Vaccination is one way to stimulate the human immune system. Vaccinations are mandatory, which are given to almost all children with a few exceptions, and there are those that are prescribed only for certain indications. Before making an unscheduled vaccination of a child, information about it should be carefully studied, consult a doctor and read reviews. "Prevenar" is just that vaccine, with indications and contraindications for which you need to be careful.
Form and composition
Prevenar vaccine is not produced in Russia, but is imported from abroad (USA, Europe). Supplied in 0.5 ml syringes ready for injection. Includes pneumococcal compounds (polysaccharide + CRM197), including polysaccharides of serotypes: 4 (2mcg), 6B (4mcg), 9V (2mcg), 14 (2mcg), 18C (2mcg), 19F (2mcg), 23F (2 µg) and diphtheria carrier protein CRM197 (20 µg).
Auxiliary components in the composition of the suspension are: aluminum phosphate, sodium chloride,purified distilled water.
Prevenar, which has a variety of reviews, fully meets all the necessary WHO standards for the production and control of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. Intended for the prevention of diseases caused by pneumococcal infections.
The cost of the vaccine ranges from 3500-4000 rubles.
Prevenar suspension contains seven, thirteen or twenty-three pneumococcal strains. Their number depends on the type of vaccine. The serotypes are pneumococcal polysaccharides derived from different groups of gram-positive Streptococcus bacteria, each of which is aligned with the diphtheria carrier protein CRM197 and adsorbed on aluminum phosphate.

Vaccination with Prevenar, reviews of which are quite contradictory, starts the production of antibodies against the polysaccharides of Streptococcus pneumoniae strains 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, 23F. This process stimulates the body's immune system. Antibodies are produced that can resist pneumococcal infections.
The effect of the drug on immunity

Children of infants, starting from two months of life, are vaccinated according to a certain scheme. This order of injection is needed to create a permanent immune response of the body, which manifests itself after the first, second and subsequent vaccinations. It has been scientifically proven that the amount of antibodies is significantlyincreases after the first vaccination. In total, after a certain time period, three doses of the Prevenar 13 vaccine are administered, reviews of which say that it can significantly strengthen the child's immunity and create antibodies to all strains after the first procedure.
The formation of antibodies to vaccine serotypes is also observed after a single intramuscular injection in children of the age group from two to five years. Here, the immune response of the body was the same as in children under two years of age.
Before the launch of the Prevenar 13 vaccine, reviews of which make us think about the advisability of its introduction, a mass clinical trial was conducted in the field of stimulating the body's immune system. The study involved about 18 thousand children aged 2-15 months. The results proved the effectiveness of this suspension in the fight against diseases of the pneumococcal group by 97%. At the same time, the percentage in American children was 85%, in European children it ranged from 65 to 80%.
The effectiveness of the prevention of bacterial pneumonia caused by the serotype of Streptococcus pneumoniae has reached the level of 87.5%, which was confirmed by numerous reviews.
"Prevenar" showed its result (54%) in patients aged 2 - 15 months. She was treated here for moderate to acute otitis media due to pneumococcal serotypes.
In vaccinated children, the immune response to strains not included in the composition was 33% higher. But, despite this, the number of diseases caused by serotypes in injection decreased by34%. Thus, the number of patients with otitis media decreased by 6-18%, with recurrent acute cases by 9-23%. And the need for tympanostomy in vaccinated children has decreased by 24-39%.
Indications and contraindications for vaccination
The Prevenar 13 vaccine, reviews of which recommend strongly studying all the information, is indicated for use as a prophylactic drug to prevent diseases provoked by Streptococcus pneumoniae strains 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F and 23F (here includes sepsis, pneumonia, bacteremia, meningitis and otitis of varying degrees) in children of the age group from two months to five years.
Vaccination contraindications are various diseases. These are infectious and non-infectious diseases: influenza, SARS, colds, tonsillitis and the like. Do not vaccinate during an exacerbation of chronic ailments. Do not administer Prevenar to children who are hypersensitive to the drug and its excipients, as well as to diphtheria toxoid.
In these and other cases, vaccination is carried out only after the complete recovery of the child or at the stage of remission of the disease.
Prevenar vaccine: instructions for use

The vaccine is for intramuscular injection only in the anterolateral thigh of children under two years of age, or alternatively in the deltoid muscle of the upper arm in children over two years of age.
Never, under any circumstances, the drug is administered intravenously!
Vaccination should be carried out according to a certain scheme. So, babies aged2-6 months, three vaccines of 0.5 ml are administered. The interval between them must be at least a month. The first vaccine according to the plan is administered at two months, and the fourth (revaccination) - in the second year of a child's life, optimally at 12-15 months.
If the child was not vaccinated in the first six months of life, then the Prevenar vaccine, reviews of which are different, is introduced into the body according to the following schemes. In children 7-11 months old, two doses of the drug are administered with a volume 0.5 ml each. The interval between injections should be at least a month;
At the age of 12 to 23 months, the child is vaccinated in two doses, the volume of one dose is 0.5 ml. The interval between vaccinations should be at least 60 days. For children in the age group 2-5 years, the drug is administered once in an amount of 0.5 ml.
Additional vaccination, except for the proposed schemes, is not provided.
The vaccine "Prevenar", reviews of doctors about which are mostly positive, is a homogeneous suspension of white color. The appearance of a cloudy white precipitate is quite acceptable. Shake the vaccine immediately before use until a uniform color is obtained. Before vaccination, carefully inspect the contents of the syringe for the presence of foreign particles. If they are present or the suspension has a color other than white, then the drug should not be used.
Side effects
Prevenar 13 was studied in perfectly he althy children aged six weeks to eighteen months. The vaccine was administered on the same day as other childhood vaccinations recommended by the Ministry of He alth. Of the side effectsobserved: soreness and induration of the vaccination site, fever.

In the process of revaccination, there was a rapidly passing discomfort at the vaccination site in 36.5% of cases, up to temporary numbness of the limbs - 18.5%. In children over the age of two years, a greater intensity of local reactions was recorded than in patients under 1.5 years old, but they were very short-lived. Infants (up to 28 weeks) with a history of immature lung organs are at risk for sleep apnea.
Children who received Prevenar 13 at the same time as DTP had a higher rate of post-vaccination reactions and complications. Thus, body temperature exceeding 38 ° C was observed in 41.2%, above 39 ° C - in 3.3%, compared with 1.2% - this is a children's group that received only one DTP vaccine.
Similar phenomena have been observed when Prevenar suspension was combined with hexavalent vaccinations commonly used in pediatric practice, usually with vaccines against:
- whooping cough;
- tetanus;
- Haemophilus influenzae type B;
- hepatitis B;
- diphtheria;
- polio.
During clinical trials, the following side effects have been identified. This is, first of all, redness with a diameter of more than 2.4 cm, swelling, soreness, induration in the area of injection. This reaction of the body in some cases led to a temporary limitation of the work of the lower extremities. In rare cases, the injection site has become itchy, dermatitis orurticaria.
Frequently observed elevated body temperature up to 38°C and above, as well as irritability, drowsiness, lethargy, poor and interrupted sleep, excessive tearfulness. Cases of hyperthermia above 39°C have been recorded. Sometimes arterial hypotension, hypergia, allergic reactions of the body, including anaphylactic shock, edema of varying complexity, pulmonary spasm, shortness of breath, convulsions occurred.
Gastrointestinal symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, lack of or decreased appetite. The appearance of erythema multiforme or lymphadenopathy is not excluded.
Special instructions for the use of the drug
Only children under five are vaccinated with Prevenar. The instruction says that the vaccine is administered to adults. Also, its effect on the development of the fetus during pregnancy was not revealed. The effect of the drug on the baby through breast milk has not been sufficiently studied.
This vaccine is recommended to be administered only to a he althy child, it should not be used during acute respiratory and other diseases. Especially if there is an increase in body temperature. In this case, you should wait for the child to fully recover.

To be ready to provide the necessary assistance in the event of an anaphylactic shock, the doctor should observe the patient's reaction within 30 minutes after the administration of the drug.
To avoid the risk of apnea, the patient should be observed for about 48-72 hours, especially for primary vaccination in children under 28 weeks of age.
Vaccine"Prevenar" (doctors' reviews about it say that it has a good effect on the baby's immunity), should be administered strictly according to the scheme, so you should not postpone the procedure.
The drug provides protection only against strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae that are part of the suspension, but not from others, including invasive diseases.
As a result of vaccination, the incidence of pneumonia decreased compared to unvaccinated children in the first year by 32.2%, and during the first two years - by 23.4%.
Antipyretic drugs are advised to be taken by children vaccinated with the vaccine in combination with pertussis injections to prevent the development of febrile reactions. They are also prescribed for children prone to convulsive reactions.
Prevenar is made in a syringe ready for the vaccination procedure. Its contents should not be poured into other dishes or combined independently with other medicines.
Overdose and drug interactions
Previously, cases of overdose of the vaccine, non-compliance with the vaccination schedule and violation of the timing of immunization were known. These factors can cause undesirable consequences. In order to avoid them, it is advised to vaccinate according to the instructions. This is exactly what the reviews say.
"Prevenar" is administered on the same day as other necessary vaccines, with the exception of the BCG vaccination. The drug can be combined with a prophylactic vaccine against Hib infection and with the Infanrix vaccine. In this case, vaccinations should be done in different parts of the body.
The drug is dispensed strictly by prescription. It must be stored indry, cool and out of the reach of children, at a temperature of 2° to 8°C. It is not frozen. The vaccine has a three-year shelf life.
Which is better: Prevenar or Pneumo 23
Most often, pediatricians prescribe the vaccine "Prevenar 13", "Prevenar" or "Pneumo 23". Reviews are mixed. The first vaccine contains thirteen serotypes, the second contains seven, and the third contains twenty-three. Experts say that if you started immunizing with one vaccine, for example, Prevenar, then you need to complete the course with it. Although it is allowed to replace the 7-valent vaccine with Prevenar 13
You can also vaccinate adults over 50 years of age or those already vaccinated with pneumococcal vaccine. In these cases, the drug "Prevenar" is administered once.

Instructions, reviews and WHO recommend vaccination with this remedy for all children under two years of age. The vaccine helps develop immunity to diseases caused by pneumococcus: bronchitis, otitis media, pneumonia, meningitis.
The causative agents of these diseases can be other infections, but it is the pneumococcal group that can cause irreparable damage to a child's he alth, including provoking his death. If choosing between Prevenar 7 and Prevenar 13 vaccines, it is more often advised to choose the latter, since it contains more strains. It is prescribed for children from 6 months to two years. The vaccine has a long exposure period.
"Prevenar 23", unlike "Prevenar", is prescribed only according to indications for the age group over two years old. These drugs are differentimpact. If a baby is vaccinated with Prevenar, then after two years it is possible to vaccinate with Prevenar 23. The latter drug is administered to weak and often ill children strictly according to the doctor's prescription. The indisputable advantage is a large number of strains - 23. The vaccine is more affordable.
"Pneumo-23" does not create immunity for a long time, and therefore, every 3-5 years it is necessary to revaccinate.
Immunization with a vaccine: reviews
Prevenar has generated a lot of controversy. The promises of doctors to improve the he alth of the child and the prosperous experience of many mothers whose children stopped getting sick after this vaccination makes many pay attention to it. But not everything is as smooth as it seems at first glance. After vaccination, many children both got sick and continued to get sick. In some cases, the vaccine provoked high fever, bronchitis, runny nose and other diseases that had a long recovery period. The effect was as if they had not been immunized. Parents of vaccinated children also complain about the induration, redness that the vaccine leaves behind at the injection site. Many children had difficulty walking after its introduction.

There are many people who have been vaccinated to boost their immune system and get rid of a number of diseases. And some have come to the conclusion that it should be done only according to indications, that is, weak and often ill children, as well as those leading an active lifestyle.
The opinions of doctors about the introduction of the Prevenar vaccine to children were divided. Aloneadvised to get vaccinated. Indicate an increase in immunity. Others talk about strains 1 and 5, which themselves are capable of provoking pneumococcal disease. Also, this vaccine is banned in many countries.
From the foregoing, we can conclude that the Prevenar vaccine is by no means a panacea for all ills, but, properly done, it can significantly increase the child's immunity.