Supplement Facts - what is it? The main pros and cons of using

Supplement Facts - what is it? The main pros and cons of using
Supplement Facts - what is it? The main pros and cons of using

Not all the necessary substances the human body can synthesize on its own. Some of them must come with food in the form of special components. It is extremely important to take seriously how a person eats and understand what is included in certain products.

Supplement Facts – what is it?

The modern rhythm of life has led to the fact that the main part of the diet of people was convenience foods and fast food. Some try to correct the situation a little by taking a variety of dietary supplements or Supplement Facts. What is it and what effect do they have on the body? These are special dietary supplements, which contain only natural ingredients, designed to enrich the daily diet with nutrients.

Supplement facts instructions
Supplement facts instructions

By origin, the components of dietary supplements are divided into the following categories: vegetable, animal, mineral, biotechnological, enzymatic origin, as well as sea products and beekeeping.

From the origin story

Information about the beneficial properties of various substances of naturehave been preserved since ancient times, when the inhabitants of ancient India, China made complex recipes with substances of different origin.

The first additive was synthesized by the American Rehnborg after a trip to China. In its composition were found: parsley, alfalfa and water pepper. In the 50s, pharmacological scientists developed the first dietary supplement, but the results of effective and at the same time safe use of supplements were obtained much later, thirty years later.

Classification of dietary supplements

Supplement facts what is it
Supplement facts what is it

According to various classifications, several main groups are distinguished:

1. Nutraceuticals - used to adjust the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and amino acids in food. The main thing is to use them carefully so that their amount does not exceed the daily requirement by more than 6 times.

2. Parapharmaceuticals - used as medicines to maintain the normal state of various organs and systems (especially the immune system).

3. Eubiotics (not always isolated) - the appointment coincides with the appointment of nutraceuticals, these dietary supplements include microorganisms and their metabolites. Used for preventive purposes.

Supplement Facts - instructions for use

In order for the effect of supplements to be effective, it is important to follow a number of rules:

  1. Dietary supplements should be consumed during the main meal or immediately after it.
  2. It is important to take them in small amounts so that the body can absorb them.
  3. During the period of supplementation, it is important to drink plenty of fluids, at leasttwo or three liters.
  4. Besides, it is necessary to read the dosage in the instructions for each specific drug before use.

You should be especially careful about the use of dietary supplements for pregnant women and children, familiarize yourself with the contraindications for use. It will also not be superfluous to consult a doctor beforehand.
