"Concor" and alcohol: compatibility, consequences and recommendations

"Concor" and alcohol: compatibility, consequences and recommendations
"Concor" and alcohol: compatibility, consequences and recommendations

Can I drink alcohol at the same time while taking Concor? This is a common question. Let's look into it in more detail. In human life, there comes a time when a patient needs to take this or that drug. Particular attention is required for drugs that help treat pathologies of the cardiovascular system. However, there is often a reason to drink alcoholic beverages. In this case, a dilemma arises: what is the compatibility of Concor and alcohol? What can this lead to? We will try to understand this issue and draw conclusions about whether it is possible to use the drug with alcohol and what it is fraught with.

concor and alcohol compatibility
concor and alcohol compatibility

Medication description

The medicinal substance includes two derivatives of adrenoblocker forms of bisoprolol. Its main action is to improve the activity of the cardiovascular system. It is mainly engaged in regulating the work of the myocardium, additionally thinning the blood and saturating it.oxygen. Because of this, the patient's blood pressure decreases, and the signs of ischemia also disappear.

"Concor" practically does not combine with blood plasma and affects symptomatically up to twelve hours. Relief begins to come in about an hour. Removal in full is carried out in a day, while the remains of the substance can be detected much longer.

The compatibility of "Concora Cor" and alcohol is of interest to many.

When appointed?

The drug is prescribed in the presence of quite serious violations of the functioning of the heart:

  • chronic heart failure;
  • high blood pressure that is resistant to other drugs;
  • angina (stable type).

"Concor" is accepted by a huge number of people as part of a therapeutic course. Often even by those who are unaware of the increased side effects of the drug by alcoholic beverages.

Can I drink alcohol while taking Concor?
Can I drink alcohol while taking Concor?

In addition, the consequences of the negative impact of drug addiction, as well as environmental disturbances and gerontological transformations, become the reasons for the use of Concor.

The medicine as a whole is characterized by positive feedback not only among patients, but also among specialists.

Compatibility of "Concor" and alcohol

As with any drug that affects the central nervous system and the functioning of the heart muscle, it is necessary to think about whether the combination of alcohol andmeans of treating hypertension. Should I take Concor with alcohol? The answer is clear: of course not. This is also mentioned in the instructions. Alcohol, in principle, is not an assistant in any kind of treatment, but in this case, the incompatibility is absolute. It is necessary to consider why alcohol harms people with heart rhythm disorders, as well as pathologies of the main human organ. When used along with Concor, it completely blocks the effect of the drug, and can also aggravate the disease, for example, become a source of atrial fibrillation. Since Concor and ethanol differ in diametrically opposite influence, one can imagine how powerful a blow to the body becomes a joint intake. It is difficult to predict the consequences, since they are directly determined by the individual characteristics of the patient, as well as the degree of endurance and strength of the body. The compatibility of "Concor" and alcohol is very doubtful.

concor core and alcohol compatibility
concor core and alcohol compatibility

Heart work

A person may feel a little discomfort or suddenly go to the hospital with a sudden failure in the activity of the heart. It must also be remembered that the use of any drinks containing alcohol first dilates the blood vessels, and therefore the pressure decreases, and then, when the influence of alcohol is neutralized, the pressure rises again more than it was at the beginning. Thus, "Concor" helps to reduce pressure, but because of alcohol it rises, there is an excessive load on the heart. In addition to the pressure dropserious consequences such as myocardial infarction or stroke can also occur.

Additional danger

An additional danger is that if the patient faints, others may think that this is an ordinary manifestation of intoxication, so they will not provide timely assistance. It must be said that the problem lies not in the ethanol itself, since most alcoholic beverages also contain dyes that can have an unexpected effect on the effect of the drug on the body. The drug "Concor" and alcohol are not compatible. You also need to consider how "Concor" is combined with other drugs. To do this, you should seek medical advice. The intake of alcoholic beverages and the drug, separated in time, is also prohibited, since alcohol is excreted from the body for a very long time.

concor core and alcohol compatibility reviews
concor core and alcohol compatibility reviews

What could be the consequences?

It is necessary to consider the features of the action of alcohol and the drug "Concor" on the human body in order to understand how their compatibility will affect.

When studying the effects of alcoholic beverages on the body when they are used with this medication, one should not forget about the analogue of the drug - "Concor Cor", which differs in that bisoprolol is contained in it in an amount of 2.5 mg. It is prescribed for insufficiency of the activity of the heart of a chronic nature. Also indications for use are as follows:

  • increased blood pressure in a patient over the age of 18;
  • signs of angina pectoris;
  • ischemic heart disease.

The active substance of these drugs, that is, bisoprolol, is one of the selective selective beta-1-blockers. The mechanism of their influence is that:

  • reduce the strength and frequency of heart contractions (negative inotropic effect);
  • there is an increase in the effective refractory period;
  • reduces myocardial oxygen demand;
  • automatism decreases, conduction through the fibers of the heart slows down.

At the same time, the active ethanol metabolite, acetaldehyde, has a cardiotoxic effect on the heart:

  • reduces the contractile activity of the heart muscle;
  • reduces stroke volume;
  • increases blood stasis in the venous area of the bloodstream, in connection with which the heart rate increases.
  • concor and alcohol compatibility consequences
    concor and alcohol compatibility consequences


Given all the listed changes that occur after drinking alcohol and the drug "Concor", we can imagine the consequences of their combined use as follows:

  • pulmonary edema that can develop on the background of alcohol consumption due to damage to cell membranes due to the activation of lipid peroxide oxidation;
  • development of the state of hypotension;
  • collapse of blood vessels due to the occurrence of opposite inotropic effects during the use of the drug with an alcoholic beverage;
  • heart stop.

These are only partial consequences of taking this drug and alcoholic beverages, the compatibility of which will not bring anything good to the patient. Before taking a medicine containing bisoprolol, you must first consider whether it is worth drinking alcohol.

Reviews on the compatibility of "Concora Cor" and alcohol are presented below.

concor and alcohol compatibility contraindications
concor and alcohol compatibility contraindications

When is it allowed to drink alcoholic beverages?

Since the drug is most often prescribed for life, alcohol should not be consumed in principle. In some cases, "Concor" is used in the period after surgery or in the treatment of traumatic brain injuries. In this case, you can drink alcohol without fear of consequences, at least 21 days after stopping the use of the drug. However, the amount of alcohol should be small, you need to wash it down with plenty of liquid and eat well.

The consequences are most likely to occur when drinking high-strength drinks - whiskey, vodka, cognac, moonshine. But at the same time, any alcohol with herbal additives - vermouth, beer, liqueur, tincture - can become a source of negative reactions due to the alkaloids that make up its composition.

When considering the compatibility of alcohol and Concor and the consequences of this, you should consult with your he althcare professional.

concor and alcohol compatibility recommendations
concor and alcohol compatibility recommendations


Despite the fact that there is an opinion that there is no harm from drinking low-alcohol drinks,doctors warn that cocktails, beer, wine, etc. can cause a sudden worsening of heart failure. Due to this condition, it will be impossible to use the required amount of the drug due to the content of ethanol in the blood. What else do you need to know about the compatibility of Concor and alcohol and about contraindications?

It is strictly forbidden to take medication with alcohol for those who have been diagnosed with partial death of heart cells. The consequences of these actions will be deplorable - the reactive death of many tissues, as well as death from the cessation of the functioning of the heart.

Any drugs that regulate cardiac activity are the opposite of potassium ions. The drugs not only prevent metabolism, but also leach out the element required for the vascular walls and block it in metabolism. A lot of fluid comes out. As a result of simultaneous use, the body will be dehydrated, hyperthermia will set in.

In case of combination, you must immediately call an ambulance and warn in advance that the person has taken. The condition may worsen slowly, the patient will fall asleep, and a heart attack may occur during the fast phase. These are the main recommendations. The compatibility of "Concor" and alcohol is extremely negative.

Patient testimonials

People who followed all medical recommendations and did not drink alcohol during treatment with the drug report some negative effects:

  • too strong decrease in pressure indicators, which returns to normal only whenreducing the dosage of the drug or completely canceling it;
  • hyperemia of the skin of the face;
  • periodic pulse jumps;
  • liver pathology;
  • noisy asthmatic breathing.

It should be noted that such effects are observed even without drinking alcohol. Therefore, alcohol increases the likelihood of developing negative manifestations.

We reviewed the main reviews on the compatibility of "Concor" and alcohol.
