Pyridoxine - what is this vitamin and why does the human body need it?

Pyridoxine - what is this vitamin and why does the human body need it?
Pyridoxine - what is this vitamin and why does the human body need it?

Surely you know that each of the vitamins is credited with certain healing properties. For example, vitamin A will save you from night blindness, vitamin C is indispensable for colds, B1 helps with problems with the nervous system, B3 promotes active brain activity, B5 prolongs life, and D helps our body absorb calcium

A B6, pyridoxine? What vitamin is this? What helps? We will answer this question later.

Quick reference

Pyridoxine is what kind of vitamin? AT 6. It is important to distinguish it from the "brother" of pyridoxine - vitamin B12.

Pyridoxine itself is a biological substance with universal properties. Its main role is participation in protein metabolism. In addition, it also helps fat and carbohydrate metabolism in the body. Provides a balance of sodium and potassium in various biological fluids. And this is very important for the nervous system.

In addition, pyridoxine is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells, as well as their most important component - hemoglobin. Of great importance in the selectioncarbohydrates accumulated in the muscles and liver, in the blood. This process is important primarily because the nerve cells are evenly supplied with glucose. Approximately half of all B6 available in the body is involved in this process.

It is important to note that this vitamin is detrimental to exposure to direct sunlight, heat and water. Therefore, when preparing products with its content, it is necessary to abandon heat treatment, cooking in water, broths, brines. This product must be stored in a dark place.

pyridoxine what is this vitamin
pyridoxine what is this vitamin

What is this vitamin?

Pyridoxine is very important for our body. After all, this is the vitamin that promotes better absorption of unsaturated fatty acids. Together with calcium, it also helps the normal functioning of the muscles (including the heart muscle), contributes to its complete relaxation. There are studies confirming that a lack of B6 can lead to inflammation of the middle ear.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) takes part in many chemical reactions taking place in the body. Its role is also important in the metabolism of fats and proteins. The more a person consumes these nutrients, the more they need vitamins B6 and C.

Remember that the end product of digestion is oxalic acid. But it cannot be converted into soluble compounds if transaminase (one of the important enzymes) is blocked. And this happens if there is a deficiency of pyridoxine in the body. In this case, oxalic acid combines with calcium, resulting in the formation of oxalates. These are sand and stones that settle in the kidneys.

Vitamin synthesizes transaminase in the liver. It is important not only for the processing of amino acids, but also, if necessary, for the absorption of proteins. The stronger the stress experienced by a person, the more the so-called biogenic amines, that is, the "charged" protein, are released. Therefore, B6 is so indicated for people in various stressful situations. It helps to "revive" amino acids, calm the nervous system, improve mood.

What helps vitamin pyridoxine? He helps to prevent these negative consequences.

pyridoxine is which vitamin b6 or b12
pyridoxine is which vitamin b6 or b12

Who needs it?

Pyridoxine is what kind of vitamin? This is the name of vitamin B6. First of all, he is assigned to the following persons:

  • Women taking birth control or other estrogen-containing drugs.
  • Pregnant women. Their body produces a large amount of estrogen. In some cases, thousands of times more than the norm for a person. Level the situation and allows Q6.
  • Women in the last two weeks before the menstrual cycle. Then the body produces a little more estrogen.
  • Patients taking steroids, drugs containing cortisone.
  • People who want to return to normal weight, struggling with extra pounds.
  • Teens suffering from acne. But only if it is caused by increased work of the fatty glands and is difficult to treat otherwise.
  • Sick,suffering from diabetes.
  • People with pancreatic disease.
  • Patients suffering from a range of mental disorders.

Indications for pathologies and diseases

Pyridoxine is which vitamin, B6 or B12? The correct answer is the first, B6. It is prescribed for the following pathologies, diseases and conditions of the body:

  • Toxicosis in pregnant women.
  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • Different types of parkinsonism.
  • Chorea.
  • Pathologies of the peripheral nervous system. For example, neuritis, sciatica.
  • Pellagra.
  • Acute and chronic gastritis (vitamin is able to normalize the acid function of the stomach), peptic ulcers of both the stomach and duodenum.
  • Chronic cholecystitis (vitamin is directly involved in the processes of bile secretion).
  • Anemia.
  • Radiation sickness.
  • Dermatitis, shingles, psoriasis, neurodermatitis.
  • Exudative diathesis.
  • Prevention or reduction of a negative side effect of certain drugs.

Note that an acute deficiency of B6 will be observed in alcoholism, which exacerbates alcoholic psychosis. Also, a lack of pyridoxine can occur against the background of anti-tuberculosis therapy, oral contraceptives.

vitamin b6 pyridoxine
vitamin b6 pyridoxine

How is deficiency determined in the body?

Continue talking about pyridoxine. What is this vitamin, we found out. But how to identify its deficiency in the body? It's pretty hardas there are no specific symptoms.

You can mark the following:

  • Severe and sometimes intolerable nighttime muscle pain.
  • Slight trembling in hands.
  • Involuntary twitching of the eyelids.
  • Bad dream.
  • Memory deterioration.

Specific symptoms

In some cases, the following phenomena may also develop:

  • Psychoses.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Depression.
  • Peripheral neuritis.
  • Severe premenstrual syndrome.
  • Anemia (in conditions of full supply of the body with iron).
  • Inflammation of the oral mucosa, tongue.
  • Development of dermatitis.
  • The appearance of a red border on the lips.
  • vitamins pyridoxine from what helps
    vitamins pyridoxine from what helps

Effects of shortages

Now consider the consequences of a deficiency of this vitamin in the body:

  • Violation of protein digestion. Protein deficiency in the body can occur not only against the background of insufficient intake of these substances, but also against the background of a lack of B6, which is necessary for their absorption. At the same time, if you eat protein foods very often, all pyridoxine from the body is sent for its absorption. Therefore, the vitamin is not enough for other parts of the body. Pyridoxine deficiency also causes severe stress. Glucocorticoids produced by the adrenal glands initiate protein metabolism to full speed. In order for it to pass intensively, reserve reserves of B6 are expended, which also leads to vitamin deficiency. Its "disadvantage" is thatpyridoxine does not accumulate in the liver. It is excreted in the urine as early as 8 hours after a meal.
  • Weakening of the body's defenses. This vitamin plays an important role in immunity. Its lack can lead to a decrease in the quality and lack of quantity of antibodies that protect us from all kinds of diseases. In particular, the thyroid gland suffers. Due to the lack of the vitamin, it begins to wrinkle even more than with natural aging. At this stage, increased consumption of pyridoxine with food does not help either.
  • Impaired balance of potassium and sodium in the body. With a lack of a vitamin, the same effect is observed as with an excess of s alts in the body. That is, the appearance of edema on the face, arms, legs. Sometimes the belly grows in size - not at all due to excess body weight.
  • Glucose deficiency. Universal pyridoxine is also involved in the uniform supply of glucose to cells. If it is not enough, then this process is violated. Symptoms of glucose deficiency: chronic nervousness, fatigue, insomnia, depression. This is especially true for pregnant women. They suffer from nervousness, aggression, and may fall into prolonged depression.
  • vitamin b12 pyridoxine
    vitamin b12 pyridoxine

What products contain?

Vitamin B6 normalizes metabolism in our body. Particularly fats and proteins. Its deficiency is fraught with serious consequences, including the deposition of sand and kidney stones.

Now look at the foods that contain it:

  • Yeast.
  • Liver.
  • Bran.
  • Sprouted wheat.
  • Unrefined grain.
  • Potatoes.
  • Bananas.
  • Molasses.
  • Pork.
  • Raw egg yolk.
  • Cabbage.
  • Carrot.
  • Dry beans.

Highest vitamin content

Also rich in this vitamin are nuts: walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts and sunflower seeds. Useful fish dishes, baked chicken.

From cereals, the following stands out: buckwheat, bran, varieties of flour from unrefined grains. If you bake your own bread, remember to replace at least 10% of the flour with bran.

pyridoxine is what vitamin
pyridoxine is what vitamin

How to save vitamin in food?

What is this vitamin? Pyridoxine allows the metabolism in our body to proceed normally, to produce important enzymes. Now you know what products contain it. But it is important to keep the vitamin in them.

So, in frozen vegetables, fruit juices that have passed through freezing or canning, in processed meat dishes, a significant part of pyridoxine is lost. Here are some specific examples:

  • White flour and bread made from it contain only 20% of the amount of B6 found in unrefined grains.
  • If you cooked rice, you deprived the product of 93% of pyridoxine. The same can be said about boiled potatoes.
  • When preserving food, you lose 55-75% of this vital substance.

Thus, bananas can be called the best source of B6, since they can be consumed fresh, without thermalprocessing. Potatoes also stand out, but with a certain preparation: if they are baked in foil, the water is not drained after cooking.

pyridoxine is what vitamin b6
pyridoxine is what vitamin b6

So, what is this vitamin - pyridoxine? Universal, helping to flow vital processes in the body. Its deficiency is fraught with many he alth and well-being problems. Therefore, you need to pay due attention to ensure that your diet has a sufficient number of foods rich in it.
