BF brand glue (butyralphenol) was released for bonding all kinds of materials. Since 1946, this agent has been used for bonding stainless steel plates, non-ferrous metal objects, as well as for repairing and bonding metal objects with non-metals. The glue is a transparent viscous thick liquid of various shades from brown to yellow. The advantages of the glue include the fact that it is not subject to decay and corrosion, to a lesser extent, but still resistant to acetone, alcohol and alkaline environments.

There are several types of "BF" glue. "BF-2" and "BF-4" are used mainly for fixing earthenware, porcelain, glass and various metals. Means "BF-6" is used for gluing flexible materials, fabrics, and is also used in medical practice. Types of glue "BF" have different concentrations of the chemical component of polyvinyl butyral. Means "BF-2" contains 2%, "BF-4" - 4% and "BF-6", respectively, 6% of this substance
Glue"BF" medical in its composition differs from others in that it is an alcohol solution, complete with softeners and plasticizers. Medical glue is widely used when gluing various tissues together, as well as tissues with other materials (cardboard, paper). In the manufacture of parachutes, parachute sectors are fastened with this tool. It is also indispensable in the repair of carpets, clothing, car seat covers, curtains, curtains and other flexible items.

Due to its alcohol base, medical glue is used as an antiseptic. Its use in surgical practice contributes to the rapid healing of wounds.
Applied to the wound surface, this drug creates a thin protective film under which the death of pathogens occurs and which is a reliable barrier that prevents their re-penetration into the wound.
A protective film on the surface of the wound is formed within two to three minutes after applying the adhesive and can last for several days.
At the same time, the medical adhesive forms an adhesive film that does not hinder the movement of the fabric, does not violate its elasticity and does not interfere with flexibility.

If "BF-6" means are used, medical dressings are carried out after 2-3 days and consist in a new application of glue to the wound surface. In the event that the protective film is damaged, it is enough to use the medical adhesive create a new elastic layer, and the wound is again under the antiseptic protective film.
BF-6 glue is widely used by dentists. Root canals coated with a medical preparation are isolated from the contact effect of decaying tissues.
The only and main contraindication to the use of "BF-6" in medicine can be the individual hypersensitivity of the patient's body. In addition, experts warn against the use of adhesive dressings in the treatment of children under the age of one year.
Glue can be used in veterinary practice, in cosmetic surgery, and in the treatment of minor injuries.