"Omega-3" ("Oriflame") for children: reviews, recommendations, composition, instructions for use and dosage

"Omega-3" ("Oriflame") for children: reviews, recommendations, composition, instructions for use and dosage
"Omega-3" ("Oriflame") for children: reviews, recommendations, composition, instructions for use and dosage

From the stories of the older generation, many have heard about how children were once forced to drink fish oil with a terrible unpleasant taste. Later, special fish days were introduced in the USSR to provide a full-fledged diet for the population, capsules with fish oil and various nutritional supplements with a neutral taste were released. Over time, the need for additional intake of nutrients did not disappear, but many stopped drinking vitamins and especially fish oil, as well as giving them to children. The benefits of fatty acids and the best product with their content will be discussed further.

Lack of important nutrients

No matter how balanced the diet is, today it is impossible to get all the necessary nutrients from food alone. As for fatty acids, fish should be consumed three times a week, and only fresh, as the amount of fatty acids in frozen foods is halved.

Wellness Omega-3 "Oriflame" for children reviews
Wellness Omega-3 "Oriflame" for children reviews

Does everyone follow these rules? ByAccording to statistics, 80% of the population today suffers from a deficiency of important micronutrients, and most of them are children, for whom nutrients are vital for full growth and development. By its nature, the human brain consists of 50% of fats, and its performance depends on their quality. For children, this is most important, since their body is just being formed, and the human body cannot synthesize fatty acids on its own.

Omega-3 Benefits for Babies

The world-famous Swedish company "Oriflame" "Omega-3" for children produces in liquid form with a pleasant taste. To date, this product is considered the highest quality and most purchased, as evidenced by numerous reviews from doctors around the world. Fatty acids increase the elasticity of brain cells, which leads to their full work. The elasticity of blood vessels increases, vision improves, dry skin is eliminated and bone tissue is strengthened. The Omega-3 complex for children from Oriflame, the instruction recommends giving to kids from the age of three. Pediatricians strongly recommend the use of fatty acids. They help to get rid of frequent diathesis, unstarted allergic reactions and other skin diseases at an earlier age.

Omega-3 "Oriflame" for children reviews of doctors
Omega-3 "Oriflame" for children reviews of doctors

"Omega-3" improves immunity, concentration, memory and has an anti-inflammatory effect. With regular use of fatty acids, the risk of respiratory diseases, including asthma, is significantly reduced.

The benefits of fish oil are invaluable, itmust be consumed by all pregnant women for the full development of the fetus and babies at school and preschool age.

Product description

Positive feedback from doctors "Omega-3" for children from "Oriflame" collects due to production in compliance with all international quality standards. In the countries of the Customs Union, the product received the necessary declarations of conformity and a certificate of state registration. The additive is produced only in Sweden in a pharmaceutical company by order of Oriflame. The product must undergo a five-stage purification, which ensures that only useful substances from fat enter the body. By the way, it is extracted exclusively from the flesh of the fish, and not from its liver, which gives even more guarantees of quality, because the liver collects a large concentration of toxins.

According to reviews, "Omega-3" for children "Oriflame" produces a pleasant taste, thanks to the addition of lemon oil. It is the lemon that completely covers the unpleasant taste and smell, leaving only a light fishy aroma.

The liquid form of the product is essential in order to make it easier for babies to take. For adults, the company produces a similar product, but in the form of capsules with a higher dosage.

Image "Wellness Oriflame" Omega-3 for children reviews
Image "Wellness Oriflame" Omega-3 for children reviews

In principle, if a child is already able to swallow the capsule on his own and not choke, then you can transfer him to this form of supplement, but the responsibility lies only with the parents.

Product composition

Buy any nutritional supplement from the manufactureronly available under a separate Wellness catalogue. Reviews "Omega-3" for children from "Oriflame" is extremely positive not only from consumers, but also from specialists, thanks to a balanced composition.

Children's daily intake of fish oil is 5 ml. This amount of product contains:

  • 1, 1g monounsaturated fatty acids;
  • 1.2g saturated fat;
  • 5.5g Vitamin E;
  • 2.3g polyunsaturated fats.

Among the latter, Omega-3 should be singled out directly - 1.4 g, docosahexaenoic Omega-3 fatty acid - 0.5 g, and eicosapentaenoic Omega-3 fatty acid - 0.7 g.

Omega-3 for children "Oriflame"
Omega-3 for children "Oriflame"

Product contains lemon oil, vitamin E, antioxidant and 99% pure fish oil. Omega-3 from Oriflame for children is positioned as a natural and safe product, and its composition fully confirms this.

You can only store an opened bottle in the refrigerator for three months.

Admission recommendations

Drink fish oil in the morning. Many babies who have already tried fish oil from other manufacturers refuse to take it because of the unpleasant taste and smell. Reviews of Omega-3 for children from Wellness (Oriflame) are completely opposite.

Omega-3 for children "Oriflame" instructions
Omega-3 for children "Oriflame" instructions

Thanks to lemon oil, the supplement has a pleasant aroma and a slight taste of fish, which does not cause any disgust in most. If the child still does not want to take fish oil,you should explain to him that this is necessary for his he alth and that he grows up the most beautiful and intelligent. For special picks, you can add the product to porridge, yogurt or first courses. You can grease a piece of bread with fat and lightly sprinkle with s alt, as our grandmothers did. It is also better to seize the supplement with he althy products, for example, chewable vitamins. For toddlers, the whole process should be turned into a game, limited only by the imagination of the parents.

Positive Feedback

Despite the fact that the instructions only recommend taking the supplement from the age of three, many experts advise it to children with some problems much earlier. By the way, in European countries, fish oil is recommended to absolutely all babies from 6 months. Therefore, reviews of "Omega-3" for children from "Oriflame" can also be found from mothers of babies. They claim that the product helped to quickly get rid of allergic reactions that even antihistamines could not cope with.

Omega-3 "Oriflame" for children reviews
Omega-3 "Oriflame" for children reviews

In addition, many parents claim that the consumption of fish oil from Oriflame helped to significantly strengthen the immune system and get rid of protracted and frequent colds and respiratory diseases.

In infants, taking the supplement regularly improves teething, which is also confirmed by numerous reviews.

Negative side

Among the negative opinions, many complain only about the cost of "Omega-3" from "Oriflame" for children. Reviews on this occasion are few, but still available, although the price is fully justified by the quality. In addition, the company offers to subscribe to supplements and after buying three products, get the fourth one for free. Thus, the cost of the baby's he alth will be only 20 rubles a day, and this is already quite a bit.
