The best vitamins for immunity for children from the year

The best vitamins for immunity for children from the year
The best vitamins for immunity for children from the year

Vitamins are substances without which he alth and the full existence of the body are impossible. They are involved in many biological processes. Not all vitamins are produced in the body, most of them must be supplied daily from the outside with food. This is especially important during the growth and development of the child. From about the age of 2-3 years, vitamins from food may not be enough. This is due to the inferiority of many foods and the selectivity in food in some babies. Therefore, modern children often lack substances that are responsible for the functioning of many organs and systems and for maintaining the body's defenses. To protect a child from illness and stress, doctors often recommend giving children vitamins for immunity from the age of one. Many multivitamin preparations are now produced. Before offering them to a child, you need to understand their features.

Why do we need vitamins for immunity for children from one year old

Immunity is a protective mechanism that protects the body from disease andinfections. Such protection is formed in a child even in the womb, his body accumulates a supply of vitamins, and immunoglobulins are produced. Therefore, in the first year of life, the child is usually protected by strong immunity, especially if the mother is breastfeeding. But after a year, a decrease in immune protection and a lack of essential vitamins are increasingly observed. This is especially noticeable at 2-3 years old, when the scope of communication of the baby expands, many children begin to attend preschool institutions. Parents notice that the child begins to get sick more, quickly gets tired. Often, doctors find in such babies a lack of essential vitamins. This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the child often gets sick and takes infections especially hard;
  • he is lethargic, gets tired quickly;
  • lagging behind in physical and mental development;
  • frequent allergic reactions occur;
  • child does not eat well, refuses some foods;
  • he is irritable, doesn't sleep well;
  • he has a digestive disorder.

It is recommended to take vitamins if the child has recently had a viral or inflammatory disease, is exposed to increased physical, mental or mental stress. Often such drugs are prescribed to all children during influenza epidemics and in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions.

Many parents don't understand the importance of vitamin supplementation for immunity for children aged 2+. It seems to them that the child gets everything he needs from food. But in fact modernfood products cannot provide the growing body with important trace elements. In addition, due to the abundance of stress and the sedentary lifestyle of most children, their bodies do not produce those vitamins that should be synthesized. Hypovitaminosis can also be observed with chronic endocrine diseases, taking certain medications, lack of a daily routine, living in an ecologically disadvantaged area.

When do you need vitamins?
When do you need vitamins?

How to give your child vitamins

The fact that a child has a lack of vitamins or a decrease in immunity, parents can understand for themselves by his condition and behavior. But it is not recommended to start giving vitamins for immunity to children from 2 years old on their own, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is also important to consider possible contraindications and side effects of the selected drug. You can not take such funds with individual intolerance, some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Those drugs that have a sweet taste are contraindicated in diabetes mellitus. You should also not take multiple vitamin complexes, as this can lead to an overdose.

Many of the vitamin preparations can cause side effects. Therefore, in the first days of taking these funds, it is not advisable to give the child any new products, you need to carefully monitor his condition. If the baby has itching, a rash on the skin, reddened cheeks, it is better to stop taking these vitamins.

It is best for children from one year old to give vitamins that strengthen immunitycourses. It is recommended to do this in spring and autumn, when the immune system is especially vulnerable and the risk of contracting viral diseases increases. You can not drink vitamins for a long time, this can lead to an overdose. Usually a course is prescribed from 2 to 4 weeks, then you definitely need to take a break of 2-3 months. In addition to taking vitamin preparations, you need to strengthen the child's immunity in other ways: proper nutrition, hardening, exercise.

All vitamin preparations are taken strictly according to the instructions. An overdose must not be allowed, so care must be taken that the child does not eat attractive chewable tablets or drink delicious syrup himself. Usually, all forms of vitamins are taken once a day, preferably in the morning during breakfast.

how to give vitamins to a child
how to give vitamins to a child

What should be included in them

Usually a doctor prescribes vitamin preparations for children. But parents also need to know what composition should be in the funds that they give to the child. Vitamins are fat-soluble and water-soluble. The first are vitamins D, E, A and K can accumulate in the body. Their deficiency is rarely observed, because the funds containing them can be taken only under strict indications. Usually, immunity is reduced due to a lack of water-soluble vitamins. It is they who must be in the composition of such preparations. It is advisable to give the child products that contain all the necessary vitamins.

  • Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is the most important vitamin for immunity. It is he who helpsthe body to resist colds and viral diseases. Its additional intake is also necessary for pale skin, slow wound healing, bleeding gums.
  • Vitamin A is mainly needed to improve the vision of the baby and improve the he alth of his skin. But its importance is great for increasing the protective forces of the respiratory system. It also helps to resist viral diseases.
  • Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is important for the regulation of protein metabolism. Its deficiency may be indicated by the child's bad mood, loss of appetite, fatigue.
  • B2, or riboflavin, is necessary to maintain normal hemoglobin levels, as it is involved in the production of red blood cells. Its additional intake is required if the child has ulcers on the mucous membrane, cracks in the corners of the mouth.
  • B6, or pyridoxine, takes an important part in the functioning of the nervous system. In addition, it is needed to produce antibodies that help fight infection.
  • Pantothenic acid is essential for normal metabolic processes.
  • Vitamin E has anti-inflammatory properties and helps the body fight infection by protecting immune cells from destruction.
  • Vitamin PP normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Some minerals are also important for immunity. This is primarily zinc, which is involved in regeneration processes and enhances defenses, as well as iron, which is necessary for the production of hemoglobin. We need magnesium, calcium, selenium, iodine. In addition, many modern vitamins for immunity for children 5 years and older may contain other useful components. Most often, these are plant extracts: rose hips, spirulina algae, blueberries. Such preparations may also contain lactose, oligosaccharides to normalize the intestinal microflora, omega-3 fatty acids to improve the functioning of the nervous system, and other useful components.

choice of vitamins
choice of vitamins

What are vitamins for children

If parents are convinced that it is important to give vitamins for immunity to children from the age of one, the main problem for them is to choose the right drug. Now in pharmacies there are many multivitamin products for children of any age. All of them have a different composition and dosage of the main components. Therefore, different drugs may have their own contraindications and side effects. It should also be borne in mind that children rarely have a lack of all vitamins, usually only some of them need additional intake. And an overdose can be just as dangerous to he alth as beriberi. Therefore, the first rule that parents should remember is that it is possible to give vitamins for immunity to children from 1 year old only as directed by a doctor.

There are different drugs in composition, form of release, price category. Parents need to take this into account. When choosing vitamins for immunity for children from a year old, you need to pay attention to well-known brands that have proven themselves well. Usually they contain natural, safe for he alth components and are carefully verified in composition and dosage. This is the Alphabet"Complivit", "Supradin", "Pikovit", "Multi Tabs" and many other drugs of foreign or domestic manufacturers. The last thing to pay attention to the price, not necessarily the most expensive drugs will be better.

The form of release of vitamins can be different. Adults are more familiar with such drugs in tablets or capsules. But most often, vitamins for immunity for a child of 1.5 years are produced in other forms. These can be drops or syrup, which are easier to take and dose for babies. Recently, a thick gel with different fruit flavors has also been produced. Such drugs are also taken with pleasure by children of any age. Immunity vitamins for children 6 years of age and older are available in the form of lozenges or chewable tablets. Especially loved by kids are marmalade figurines, for example, the drug "VitaMishki". You can also buy such drugs in soluble effervescent tablets for making a drink.

But most of the differences in vitamins for immunity for children from 3 years old are in their composition. There are monocomponent preparations, which contain one vitamin, for example, ascorbic acid or vitamin D. But multicomponent agents, or multivitamins, are more popular. Usually they contain 2-10 different vitamins. In addition, they may also contain essential minerals. But many modern multivitamins also contain dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers. This is done so that children take them with great pleasure. But such substances often cause allergic reactions, which is necessaryconsider when purchasing.

variety of vitamins
variety of vitamins

Best drugs

Now on the market of vitamin products there are many different companies that produce vitamins. Some of them have been popular for many years, others have only recently appeared on the market. Preference should be given to those that have proven themselves to be positive reviews from consumers and pediatricians. Such firms usually produce drugs in accordance with the age of the child, since the dosage of vitamins depends on this. Often they also differ in purpose, for example, vitamins for immunity or for vision are sold. This should also be taken into account when buying, as they have a different composition.

Parents also need to know that children under one year old do not need vitamins for immunity, since the child received protective forces from his mother. Sometimes at this age it is recommended to take drugs for the prevention of rickets containing vitamin D: Vigantol or Aquadetrim. But for children from 3 years old, vitamins for immunity are already needed. Parents should pay attention to such drugs:

  • "Multi Tabs".
  • Pikovit.
  • "Alphabet".
  • Vitrum.
  • "Supradin".
  • Complivit.
  • VitaMishki.
  • SanaSol.


This is one of the best vitamins for immunity. Children from 4 years of age are prescribed them very often. They are available in different forms - in tablets, lozenges for resorption or syrup, and are intended for different age groups up to 14 years. Contain 9 vitamins most necessary for normal growth anddevelopment of the child and maintenance of his immunity. The disadvantages include the lack of minerals, which are also important. But the complex is still popular due to its good tolerance and low price - a pack of tablets for a monthly course costs about 160 rubles.

The advantage of Pikovit is that these vitamins are suitable for immunity for children 10 years old, 4 years old or 14 years old, you just need to give them in different dosages. This is very convenient if there are several children in the family. In addition, you can pay attention to other forms of release of these vitamins: Pikovit Plus, Pikovit Complex, Pikovit Prebiotic, Pikovit D and Pikovit Forte. But the choice of the drug should be discussed with the doctor.

vytaminy pikovit
vytaminy pikovit

Multi Tabs

Medication "Multi Tabs Immuno Kids" is a drug designed specifically to strengthen children's immunity. This is a complex remedy containing, in addition to vitamins and minerals, probiotics and lactobacilli. Therefore, the drug, in addition to increasing the body's defenses, helps to normalize the digestive system, and also provides the body with all the necessary nutrients. The vitamins included in its composition help to resist colds, strengthen the body's defenses, thereby helping it resist infections. The advantages of the drug include the absence of sugar, dyes and flavors in its composition. This is one of the best vitamins for immunity in children from 7 years old.

If you need to strengthen the defenses of a child from 1 to 4 years old, you can pay attention to the drug"Multi Tabs Kid". It is available in raspberry-strawberry flavored chewable tablets. Contains 11 vitamins and 7 minerals. You need to take the drug only 1 tablet per day. In addition to the most essential vitamins, it contains zinc, iodine, iron, calcium, selenium and magnesium. This complex is effective for the normal development of the child and strengthening his defenses. If the child cannot chew the tablet, it can be crushed and added to water or food. And for children with allergies, a special handicap of "Multi Tabs" - "Sensitive" tablets is produced. They do not contain dyes, flavors or sweeteners.

vitamins multi tabs
vitamins multi tabs


This brand produces drugs for all age groups. For example, "Alfavit Kindergarten" - these are vitamins for immunity for children from 3 years to 7. The drug is relatively expensive - it costs about 250 rubles per package, which is enough for 10 days, so 3 such packages are needed for the course. But its benefits include the fact that 11 vitamins and 8 minerals are distributed into 3 tablets of different colors, which must be taken three times a day. This ensures better absorption of all trace elements and the absence of allergic reactions. Therefore, the effectiveness of the drug is higher than that of analogues.

Proper intake of the drug helps to normalize the processes of digestion, because it also includes prebiotics. "Alphabet" is able to strengthen the immune system and increase the activity of the child. The drug is recommended for use during periods of increased need for vitamins and minerals, with intensive growth, poor nutrition. Due to the balanced composition and good tolerability, these vitamins are very popular with parents.

A variation of this mineral complex is the drug "Alphabet Our Baby", produced in the form of a soluble powder. It makes a delicious drink. The drug is intended for children from 1.5 to 3 years. It provides the growing body with all the necessary trace elements and strengthens the immune system. Its advantages include ease of use and the absence of harmful components in the composition. In addition, the Alfavit Shkolnik drug is on sale - vitamins for immunity for children 8 years old and older, Alphabet Teenager - for adolescents 14-18 years old. There is also a special complex "In the season of colds", specially designed to protect the child's body from viral infections.

vitamins alphabet
vitamins alphabet


If parents are looking for good vitamins to boost the immunity of a child 4 years of age and older, you can pay attention to the drug "Supradin Kids". It is available in tablets, chewable lozenges, or sweet gel. Its cost for the course of admission will be about 400 rubles. The drug takes into account all the needs of a growing organism in vitamins and minerals. But, in addition to these trace elements, it contains lecithin, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as calcium, which is very important for the proper formation of the musculoskeletal system.

"Supradin" in the form of a gel can be given to children from 3 years old, adding it to food or drinks. It's perfect for kids whocapricious in the choice of food and do not like to be treated. If you need vitamins for immunity for children 12 years and older, you should choose chewable lozenges - Supradin Kids Junior. They contain choline and omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the child's nervous system. Therefore, this form of release of the drug will improve mental activity and increase academic performance. It is not recommended to take vitamins "Supradin" in the presence of allergic reactions, as well as children with diabetes. An overdose may cause indigestion.

supradin vitamins
supradin vitamins


This is a very popular multivitamin for different age groups. The drug "Vitrum Baby" is considered the best among vitamins for immunity for children under 5 years old. It contains 13 vitamins and 11 minerals necessary to maintain the defenses, normal growth and development of the child. The drug was developed specifically for children aged 2 to 5 years and takes into account all their needs. This tool is produced in the form of animal figures with a pleasant, attractive taste for children. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that the child does not eat them more than necessary. After all, one tablet contains a daily dose of some vitamins, an overdose of which threatens with various he alth problems. The drug costs about 450 rubles, but is still popular, as it effectively strengthens the child's immunity and protects him from colds.

If parents choose vitamins for immunity for children 6 years and older, you can purchase Vitrum Kids. It contains 12 vitamins and 10minerals. The drug is produced in the form of chewable tablets and provides the growing body with all the necessary trace elements. Designed for children from 6 to 12 years old after colds and to prevent them.

vitamins vitrum
vitamins vitrum


This is a complex vitamin preparation with a rich balanced composition. I will really like these vitamins for raising the immunity of a child at 4 years old. After all, they are produced in the form of marmalade figures of bears with a pleasant fruity taste. There are four varieties of it: strawberry, cherry, orange and lemon, which are based on natural juices. The drug has a complex effect on the entire body, normalizes the functioning of internal organs and increases resistance to infections.

In addition to the necessary vitamins, "VitaMishki" contain extracts of currant leaves, strawberry pilaf, mountain ash, grapes, sea buckthorn. The preparation contains carotenoids, folic acid, choline, many minerals. It even contains essential nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, with a decrease in immunity in children, this drug will provide the child's body with everything necessary. It has an immunostimulating, tonic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is especially recommended for children who often get colds.

vitamins vitamins
vitamins vitamins

Vitamins for immunity: reviews

"The child is 3 years old, and he often gets sick" - such words can be said by every mother of a baby. But those who have tried to give the child vitamins note that the conditionkids improved. Many write that after the course of treatment, the baby began to get sick less, cheered up. Especially a lot of such reviews about the vitamins "Supradin", "Pikovit" and "Multi Tabs". Parents like them for the convenience of the prim and the low price. And most children are delighted with the drug "VitaMishki". They like the pleasant taste of these gummies, and they eat them with pleasure. This is also noted by many parents in the reviews, since some vitamins are difficult to get the baby to drink. And of the shortcomings of such drugs, reviews note only the rare occurrence of allergic reactions. But this can be avoided if you choose the right drug.
