event became better, people were more attentive.
Arranged a 16 week study. 362 minors were attracted to participate in them. Every day, the children received 0.6 g of the substance in question. The impulsivity of behavior decreased by approximately 8%. For the placebo group, this parameter was only 4%.
Organized another test of similar duration,recruited 40 ADHD boys. Every day, children were given 0.65 g of the substance in question, supplementing the course with EPA capsules. Attention problems decreased by about 15%, while the effect was exactly the opposite in the placebo group - problems increased by the same 15%.
About pregnancy
About the benefits and harms of docosahexaenoic acid for women in an "interesting" position, disputes among scientists have not subsided yet. Some believe that no nutritional supplements should be taken at such a time, since it is impossible to predict their effect on the fetus. Others believe that it is extremely important to get adequate amounts of fish oil or other DHA supplements during pregnancy. The harm of docosahexaenoic acid has not been officially proven, but some are convinced that it may well be, just that it has not been found yet.
As follows from the experiments, if a woman receives 0.6-0.8 g of DHA every day, the risk of premature birth of a child is reduced by approximately 40%. Such results were obtained by American scientists. Observations by Australian researchers suggest a 64% reduction in the risk of preterm birth. In the studies, the trials were organized with the allocation of a placebo control group, which allows us to talk about the reliability of the results. At the same time, it was not possible to identify undesirable effects, negative effects on the female or children's body. And yet, pregnant women should not take supplements without the supervision of a doctor. First you need to contact a gynecologist and consult in order to determinehow justified is the use of substances.

For eye he alth
While it is impossible to say for sure that DHA or other fatty acids are really effective against macular degeneration, but many are convinced that regular use of such a product can get rid of retinopathy or at least correct its severity. Omega-3 acids effectively eliminate dry eye syndrome. Not so long ago, studies were organized that confirmed that with constant intake of DHA, people are less likely to experience discomfort due to the use of lenses. For those who get enough acid daily, there is less risk of glaucoma.