How do vitamins differ from dietary supplements, which is better?

How do vitamins differ from dietary supplements, which is better?
How do vitamins differ from dietary supplements, which is better?

Currently, we see a large number of advertisements for dietary supplements, while vitamins begin to fade into the background. The priority issue in modern society is to improve the quality of life and he alth. The use of various compositions of microelements can provide significant assistance in solving this issue. However, going to the pharmacy again, many are wondering how vitamins differ from dietary supplements. What is the best choice to improve your he alth? In the article, we will look at the difference between dietary supplements and vitamins according to experts.

vitamins and dietary supplements
vitamins and dietary supplements

Determination of vitamins

Vitamins are pharmaceuticals of natural or synthetic origin, which are intended to compensate for the lack of nutrients in the human body. They are recommended in cases where, for example, in the human body for someFor this reason, the required amount of organic acids, antioxidants, and mineral elements is not supplied.

All vitamin preparations according to their composition are usually divided into the following categories:

  • monovitamins that are based on a single vitamin;
  • multivitamins that include several substances;
  • vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • mineral preparations that contain only minerals;
  • Omega fatty acids;
  • amino acids.
difference between dietary supplements and drugs and their characteristics
difference between dietary supplements and drugs and their characteristics

Determination of dietary supplements

Dietary supplements are additional sources of trace elements and natural vitamins, animal and vegetable nutrients. All of them are used to improve the diet. Dietary supplements are also divided into several categories, which include:

  • nutraceuticals intended for the general strengthening of the human body;
  • prebiotics designed to normalize the intestinal microflora;
  • parapharmaceuticals used to improve conditions in case of chronic diseases.

Both dietary supplements and vitamins in pharmacies are sold in various dosage forms: capsule, tablet, powder. In addition, for children, these products can be purchased in the form of chewable lozenges or syrup. Both those and other complexes are sold freely without a prescription.

How are vitamins different from dietary supplements?

Many people don't know the differencedrugs. But how are vitamins different from dietary supplements? Let's take a closer look at the differences. Vitamin products:

  1. They are sold as preventive complexes, as well as as one-component medications for the treatment of pathologies that are associated with a deficiency in the body of a particular substance.
  2. The composition contains active substances in a certain dosage.
  3. Vitamins contain both synthetic and natural ingredients.
  4. Have a pronounced therapeutic effect on the body.
  5. Clinically tested initially on animals and then on patients who voluntarily agreed to this procedure.
  6. Vitamins are licensed, have a special quality certificate.
  7. These drugs are categorized according to their purpose, such as for children, pregnant women, to strengthen bones, improve skin and hair.
  8. Vitamins have detailed instructions where you can get acquainted with the pharmacological actions, methods of application, dosage, course of administration, as well as other important data.
  9. They can be freely purchased at a pharmacy, as well as in any online store.
vitamin complexes
vitamin complexes

So, we continue to consider how vitamins differ from dietary supplements. As for the latter, their main differences are as follows:

  1. These drugs are not drugs.
  2. Do not have a clear composition that would be justified by pharmaceutical action.
  3. The composition contains a large number of substances of various origins.
  4. Dietary supplements fail clinical trials.
  5. There is no clear dosage, but these drugs are taken in a long course.
  6. Used not for medicinal purposes, but to enrich the diet.
  7. They have only a certificate that confirms that there are no toxic and harmful substances in the composition.
  8. Dietary supplements do not have detailed instructions, which makes it difficult to understand exactly what pharmaceutical action the components have, as well as how they can affect the human body.
  9. In most cases, these drugs are sold through online stores and network offices, and you can rarely find them in pharmacies.

Why take vitamins?

So, we have found out where the differences between dietary supplements and vitamins are. But why should you take them?

Minerals and vitamins are substances that are not synthesized in the human body, are constantly replenished by the method of eating. These substances are able to ensure the normal course of any process in the human body, and their deficiency is the cause of the development of various pathologies.

biologically active additives
biologically active additives

Currently, the food we eat can hardly be called rich in microelements and vitamins. Many store-bought products are stuffed with preservatives, dyes, trans fats, and synthetic sugars, but they have few useful substances. That is why modern people replenish their body with pharmacy vitamins andminerals.

Why take dietary supplements?

As vitamin complexes, dietary supplements contain beneficial compounds that strengthen the body. In most cases, in such supplements there are only natural components, which is why the body is not overloaded with synthetic substances. Biologically active additives can have a positive effect on the human body. Drugs are used to strengthen the immune system in general, but there are also those that address specific he alth problems. With the help of dietary supplements, a person can get rid of some diseases, improve their working capacity, restore their emotional and mental state, normalize the structures of the nail plates and hair, restore an attractive appearance to the skin.

Dietary supplements and drugs - what's the difference?

At first glance, it may seem that it is rather difficult to distinguish medicines from auxiliary ones. Manufacturers of active supplements want to give their product a look that is similar to pharmacy drugs. Produced forms, packaging, instructions are practically indistinguishable from drugs for a simple buyer. But there is still a difference.

vitamins for the body
vitamins for the body

First of all, on packages with additives you will not find the Latin name, as well as the active substance. In addition, the box must contain an inscription stating that the dietary supplement is not a drug. Sometimes in the same place you can find a note that the biologically active additive is usedwith food. However, this is where the visual differences completely end. Be sure to consider the difference between dietary supplements and medicines, their characteristics during the purchase of a particular product. So you can choose the most suitable remedy for yourself.

Why are dietary supplements better?

So, we continue to consider the features of dietary supplements, as well as vitamin complexes. But what is better - dietary supplements or vitamins? The main difference between these drugs is the speed of their action on the body. Vitamins give the fastest and most pronounced effect, but at the same time they have some contraindications, a small number of side effects. Substances that are part of vitamin complexes can accumulate in human tissues and are removed from the body for a long time. And in case of long-term accumulation, they will give a toxic effect.

The advantages of biologically active additives are that they are absolutely natural remedies, therefore they do not have any contraindications, and also have no adverse reactions. If a synthetic drug adversely affects human systems and organs, then natural supplements can be used without any fear. The popularity of dietary supplements today is huge, since pharmacists in the production of drugs focus on the natural origin of the components.

Thus, if you are wondering, for example, how vitamins for vision differ from dietary supplements, then their main difference will lie precisely in the naturalness of the substances that make up the composition.

nutritional supplements
nutritional supplements

The best dietary supplements and vitamins

Those people who have never used vitamins and dietary supplements probably do not know which ones are the best. Below is a list of the very best of them. Do not confuse these drugs at the time of their acquisition. Vitamins are not dietary supplements! List of the best dietary supplements:

  1. Hematogen.
  2. Propolis.
  3. Fish oil.
  4. Stevia.
  5. Ginkgo biloba.
  6. Agar-agar.
  7. L-carnitine.
  8. Essential oils and plant extracts.
  9. Valerian.
  10. Chlorophyllipt.
  11. Herbal teas.
  12. Blueberry-based preparations.
  13. "Turboslim".

As for vitamin complexes, the best are the following:

  1. "Multi-tabs".
  2. "Alphabet".
  3. "Complivit".
  4. "Revalid".
  5. "Pantovigar".
  6. Centrum.
  7. "David".
  8. "Pentovit".
  9. "Neurobion".
  10. "Calcium D3 Nycomed".
  11. "Thiogamma".
  12. "Asparkam".
  13. "Vikasol".
difference between dietary supplements and vitamins
difference between dietary supplements and vitamins

Price difference

Another difference between vitamin complexes and dietary supplements is their cost. As a rule, the former are much cheaper. But it is worth considering that the manufacturer affects the cost. Some foreign drugs are quite expensive. When buying vitamins andBiologically active additives should not be guided by the price. When choosing, you should pay attention to the purpose of use and the condition of your body.
