"Viburkol" when teething: reviews, instructions

"Viburkol" when teething: reviews, instructions
"Viburkol" when teething: reviews, instructions

Every mom looks forward to the day when her baby gets her first tooth. However, not all parents calmly experience this period. For many children, the appearance of new "tenants" in the mouth causes a lot of inconvenience. This article will tell you about how the drug "Viburkol" is used for teething. Reviews about this medication you will read below. It is also worth mentioning when this medicine is prescribed and what effect it has on the body. The features that the use of the drug "Viburkol" has when teething without temperature will be similarly described below.

viburkol for teething reviews
viburkol for teething reviews

What is the drug made of?

Very often, pediatricians prescribe Viburkol medicine for children when teething. The composition of the medication is as follows:

  • pharmacy chamomile;
  • bittersweet nightshade;
  • belladonna;
  • large plantain;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • Meadow Pasque.

Besides thesecomponents, the drug contains other (additional) means that allow you to give it the form of a suppository. It is in this form that "Viburkol" is prescribed for teething. Reviews about it will be described below.

viburkol for teething in children reviews
viburkol for teething in children reviews

Indications for the use of candles

In what cases is it recommended to use Viburkol for teething? The instruction speaks of the following indications:

  • fever and fever;
  • pain;
  • severe itching of the gums;
  • baby anxiety and sleep disturbance;
  • refusing food or loss of appetite;
  • appearance of a rash in the mouth and neck;
  • attachment of a viral or bacterial infection due to reduced immunity;
  • constant strong crying of the baby and so on.

In addition to the above indications, the remedy can also be prescribed to correct other diseases. Quite often it is used in complex therapy.

viburkol for teething instructions
viburkol for teething instructions

Can everyone use the medicine?

Is the drug "Viburkol" safe for teething? Reviews of doctors and information from the instructions say the following. The medicine is a homeopathic remedy. As you can see, its composition is predominantly natural. In most cases, it does not cause negative reactions from the body. That is why suppositories can be used by all children without any special restrictions.

The only contraindication to correction isthe possibility of an allergic reaction. If your baby has previously had such manifestations, then you should refrain from using the drug. Also, in special cases, suppositories can be used under the supervision of a physician at a lower dosage. However, this tactic is rarely chosen.

viburkol when teething how many days
viburkol when teething how many days

Drug dosage

How is the medicine "Viburkol" used for teething? Reviews of pediatricians and instructions report the following doses.

For children up to six months, the maximum dose of medication per day is one suppository twice a day. It is preferable to administer the drug at regular intervals. At an older age (up to one year), up to six candles per day can be used. In this case, a quadruple injection is preferable.

When a child's body temperature rises above 38.5 degrees or an additional infection joins, then the following scheme should be observed. In the first two hours, the drug is administered every 30 minutes. After that, apply 2-3 suppositories per day. When relief comes, it is worth minimizing the dose and using Viburkol once when teething.

How many days do you need to follow this pattern? It all depends on the symptoms that appear. If the baby is very restless, then one candle can be administered at bedtime for one month. When the symptoms are eliminated, you need to stop the drug.

How to properly administer suppositories to a baby?

You already know what the cure is"Viburkol" (during teething) duration of use. However, this is not enough. You also need to figure out how to properly administer this medication. The doctors are talking about the following.

For maximum effect, empty your bowels before use. However, this is not always possible in children. If during the past day the baby had an act of defecation, then enter the suppository without prior preparation.

viburkol during teething composition
viburkol during teething composition

When a child has constipation or a slight retention of feces, the baby's intestines must be emptied. To do this, use microclysters or fast-acting candles. Some drugs are so effective that they do not have time to dissolve in the intestines before the urge to stool begins.

Take off the baby's pants and put him on the left side. Press the legs of the crumbs to the tummy and with a quick but gentle movement of the hand, enter the pre-opened suppository. After that, straighten the legs of the child. This position will help the drug "Viburkol" to go deeper and not crawl back.

The effect of the drug on the child's body

What effect does the medicine have on the baby's body during teething? In most cases, it is symptomatic.

Chamomile relieves inflammation, belladonna has a regenerating property. Nightshade reduces the temperature, including has a lytic effect. If a child has vasospasm, then Viburkol removes it as gently as possible, without lowering blood pressure. Plantain helps to cope with pathologies such as rashes andstool disorder. These manifestations often disturb children during teething. Meadow shot soothes and normalizes the baby's sleep, providing a sedative effect.

viburkol during teething duration of use
viburkol during teething duration of use

The medicine, getting into the intestines of the child, quickly begins to dissolve due to its additional composition. Useful substances are absorbed into the intestinal walls and enter the bloodstream. Already from there they have their therapeutic effect on the body. Also, the medicine can reduce the high need of the baby's body for oxygen. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the entire circulatory system, reducing body temperature.

"Viburkol" for teething in children: reviews of parents and medical staff

The medicine has rather conflicting reviews. The opinions of doctors about him diverged. Some doctors talk about the high effectiveness of the drug. They claim that the result of the treatment comes within a few hours and lasts quite a long time. That is why even with a high temperature, three or four suppositories per day will be enough for a child.

Another part of the doctors argue that homeopathic medicines may not always have the desired effect. Often candles are simply useless. Doctors say that if the desired effect has not occurred two days after the start of treatment, then you should contact the pediatrician and change the tactics of correction.

Parents say only good things about this drug. Moms assure that the Viburkol remedy should be inevery first aid kit. If you have small children, then you must definitely buy the drug and always keep it on hand. The medicine helps to improve the functioning of the intestines, relieves spasms and the inflammatory process. Also one of the important properties is the ability to lower the temperature without the use of extraneous medicines. The drug is not addictive and can be used for a long time with periodic interruptions. This is another definite plus that parents talk about.

Drug price category

How much do Viburkol homeopathic suppositories cost? It really depends on where you live. It is worth noting that many pharmacy chains set a different margin. The final price of the drug depends on this.

The average cost of one pack of suppositories is 450 rubles. For this money you can buy 12 candles.

viburkol during teething without fever
viburkol during teething without fever

Instead of a conclusion

You have learned how the medicine "Viburkol" is prescribed for teething. Despite the safety and availability of the drug, you should not use it yourself, be sure to visit a doctor and get individual prescriptions. This will help you avoid unexpected side effects, which often manifest as an allergy to some component of the medication. Do not increase the dose yourself, when using the drug in newborns, it makes sense to divide the suppository into two parts. At the same time, it is forbidden to store the medicine in this form. If you did not use the entire candle at once, then you need to dispose of the leftovers.
