Clindacin (cream) has a wide spectrum of activity. The agent is an antibiotic from the group of lincosamides. Used locally in gynecology.

The drug "Clindacin" (cream) is prescribed for bacterial vaginosis, provoked by microorganisms that are sensitive to it. Indications include vaginitis, cervicitis, vulvovaginal candidiasis.
The mechanism of drug action is based on the ability to inhibit protein synthesis in a microbe cell. The drug has bacteriostatic activity. With respect to some microbes, the agent also exhibits a bactericidal effect, while being in high concentrations.
Preparation "Klindatsin" (cream). Instruction
The recommended single dosage is five grams. The drug is administered intravaginally using an applicator. It is recommended to use in the evening, before going to bed (once a day). Duration of application - three to seven days. Applicators are included in the package. They are intended for a one-time administration of a medication.

After removing the cap from the tube, screw on the applicator. The drug is squeezed into the applicator until it is full. In this case, the pistonwill come to a head. After that, unscrew the applicator. The tube with the drug must be closed with a cap.
In the supine position, the applicator should be inserted into the vagina as deep as possible. In this case, there should not be an unpleasant sensation. By pressing slowly until it stops on the piston, you should enter the cream. After insertion is complete, the applicator is carefully removed from the vagina and discarded.
When using the "Klindacin" (cream) (patient reviews confirm this), an allergy may occur. In particular, urticaria and skin rash are noted in some cases. When using Clindamycin (cream), systemic absorption of the active substance is likely. If prolonged or severe diarrhea occurs in connection with this, the risk of developing pseudomembranous colitis should be considered. In addition, the occurrence of abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, constipation is likely. From the side of the central nervous system, the development of headache, dizziness is likely.
The use of "Clindamycin" during lactation and pregnancy is carried out according to the doctor's prescription and in the case when the potential risk to the fetus or newborn is taken into account in relation to the benefit to the mother.
The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components. There is no information about drug overdose in clinical practice.
The simultaneous use of the drug with other intravaginal agents is not recommended.

It must be remembered that before using any medication, a specialist consultation is necessary. We should not forget thatthat self-medication can lead to negative consequences. Before prescribing a particular drug, the specialist will recommend that you undergo an examination and pass certain tests, according to the results of which he will select the necessary treatment regimen.