People who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract often wonder which antacid is better - Almagel or Maalox. Each medicine has certain features, depending on which one should opt for one or another medicine.
Both drugs are antacids that affect the production of gastric juice. In addition, according to their medicinal properties, they are considered gastroprotectors. But they are somewhat different from each other in terms of indications and have a different number of active ingredients.

The structure of this drug includes two active substances - aluminum and magnesium hydroxides. The main pharmacological property of "Almagel" is the elimination of the irritating effect of hydrochloric acid on the gastric mucosa. With the help of which acidity is reduced, which withoutneutralization leads to heartburn and later to gastric ulcers, as well as reflux esophagitis and other severe lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
The drug is usually considered a gastroprotector, as it has an enveloping effect and creates a protective barrier on the surface of the mucous membrane. With the help of which carbon dioxide ceases to be produced in the stomach, which stops the occurrence of increased gas formation.
"Almagel" is produced in the form of a suspension in bottles of 170 milliliters in Bulgaria. This drug has several types with the inclusion of other substances that have an additional effect.
The structure of this medication also includes magnesium hydroxide and aluminum algeldrate. The drug is an effective antacid and has a gastroprotective effect. It protects the human body from toxins during intoxication and restores digestive functions.
The drug is produced in France in the form of a suspension and chewable tablets. The drug in liquid form is packaged in disposable sachets of 15 milliliters or 250 ml bottles. Tablets are produced in blisters, 20 and 40 pieces per pack.
What is the difference between "Almagel" and "Maalox"? Read on.

Common characteristics of these medicines:
- They can regulate stomach acidity.
- Have a wrapping effect.
- Improvedigestive processes.
- Eliminate dyspeptic reactions in the intestines.
- Act as gastrocytoprotectors.
The main differences between the tools are as follows:
- With the same composition, the content of substances differs.
- "Almagel" due to the high concentration of aluminum can reduce intestinal motility, which can lead to intestinal obstruction.
- "Almagel" is used according to the annotation to eliminate pathological processes in the stomach and intestines, and "Maalox" is not used for these purposes.
- It has been established that the effects of "Maalox" come on faster and last longer.

Indications for use
The main indications for the use of these drugs are:
- Stomach ulcer (a defect in the lining of the stomach caused by hydrochloric acid).
- Ulcerative lesion of the duodenum.
- Hyperacid gastritis (damage to the gastric mucosa caused and accompanied by increased production of hydrochloric acid).
- Gastroduodenitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the duodenum and the pyloric zone of the stomach).
- Esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus, which is accompanied by damage to its mucous membrane).
- Pancreatitis (damage to the pancreas).
- Esophagus lesions, including hiatal hernia.
- Neutralization of the irritating effect of hydrochloric acidacids on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs.
- Discomfort and pain in the abdomen when not following the diet, after taking alcohol, as well as fatty, spicy and s alty foods.
Which is better - "Almagel" or "Maalox"? According to patient reviews, it is known that both drugs have similar actions, they effectively cope with the source that provokes stomach diseases.

How to take medicine?
To use "Almagel", you need to use a measuring spoon. A single dose should not exceed two tablespoons. The effect of the drug begins 5-7 minutes after oral administration and lasts 1-2 hours.
"Maalox" in sachets before use, knead and warm in hands. No more than 6 packets or 90 milliliters of suspension should be taken per day.
The number of tablets should not exceed 12 pieces per day. With occasional use, the optimal dosage for an adult patient is 2 tablets. The medication starts working in a few minutes and lasts 2-3 hours.
Side effects
Negative reactions that may appear when using "Almagel":
- Allergy.
- Nausea.
- Gastric colic (a symptom that can appear with various diseases and is cramping pain in the abdomen associated with intense contraction of the intestinal wall).
- Spasms.
- Change in color of feces.
- Osteoporosis(a disease in which bone density deteriorates, making it brittle and prone to fracture).
Side effects when taking "Maalox":
- Dyspeptic phenomena in the intestines.
- Quincke's edema (reaction to the influence of various biological or chemical factors, in most cases has an allergic origin).
- Osteomalacia (a systemic lesion characterized by insufficient bone mineralization).
- Excessive accumulation of aluminum and magnesium s alts in the body.
- Hypercalciuria (high calcium in urine).

You can not use "Maalox" for violations in the functioning of the kidneys. "Almagel" is not taken for acute and chronic kidney damage.
Besides, both medicines are not used in the following cases:
- Children's age. "Maalox" is only allowed to be used from the age of 15, and "Almagel" can be used from the age of 10.
- High blood sugar.
- Glucose intolerance.
"Almagel" should be used carefully by people who are prone to constipation, as well as chronic diarrhea and hemorrhoids.

Which is better - "Almagel" or "Maalox"
Since both drugs have the same pharmacological actions, doctors believe that there are no special differencesthere is no difference between them, the difference is negligible.
Therefore, they can be used successfully as antacids and gastroprotectors, given the contraindications to taking. With an "interesting position" it is better for a woman not to use any of these drugs, since there is no reliable information regarding their use during this period of life.
Which is better - "Almagel", "Maalox" or "Gaviscon"? It all depends on the presence of restrictions on the use, as well as the purpose of therapy. The first drug in most cases is prescribed for exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice. "Maalox" is recommended for use in both acute and chronic forms.
With a tendency to intestinal obstruction and stool disorders, it is best to opt for "Maalox", since in the treatment of them the possibility of constipation and obstruction is less. Otherwise, both drugs are the same. The cost of "Almagel" - from 180 to 400 rubles, and the second drug - from 150 to 900 rubles.

Which is better - "Almagel", "Maalox" or "Phosphalugel"? A drug that lowers the acidity of gastric juice, has enveloping and adsorbing properties. In the process of using the drug, you must follow all the recommendations that its annotation contains.
The drug is characterized by normal compatibility with other drugs. It is necessary to observe a time interval of at least two hours betweenthe use of "Phosphalugel" and drugs of other groups. The drug as a whole is no different from the antacids described above, it has the same pharmacological actions.
Which is better - "Maalox" or "Almagel"? It is difficult to answer this question, since they have a similar effect. This largely depends on the characteristics of the organism and the severity of the disease. Reviews about the use of these drugs are also very different, but, as a rule, indicate their positive effect.