In pursuit of youth, the fair sex is ready to use various means. Many women believe that facial ointments purchased at a pharmacy are able to more effectively fight wrinkles, remove age spots and take good care of their skin. However, professional cosmetologists strongly advise not to use purely medical preparations without recommendation and reasonable necessity. Not everyone listens to this advice, because human rumor can convince anyone, arguing that such drugs help get rid of skin imperfections. The article will consider the most popular medical ointments, list their advantages, and most importantly, indications for use. It is also important to study the reviews of cosmetologists and real users.

Should we trust women's forums?
On various forums you can often find the revelations of ladies whoclaim that a face ointment accidentally purchased at a pharmacy, which is also inexpensive, turned out to be the real secret to youthful skin. Many trust such responses and seek to use the same tools. However, such statements cannot always be trusted. But it is better to consider in detail the advantages and disadvantages of medicinal preparations sold in a pharmacy in order not only to improve the condition of the skin, but also not to harm it. Next, consider the opinion of the majority of users about the most popular ointments and give the arguments of experts about the possibility of their use in cosmetology.
Analogue of Botox - hydrocortisone ointment
Practically all women want to find an effective, affordable and preferably inexpensive facial anti-wrinkle ointment. On the forums, there are often opinions that hydrocortisone ointment, which is sold only in a pharmacy, is a budget analogue of the well-known Botox. It is believed that the ointment is especially effective in eliminating wrinkles on the forehead, removing crow's feet and actively combating the frown line.
In the reviews of patients, there is often an opinion that the use of the drug in courses helps to maintain smoothness and elasticity of the skin. For therapeutic use, the product must be applied to the face in the morning and evening, while in the morning it is advisable to use the ointment 30-60 minutes before using decorative cosmetics.
Ointment for facial skin quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and is able to retain moisture. As a result, the skin is stretched and wrinkles become less noticeable. Among the shortcomings is the lackeffect immediately after discontinuation of the drug.

What do the experts say?
Despite many positive reviews of use, hydrocortisone ointment is not intended to remove wrinkles. Use without a doctor's prescription can significantly affect he alth. Specialists thoroughly know that hydrocortisone, which is part of the ointment, is a hormonal substance. Therefore, its frequent and constant use can provoke metabolic disorders and obesity. Medical indications for the use of this ointment are: psoriasis, eczema and allergic rashes.
Heparin ointment
Heparin ointment for the face against wrinkles is widely used. Despite the fact that the active ingredient heparin is designed to remove bruises and relieve swelling, many women use the drug to improve skin condition. The therapeutic effect of the ointment has been proven in painful conditions with bruises and injuries. The tool quickly and effectively eliminates bags under the eyes and saturates the epidermis with oxygen.
Among the advantages of the ointment are:
- natural composition;
- hypoallergenic;
- possible to use during pregnancy.
The fair sex believes that due to its anti-edematous properties, the use of heparin ointment for the face against wrinkles is justified. At the same time, to achieve the result, it is advised to apply it twice a day. It is allowed to add a small amount of the drug to the usual cream,used daily.
Cosmetologist Tips
Facial ointment reviews of cosmetologists are not so unambiguous. Experts know that the main purpose of heparin is to relieve swelling and remove bruises. The drug is prescribed to alleviate the condition with bruises and injuries. Its effectiveness has been proven in eliminating bags under the eyes and the need to saturate the skin with oxygen. Cosmetologists confirm that the ointment has a natural composition and does not cause allergies.
However, it is a purely medicinal product, so you can use it only when prescribed by a doctor. Indeed, the drug is able to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of bruises and helps to remove bruises. At the same time, it has a pronounced analgesic effect, but does not contribute to the elimination of wrinkles.
This facial ointment, expert reviews confirm this, with frequent use can cause skin redness and dryness. But heparin can be used to treat older patients with aging skin. The drug effectively copes with the effect of spider veins and is able to get rid of acne, including in the décolleté area.
Ointment must be used under the supervision of a beautician. It is known that with frequent use, signs of an overdose are possible, when existing problems on the skin only get worse. It is allowed to use heparin ointment in facial cosmetology instead of the usual cosmetic cream for medical reasons in the presence of rosacea, but only after consulting a cosmetologist.

Retinoic ointment
The active ingredient of the drug is isotretinoin. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is often used as an ointment for acne on the face. Reviews show that the cream does an excellent job with both ordinary skin rashes and purulent acne. Retinoic ointment is able to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, improve the condition of the skin.
The composition includes vitamin A, which is involved in the process of cell regeneration and collagen production, which helps smooth wrinkles. To use the cream, you must first thoroughly cleanse your face and only then apply the ointment, gently massaging the skin with your fingertips.

Reviews on the action of the ointment of specialists
Retinoic facial ointment does contain high amounts of retinol. The substance is involved in important body processes and is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of skin cells. Therefore, the composition of many creams includes a synthetic analogue of vitamin A, called retinoid. The component is used in all cosmetic products intended for the specific treatment of skin diseases:
- pimple rash;
- acne;
- psoriasis.
Retinoic ointment can eliminate peeling, get rid of dryness and acne. However, despite the declared properties, it is impossible to reduce the number of wrinkles with its help. It is worth paying tribute to the ointment, because against the background of its use, the skin becomes softer andvelvety. Vitamin A, which is part of the composition, contributes to this, which stimulates the production of its own collagen in the skin.

Zinc ointment
Sometimes it is recommended to use zinc ointment for the face from wrinkles. Reviews of some women on special forums show that the drug has unique beneficial properties and is suitable for problematic facial skin. The tool effectively eliminates the effects of dermatitis, acne and acne. In addition, zinc is a natural sunscreen that can protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation in the summer.
Zinc ointment is often recommended for small scratches, bedsores, herpes simplex, and burns. Many have noticed that the use of ointment helps to eliminate fine wrinkles, for this they apply a cream on the face. It is recommended to carry out the procedure immediately before going outside. Zinc dries out the skin, so you can use moisturizers together.
Beautician's answer
A variety of ointments are used in facial cosmetology. Reviews of zinc cream show that the drug really has an anti-inflammatory, wound healing and drying effect. The ointment is intended for people with oily skin with acne wounds, the so-called post-acne effect. But cosmetologists categorically prohibit the use of this tool for a different type of skin. This is due to the fact that zinc greatly dries the skin, and the ointment can only be used on problematic areas.plots.
Indeed, the active ingredient is able to protect from ultraviolet radiation, but it is highly undesirable to use zinc ointment for these purposes. Cosmetologists recommend the use of more gentle preparations designed specifically for these purposes.

Relief Cream
Many women seek to find an effective ointment for facial blemishes. On the forums, you can often find the opinion that the specific Relief ointment, which is designed to alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids, has proven itself well in eliminating skin imperfections. Many claim that the drug has proved to be an effective remedy for wrinkles and clearing dark spots of the skin.
Efficiency is based on shark oil, which has a regenerating effect on skin cells and promotes tissue tightening. It is known that this tool is used by some celebrities. As a result, you can achieve the elimination of bruises and bags under the eyes as a result of lack of sleep, a long flight, malnutrition or changing climatic zones.
Ointment for the face against wrinkles should be used in the morning and evening courses, the duration of which is no more than three months. You can even find reviews of doctors in which they claim that the ointment intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids does an excellent job with fine wrinkles on the face.
Contribute to the popularity of the ointment and numerous reviews of women who talk about the effectiveness of the drug in removing age spots and eliminating bruises under the eyes.
Conclusion of experts
All facial ointments must contain specially designed ingredients. Means "Relief" is designed to constrict blood vessels and is prescribed in the treatment of varicose veins, hemorrhoids. Proctologists are well aware that hemorrhagic nodes are also the consequences of varicose veins, therefore, in both cases, the appointment of an ointment based on shark oil is justified.
On the face and décolleté area, the appearance of rosacea or a thin network of blood vessels that appear when the skin withers is also possible. These phenomena are also symptoms of varicose veins. "Relief" is able to affect such a disease and eliminate the consequences on the skin of the face. If you use this ointment, you can achieve a good effect. The face looks more attractive, but wrinkles are not smoothed out.
Radevit ointment
The drug is designed specifically to eliminate dermatological pathologies. It contains useful ingredients: vitamins A, D, E. This ointment, unlike other similar ones, has a completely natural composition and can significantly improve skin structure, change complexion, making it fresher, and most importantly, smooth out wrinkles.
It is recommended to apply the cream in the morning and in the evening, lightly massaging the skin. If you study the instructions, it becomes clear that the course of application should not exceed one and a half months. If this rule is neglected, then an overdose of vitamins E and A is possible. As a result, the natural protective reaction of the skin is disrupted and, as a result, others join the existing problems.
There are reviews in which women also indicate unpleasant consequences after usethis ointment. It has an occlusive effect that stops the skin from breathing.

Conclusions of doctors
Specialists confirm that the drug "Radevit", sold in a pharmacy, really contains all the substances and vitamins necessary for the skin. The composition of the ointment contains: mineral components, vitamins A, E, D. Also declared are useful components, such as glycerin, petroleum jelly and water.
"Radevit" is a dermatological agent with antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect. The scope of the cream is:
- seborrheic dermatitis;
- dermatosis;
- psoriasis;
- prevention of skin aging;
- normalization of regeneration processes.
Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that can prevent skin aging. As a result, the appearance of the first wrinkles can be delayed for a long time. However, an overdose of this vitamin can cause redness and irritation of the skin. Also, do not use the ointment in the eye area, which will lead to tearing and swelling.
Cosmetologists warn that it is forbidden to use Radevit during the daytime due to the fact that it does not contain filters from harmful ultraviolet radiation, which provokes the appearance of age spots.
Analogue of "Radevit"
In pharmacies you can find an analogue of the Radevit Active agent discussed above. In this case, vitamin D3 is used instead of D. As a result, skin aging is prevented, the cream helps the skin remainresilient and elastic. Cosmetologists confirm that the wrinkles that a woman already has on her face cannot be eliminated with an ointment. However, if you use Radevit Active, you can influence the aging process and prevent the appearance of new skin problems for a long time.
Resume of professional cosmetologists
Any pharmacy ointment is designed to solve cosmetic problems:
- pimple removal;
- vascular network;
- red and age spots.
Such preparations do not have the effect of eliminating wrinkles and rejuvenating the skin, hardware cosmetology does an excellent job with this. All existing creams can only have a preventive effect, but medical cosmetics significantly prolong the youthfulness of the skin.
All medical facial ointments sold in pharmacies are designed to solve specific problems. It is not allowed to use them for cosmetic purposes without serious indications and a special doctor's prescription. Do not trust the reviews of women who claim that therapeutic ointments can be used as a familiar cream to moisturize the skin, nourish it, get rid of wrinkles and other imperfections. For these purposes, it is necessary to purchase cosmetics. Medical ointments should be prescribed by a dermatologist or cosmetologist based on an examination of the patient's skin and the presence of relevant problems. Ointments are used only on problem areas of the skin and for a short period of time.