Joint pain can be aching, throbbing, or sharp. It causes the patient a lot of inconvenience and discomfort, limits his ability to work and has a negative effect on mood. To get rid of this symptom, people use injections for joint pain. The names of the most common and effective drugs will be presented in this article.
What medicines can I take for discomfort? What is the best way to administer the solution - drip, intravenously or intramuscularly? Are injections for pain in the joints prescribed with pronounced sensations or at the very beginning of the disease? These questions are of interest to everyone who at least once in their life has encountered unpleasant sensations in the connective tissues of bones.
However, before finding out which strong painkillers are prescribed for joint pain, let's define what this symptom is and what diseases it can signal.
Human Physiology
To learn howrelieve joint pain with injections, let's figure out what a joint is and where it is located. This information is very important, as it will help to determine the localization of discomfort, which, in turn, will help to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.
As you know, the bones of the skeleton are connected by joints, thanks to which they not only articulate, but also perform various kinds of movements (flexion, rotation, pronation, and so on). Each joint consists of a cavity, epiphyses of bones, cartilage and a capsule. All these elements are covered with a synovial membrane, as well as an articular bag.
Joints are located in the knees, elbows, shoulders, and so on, and are divided into uniaxial (including cylindrical, helical, block-shaped), biaxial (ellipsoidal, saddle-shaped, condylar) and multi-axial (spherical, flat, cup-shaped). The joints serve not only for movement, but also for additional cushioning, as well as mitigating unwanted effects on the bones.
What injections are given for joint pain? It all depends not only on the degree of discomfort, but also on the ailment that manifests itself in such an unpleasant symptom.
Diseases and their conditions
Discomfort in the joints may indicate the development of such serious diseases as arthritis, bursitis, gout, synovitis, osteoarthritis, tendinitis, malignant or benign neoplasms. Also, this symptom can be the result of various injuries or the occurrence of pathologies associated with hematogenous, neurological or infectious problems of the body. What injectionsprescribed for joint pain? Much depends on the cause of the symptom.
Why you feel uncomfortable
There can be many reasons for the manifestation of discomfort. And they are not always dangerous. Very often, women experience pain in the joints in the process of bearing a child, since during pregnancy there is a huge load on the skeletal system of the expectant mother. Also, unpleasant discomfort can occur due to cold temperatures, overweight, poor nutrition, unfavorable environment, excessive exercise, constant passivity, stress and overwork. To stop experiencing untidy sensations, it is necessary to eliminate provoking factors. For example, in the cold season, wear warm clothes or normalize your weight, follow a balanced diet and sufficient physical activity, move from a polluted area, and so on.

Very often provokes pain in the joints wearing heels, as well as the fact that a person most of the time is in the same position. Most often this is associated with professional activities. The risk zone for diseases of the skeletal system includes representatives of such professions as cashiers, salespeople, hairdressers, drivers, office workers.
However, there are causes of joint pain that are difficult to influence. First of all, it is old age. It's no secret that over the years there is wear and tear of many organs, including muscles and joints. In addition, the appearance of discomfort in the bonecompounds may be affected by comorbidities. First of all, this includes problems with the endocrine system, genetic or congenital abnormalities, arthritis, and so on.
Associated symptoms
In case of pronounced discomfort, the doctor may prescribe special painkillers. Injections for joint pain may be recommended if additional unwanted symptoms occur. These include stiffness in movements, fever, fever, indicated near the affected area, tissue swelling, bumps around the lesion, and so on. However, before prescribing injections for severe joint pain, the attending physician will conduct a complete diagnosis in order to determine the specific ailment.
Disease detection
In order to determine the disease, it will be necessary to undergo the following examinations: x-ray, tomography, biopsy, discography, intraosseous phlebography, radionuclide study. It will also be important to take blood and urine tests, antistreptolysin tests, synovial fluid samples, and so on.
Treatment in Brief
When the diagnosis is established, the doctor prescribes the treatment. Most often, injections are prescribed for pain in the joints (intramuscular, intravenous or intraarticular). Also an important factor in recovery is the use of special ointments or gels for external use, tablets for oral administration and the passage of physiotherapy. The latter include UHF, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis.
General concepts of injections
Asdrug therapy can be prescribed injections for joint pain. Medicines for the treatment of discomfort in the area of \u200b\u200bbone joints can belong to different pharmacological groups. First of all, these are the means:
- Glucocorticosteroids.
- Analgesic drugs.
- Antimicrobials.
- Muscle relaxants.
- Various vitamins.
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Antivirals.
- Chondroprotective agents.
Let's talk about each of the above types separately.
Glucocorticosteroids, or hormones
In what cases are drugs of this group used? First of all, when it is necessary to relieve inflammation. If discomfort in the joints is manifested due to inhibition of their functions or dystrophy, then the hormones in this case will be powerless. What drugs belong to the group of glucocorticosteroids used as injections for pain in the joints? The drug names are listed below:
- “Hydrocortisone”.
- “Diprospan”.
- “Dexamethasone”.
- “Leaderspan”.
- “Prednisolone.”
These medications relieve swelling and pain of the joint relatively quickly. And yet they bring temporary relief, but they have a lot of side effects. How are these injections used for pain in the joints of the legs or arms? Many doctors recommend injecting glucocorticosteroids into the joint itself.

Thus, the active substance of the drug reaches the immediate site of the lesion andmay have a beneficial effect on him. Doctors prescribe these medicines for injection for three to five days. In rare cases, it is possible to extend the course up to three weeks.
According to patients, these drugs are most often prescribed for pain in the joints of the legs. Injections can provoke an aggravation of the disease in the first few days after application. However, after such an artificial exacerbation, the patient's condition usually improves.
Painkilling injections for pain in the joints of the legs do not cure the disease, but only eliminate the unpleasant symptom. At the very beginning of the disease, the doctor may prescribe tablets. However, more severe or advanced cases may require injection treatment.
Most often, experts recommend purchasing Nalbufin ampoules. This is a classic anesthetic drug, produced in the form of a solution for injections for pain in the hip joint or any other. This medication does not contain any narcotic or psychotropic substances in its composition, therefore it is tolerated by patients quite easily and does not cause dependence (addiction). On the other hand, the active substance of the drug has a calming effect, so it should be used with caution in people suffering from various disorders of the central nervous system.

It is best to use this medicine as an anesthetic for no longer than three days. This is due to the fact that its active substance is sufficientway not explored.
If conventional, so-called classical pain medications do not help, and the patient continues to suffer from unbearable pain in the limbs, the specialist may consider it appropriate to prescribe narcotic drugs. First of all, it is "Tramadol" and "Trimaperidin". In a pharmacy, they can be dispensed strictly by prescription. These drugs can be used throughout the week. If the term is extended, then it can cause addiction.
Non-steroid drugs (or NSAIDs)
Medications belonging to this group of drugs have a wide spectrum of action. They not only relieve pain and swelling, but also eliminate inflammation. The effect is achieved due to the fact that the active components of the drugs block the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are responsible for the inflammatory process inside the joint. Despite their effectiveness, the course of NSAIDs does not exceed a week. Anti-inflammatory injections for joint pain are divided into two large groups: selective and non-selective drugs.
The first group of drugs are relatively new drugs. They are practically harmless, as they do not have a negative effect on other organs. Selective inhibitors include drugs such as Artrozan, Movalis and Celebrex. If the patient suffers from peptic ulcer, then Dynastat or Nise can be prescribed to him. And yet these powerful drugs have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system.

Ketanov, Analgin and Diclofen are non-selective inhibitors. They not only eliminate discomfort, but also significantly slow down the inflammatory process. On the other hand, these medicines have a pronounced negative effect on the liver and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, they are recommended to be taken in parallel with those drugs that restore liver function and protect the gastric mucosa. As ancillary drugs, the doctor may prescribe "Ranitidine" or "Almagel".
The importance of chondroprotectors
The composition of these drugs most often includes substances such as chondroitin or glucosamine. It is these medicines that are aimed at completely curing damaged joints. They not only slow down the process of destruction of the organ, but also contribute to its regeneration, that is, restoration. What makes these results possible?
Chondroitin increases the formation of hyaluronic acid. Also, this substance improves the production of intra-articular fluid and stimulates various anabolic processes occurring in cartilage tissue. In addition, chondroitin helps reduce inflammation by acting on its cellular component. Preparations based on chondroitin sulfate include Chondroflex, Mucosat, Structum, Chondrolon. In the form of intramuscular injections, these medicines are prescribed thirty injections per course.

What is the effect of glucosamine on the body? This substance is indispensable for the active production of chondroitin, glycoproteins, heparin, hyaluronic acid, and so on. GlucosamineIt has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, and also stimulates metabolic processes that take place in the synovial fluid. Among the solutions for injections, which are based on glucosamine, we should highlight Artron Flex and Don.
Moreover, modern chondroprotectors also include medicines, the active substance of which is a bioactive concentrate obtained from the cartilage of fish or animals. This group of drugs includes such as "Rumalon" and "Alflutop". Most often, the attending physician prescribes these medications intramuscularly in one milliliter.
However, the most obvious effect is given by combined chondroprotectors, which include several of the active ingredients listed above. First of all, these are “Teraflex”, “Artiflex-ultra” and “Artron-triactive”.
How long should I take the chondroprotectors prescribed by the doctor? Of course, everything will depend on the severity of discomfort and the stage of development of the disease. Most often, specialists prescribe a six-month course of drugs of interest to us. After some time, the therapy will need to be repeated.
To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect from the introduction of chondroprotectors, they are often prescribed together with anti-inflammatory drugs. Moreover, in treatment it is important to follow the schedule. If you miss even one injection, all further therapy may become useless. In this case, it is very important to listen to the recommendations of the attending physician and follow the dosage and regimen prescribed by the specialist.
More about chondroprotectors
As mentioned above, this pharmacological group helps to restore the affected joint. As regenerating and anti-inflammatory injections for pain in the knees and joints, the following drugs are prescribed:
- “Hyalubrix”. This medicine is injected directly into the space between the joints and is used as an artificial lubricant.
- “Mukosat”. Most often it is prescribed for pain caused by injuries or bruises.
- “Don”. According to the reviews of doctors and patients, this remedy is used most often for discomfort in the bones and joints. It relieves pain, eliminates the inflammatory process, stops the destruction of articular tissue, accelerates the regeneration of cartilage.
Use of muscle relaxants
What is remarkable about this group of drugs? First of all, the fact that medications have a relaxing effect on muscle tissue, that is, they help eliminate muscle spasm, which in turn helps to get rid of severe pain. Among the main muscle relaxants, there are antispasmodics, that is, those that eliminate muscle hypertonicity, and NMBs (called neuromuscular blockers), which completely relieve tone.
What drugs from the group of muscle relaxants will the attending physician recommend? Most likely, these will be such solutions for intramuscular injections as Cyclobenzaprine, Baclofen, Mydocalm, Tizanidin. According to experts, the course of treatment with these drugs should not exceed seven days.
But what about without vitamins?
This grouppreparations not only have a beneficial effect on the entire body, but also have a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system. How?
Vitamins (especially group B) strengthen bones and muscles and restore the patency of various nerve impulses disturbed by spasm. Among the most common drugs are the following: "Milgamma", "Combilipen", "Neurubin", "Trigamma", "Beviplex". Vitamins are prescribed in courses of ten days. The introduction of the solution is quite painful, so patients and nurses recommend making a so-called iodine mesh at the injection site.
B vitamins are administered to the patient in two ways:
- The combined method involves the joint administration of vitamins B1, B6, B12.
- Alternating method. According to this method, on the first day, vitamins B1 and B12 are administered, and on the second day - B6and B12. Then the days alternate.
Other drugs
Of course, the drugs listed above are an incomplete list of medicines that a doctor can prescribe for severe pain in the joint area. Most often, specific treatment may be required to eliminate the underlying disease. Moreover, based on tests and other examinations, the attending specialist determines additional treatment.
For example, drugs that improve blood circulation may be recommended. This is important, because if the blood circulates well, cartilage and joint tissue will be able to receive more oxygen, beneficial trace elements and vitamins. ATin such cases, “Cinnarizine” or “Trental” are prescribed.
You may also need injections based on hyaluronic acid. Its composition is rich in peptides and vitamin C, which not only promotes the regeneration of cartilage tissue, but also eliminates the inflammatory process, thereby contributing to a speedy recovery.
Injections directly into the joint
It has already been mentioned above that an important way of administering medicinal solutions is intra-articular injection. What are these injections and what are their benefits? Most often, injections into the joint are prescribed after intramuscular injections have not had the desired effect, or when the patient seeks medical help at the last stage of the disease.
Among the advantages of the method of drug administration we are interested in, the following should be highlighted:
- Direct effect on bones and joint cavity. Due to this, the therapeutic effect is achieved fairly quickly.
- The components of the drug practically do not enter the systemic circulation.
- Long-lasting effect from injection. Pain disappears for a long time, inflammation is quickly eliminated.
- Help produce joint fluid.
However, the injections we are interested in also have disadvantages. This is primarily due to the complexity of performing intra-articular injections. Such manipulations can only be carried out by a specialist. In addition, with this method of treatment, there is a high risk of injury, as the doctor may accidentally get into the wrong place or touch some important vessel.

Most often, injections are made in small joints located in the elbow, knee or phalanges of the fingers. Injections into the hip joint are done only under ultrasound control.
Hormonal preparations or chondroprotectors are injected directly into the damaged area. Glucocorticosteroids, as mentioned above, do not have a therapeutic effect, but simply relieve pain and swelling, that is, they act symptomatically. However, the effect of their introduction is achieved quite quickly. According to reviews, patients almost immediately feel relief (two or three injections are enough), joint stiffness is eliminated and their mobility returns.
Preparations of the chondroprotective group have a pronounced therapeutic effect. They really treat, but the result is not immediately noticeable. Most often, for two to three years, you need to take several courses of the drug. Usually three courses of five to fifteen injections are carried out per year. According to the assurances of doctors, chondroprotectors practically do not cause side effects. However, they are not suitable for all patients.
Directly injected into the joint are also drugs that act as substitutes for intra-articular fluid. These are such pharmacological agents as Ostenil, Fermetron and Sinocrom. Most often they are prescribed to patients after sixty years and injected into the knee and elbow joints. Treatment takes place every six months for three to five injections per course.
Action algorithm
Many people are afraid to give intra-articular injections. However, this is in vain, because iffind a good specialist, then with the help of such manipulations you can completely recover from the disease. How is the procedure?

Before injecting the drug, the doctor makes an allergenic test, that is, injects a small amount of the solution under the skin. If there are no negative reactions, the skin around the affected area is anesthetized. Then the joint should be bent, thanks to this the needle will go inside more easily. If the joint is deformed due to a serious illness, the drug is administered under ultrasound guidance.
To fully insert the needle under the skin or halfway - only the doctor decides. As soon as the needle has entered the organ, the specialist pumps out the joint fluid and injects the same amount of the drug solution into the cavity. Everything, the manipulation was successful! Now a medical plaster should be applied to the injection site. The joint must not be moved for ten to fifteen minutes.
A few words in conclusion
Is it possible to completely recover from pain in the joints of various etiologies? Of course. However, it is important to remember that the right medication is only half the battle. You should definitely also change your lifestyle - get rid of bad habits, eat only he althy food and move more.