Proteins: pros, cons, effects on the body and safe dosage

Proteins: pros, cons, effects on the body and safe dosage
Proteins: pros, cons, effects on the body and safe dosage

Many women and men want to have a beautiful and inflated body. A good figure and relief muscles rarely come from nature. In order to build strong and large muscles, you need to exercise regularly and go to the gym. However, you should know that in order to improve the result and stimulate the development of muscles, you need to eat well, and in some cases take special sports supplements. Today, protein powders are especially popular with athletes. They saturate the body with useful substances and contribute to the recruitment of muscle mass. Below we take a closer look at the pros and cons of proteins, as well as safe dosage.

What is this

Protein shake is an extract of natural water-soluble proteins derived from soybeans, whey or egg white. As a rule, suchThe product has a low calorie content and is easily absorbed by the body. In addition to the above powder mixes, there are also casein, meat and multi-nutrient protein supplements.


soy protein
soy protein

The pros and cons of soy protein are a topic of much debate among athletes. Let's start with the negative factors:

  • low biological value;
  • slowing down the absorption of other proteins from food;
  • low speed and absorption rate;
  • phytoestrogens included in the composition can lead to hormonal failure.

Benefits include:

  • low cost;
  • the possibility of consumption by people with intolerance to animal protein, as well as fans of vegetarianism;
  • lecithin, which is part of the composition, inhibits the aging process and renews brain cells.


egg protein
egg protein

The pros and cons of egg protein are also often discussed in the sports environment. After all, the product has a rather high cost, and not all athletes agree with the advisability of such a purchase.


  • contains the necessary balance of amino acids;
  • increases testosterone and hemoglobin levels;
  • the composition contains a minimum amount of fat and a large amount of nutrients;
  • quickly and almost completely absorbed;
  • egg albumin is high in leucine.


  • allergic reactions;
  • GI disorder;
  • flatulence;
  • necessary to calculate the dosage correctly, as there is a danger of overloading the kidneys and liver.

Multi-Protein Supplements

protein cocktail
protein cocktail

Before describing the pros and cons of a multicomponent protein, it should be clarified what it is. A complex protein is a mixture of different types of proteins that differ in the duration of assimilation (fast or long-term). The composition of such an additive may include several of the above protein powders at once: whey, casein, egg, etc.

The pluses, as a rule, include the fact that he:

  • supports muscles and reduces catabolic processes for a long time;
  • suitable for gaining muscle mass;
  • you can drink both before and after training, and at night;
  • contains several types of protein at once, satisfying the various needs of the body.

Cons include:

  • Whey protein is most effective when taken alone. When mixed with other types of powder, such as casein, it loses its anabolic qualities.
  • Manufacturers often add a lot of soy protein to the composition, which is cheaper than other types of protein. So they reduce the cost of the product. This affects the effectiveness and quality of the supplement.

Pros and cons of protein for girls

pros and cons of protein
pros and cons of protein

Most often, the fair sex uses protein in order to lose weight. The point is that the body spendsmore energy for protein breakdown than for the processing of fats and carbohydrates. In addition, protein shakes reduce feelings of hunger, which allows you to maintain the desired calorie intake.

Not everyone knows that protein is the main material in the process of hematopoiesis. This is especially true for women during their menstrual cycle. Protein foods help renew red blood cells and red blood cells.

These were positives. The downside of proteins and excessive protein intake for the fairer sex is a violation of metabolic processes - calcium is delayed, and sodium is excessively washed out. In addition, concentrated protein can negatively affect hormonal levels, as it can increase the amount of estrogen in the body.

That is why girls are not recommended to get too carried away with protein supplements, but get the right amount of protein from plant foods.

Pros and cons of protein for guys

the benefits of protein in sports
the benefits of protein in sports

If you follow all the recommendations for the use of a sports supplement, protein powder does not pose any danger to men. The information that protein leads to impotence and baldness has not been confirmed.

Specialists do not recommend the use of soy mixtures for men. Phytoestrogens, which are part of soy-based products, are similar in action to female sex hormones. Excessive use of these substances can lead to male feminization.

Positive effect on the body

If we talk about the general pluses anddisadvantages of protein, the advantages include the following factors:

  • Fast and good absorption.
  • Accelerated growth of muscle mass and getting rid of excess fat.
  • Plenty of vitamins and minerals.
  • The ability to quickly restore muscle tissue.
  • Presence in the composition of glutathione (an antioxidant that fights cancer and other dangerous diseases).

Negative effect on the body

Besides the pluses of protein, the minuses and negative factors are also enough. Most often they are associated with excess dosage or allergic reactions. Negative consequences include:

  • excess protein in the diet puts strain on the liver and kidneys;
  • may cause diarrhea, bloating and flatulence;
  • Eating disorders may occur in some cases;
  • disturbances in the endocrine system;
  • appearance of various rashes on the body.


Protein shakes should be abandoned if a person has the following pathologies:

  • Individual intolerance to the components included in the composition.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Disturbances in the work of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Bladder problems.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Predisposition to liver disease.

Safe dosage

safe protein dosage
safe protein dosage

A person involved in sports needs to receive 1.5-2 grams dailyprotein per kilogram of body weight. This will be quite enough for the muscles to grow and the strength indicators to increase.

When using protein supplements, remember that they should make up less than half of the total daily diet. Most often, protein powder is drunk in the morning, before or after training and in the evening. Experts do not recommend using protein more than three times a day.


In general, it can be said that protein powders are the safest form of sports nutrition. A feature of the application is the balanced and correct use of these supplements, which must necessarily be combined with constant physical activity.

The negative effects of protein on the body are most often found in the abuse of sports nutrition, when the athlete begins to significantly increase the dosage.
