The name of the drug is due to its active ingredients - chlorophyll extracts a and b. These substances are obtained from eucalyptus. Decoctions and essential oil made from this beautiful plant of southern latitudes have long been used to treat infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Drug effectiveness
Immediately, it should be noted that the drug "Chlorophyllipt", unlike many antibiotics that have a wide spectrum of action, does not have such polyvalent antimicrobial activity. It is able to destroy mainly staphylococci, which make up a large army of pathogenic flora and are the cause of the development of various serious diseases, most often infectious diseases that affect the upper respiratory tract.

No species of staphylococci can resistantimicrobial action of the drug "Chlorophyllipt". Instructions for use indicate that different dosage forms of the drug with the same strength resist infection. And spray, and tablets, and a solution (alcohol and oil) successfully manifest themselves in the case of sinusitis, rhinitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis.
Scope and indications for use
The use of Chlorophyllipt tablets is intended exclusively for the treatment of infections of the mouth and throat, while solutions (both alcohol and oil) are used more widely.
So, they are effective in healing:
- diseases of the female genital organs (applied externally by douching);
- stomach ulcers, bronchitis (given orally in combination with other drugs);
- purulent wounds or burns (used topically);
- pneumonia and septic conditions that are caused by antibiotic-resistant flora (given intravenously).
But still, Chlorophyllipt is most often used for the throat in the form of gargles. An alcohol solution is also used in surgery for washing certain cavities of the human body with empyema and peritonitis. It is used by ENT doctors to clean the sinuses.
And this is not the whole list of conditions in which the medicine "Chlorophyllipt" is used in medicine. Instructions for use describe in detail all the indications for taking the drug. Let's take a closer look at some of the diseases in which this remedy will be effective.

Cervical erosion therapy
In this pathology, you should use the dosage form of the drug "Chlorophyllipt" - an alcohol solution. The instruction notes that immediately before using the medicine, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the surface of all folds of the vaginal mucosa and the part of the cervix located in it with a dry swab. After that, it is necessary to eliminate mucous secretions. To do this, the cervical canal should be wiped with swabs soaked in a solution of soda (5%) and dried again. Then this area of \u200b\u200bthe internal genital organs of a woman needs to be lubricated with a Chlorophyllipt solution. If an oil version of the product is used, then its concentration should be 2%, if alcohol - 1%. After all erosions have been treated with the drug, the tampon should be left alone on the cervix for a while (15-20 minutes is enough).
To achieve maximum efficiency, such a treatment procedure must be performed daily for 10 days. Then the patient must independently carry out the douching process for a minimum of 2 weeks. During this period, you need to prepare a fresh portion of the liquid for the procedure daily. To do this, add a tablespoon (25 ml) of an alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt (1%) to 1 liter of water. After each douching, a swab with the drug should be placed in the vagina. It should be taken out after about 12 hours. If the epithelium does not fully recover during the treatment of erosion, the course of therapy must be repeated.

The use of the drug "Chlorophyllipt" for the treatment of children
The drug is prescribed to babies quite often - in case of diseases caused by staphylococcal infection. Often, an alcohol solution is part of the first-aid kit for newborns. For example, the treatment of the navel with "Chlorophyllipt" is performed if it is not possible to apply brilliant green. In addition, the drug is used to disinfect areas of the skin on which suppuration or rashes occur. Chlorophyllipt solution even has the ability to prevent complications such as pneumonia or a septic condition. Consult your pediatrician for specific recommendations and dosage.

Many patients are interested in whether the drug "Chlorophyllipt" can harm the body. Instructions for use of the drug warns that before using it, it is necessary to determine the sensitivity of the body to the components included in the composition. To do this, combine 25 drops of Chlorophyllipt solution with 25 ml of water (a tablespoon) and let the patient drink the mixture. If there are no signs of an allergic reaction in the form of swelling of the larynx or mucous membrane in the mouth after 6-8 hours, the drug can be used for treatment. Moreover, any method of its application can be chosen: oral, intravenous, local or in the form of an enema.
Contraindications and side effects
Possible occurrence of negative phenomena on the background of the use of the drug "Chlorophyllipt". Instructions for useof the drug reports that the main and most serious side effect that may occur is swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose, throat and facial surface. Based on this, the only existing contraindication for the use of Chlorophyllipt is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, especially to eucalyptus chlorophyll extracts.
Since an allergic reaction to the drug is quite rare, the medicine can be purchased at any nearby pharmacy without a prescription. Next, consider the features of the use of dosage forms of the drug "Chlorophyllipt".

Oil solution
This form of the drug is used in medicine topically and orally. The solution is used in treatment:
- festering wounds;
- inflammatory processes in the female genital area (external organs);
- ulcers of the duodenum or stomach;
- pneumonia;
- diseases of the digestive tract (caused by staphylococcal infection).
The main areas of medicine in which this dosage form of Chlorophyllipt is used (the instruction confirms this) are gastroenterology and gynecology. For the treatment of angina, such a solution is not used. Although some ENT doctors dispute this fact, and therefore consider the solution "Chlorophyllipt" (oily) to be a suitable remedy for the treatment of tonsillitis. However, the instructions for the throat do not recommend using it.

The drug "Chlorophyllipt" with angina is prescribed quite often. An alcohol solution added to the mouthwash is the best way to deal with the streptococci that caused the disease. The drug provides effective washing out of pus plugs in case of lacunar angina and disinfection of the folds and cavities of the mucous membrane of the tonsils.
How to gargle "Chlorophyllipt" throat, so as not to harm the mucosa? If an alcohol solution is used on the recommendation of a doctor, then the dosage should be sought in the prescription. The proportions of dilution of the drug in water are individual in each case. Information on the exact dosage can also be found in the instructions. However, knowing how to prepare a rinse solution is not enough. It is also necessary to find out how often the procedure should be performed, otherwise, instead of treatment, you can harm your he alth.
Chlorophyllipt tablets
If the alcohol solution of the drug is considered the best remedy for gargling with lacunar angina, then to get rid of coughing with pharyngitis, the best option is Chlorophyllipt tablets. The instruction confirms that the solid form of the drug works better in case of changes in the mucous membrane in the chronic form of the disease. The main advantage of the drug "Chlorophyllipt" in tablets is ease of use and a longer period of exposure.

Can a drug in solid form help get rid of a sore throat? Of course! Chlorophyllipt tablets also work in this case. But the best option iscombine their intake with gargling, for which, as has been said more than once, an alcohol solution of the drug is used. Thus, a double effect can be achieved - the liquid form of the drug will cleanse the cavities of pus, and the solid form will have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Spray and injection
In the form of a spray medication "Chlorophyllipt" is used to irrigate the throat for colds. It acts by stopping coughing attacks and infectious processes. Solution for injection is used extremely rarely. An experienced specialist can tell about his appointment in detail.