Malaron is an antimalarial drug. It is produced in the form of tablets of 12 pieces in each package. This European remedy is used both for the treatment and prevention of malaria. Instructions for use "Malaron" indicates a combination of two active ingredients.
Medication description
A similar antimalarial drug is actively used for the prevention and treatment of an infectious disease caused by the parasite Plasmodium malaria. It is transmitted through mosquito bites.
In the instructions for the use of "Malaron" it is described that the composition includes 2 active substances - atovaquone and proguanil. Thanks to these components, the drug does an excellent job with the treatment and prevention of malaria, and it also helps with similar diseases. It is prescribed in the treatment of yellow or swamp fever.
Pills can destroy the synthesis of nucleic acids. This means stops the spread and the possibility of transmission of infection. After the use of the drug, the active substances penetrate into the tissue cells from the gastrointestinal tract. Withdrawal of funds frombody occurs through the kidneys and intestines.

Indications for use
The instructions for the use of Malaron say that the drug is prescribed for people of different ages, including children. Doctors recommend taking it in the following situations:
- malaria treatment;
- malaria prevention;
- yellow fever;
- swamp fever.
In most cases, it is recommended for people traveling to warm countries with a humid climate. It is under these conditions that mosquitoes that carry malaria infection breed and live.
In the instructions for the use of "Malaron" it is said that in some cases it is not recommended to take it:
- with severe individual intolerance to the components included in the composition;
- for kidney disorders and kidney failure;
- women who breastfeed.
Pregnant women should use the product with extreme caution. Also, under the supervision of a doctor, the drug should be taken during pregnancy planning.

Patients may experience side effects during use. These include:
- skin rashes and itching;
- formation of small bubbles with a colorless liquid in the mouth and nasal cavity, as well as near the genitals;
- shortness of breathswelling of the throat and face;
- nausea and vomiting;
- cough, fever and anxiety.
Also in the instructions for the use of "Malaron" it is also mentioned that when people take the remedy, inflammation of the liver may occur. At the first manifestations of such a violation, it is necessary to urgently contact a medical institution. Treatment of side effects is symptomatic and prescribed by the attending physician.
Instructions for use
The instructions for using the Malaron tablets indicate that it is necessary to take the remedy only after the appointment of the attending doctor. The drug is administered orally into the body along with meals. It is recommended to drink the product with milk or dairy products. This improves the absorption of active substances, and this makes Malarone more effective.

Malaria prevention
For prevention, tablets are prescribed 1 pc. 1 time per 24 hours. The course of treatment is individual and depends on the duration of the trip. Doctors prescribe the drug 2 days before departure. It is necessary to drink it for the entire period of rest and 7 days after returning. As a preventive measure, the drug is not prescribed for children weighing less than 20 kg.
Malaria treatment
For the treatment of malaria, adults are prescribed 4 tablets, which must be taken within 24 hours. The course of therapy lasts 3-4 days.
For children, the dosage is calculated individually and depends on body weight. With a weight of 11 to 20 kg, 1 tablet is prescribed 1 time in 24 hours, and the course of therapy lasts 3day. With a weight of 21 to 30 kg, the doctor prescribes 2 tablets per day. The course of treatment lasts 3 days.
If the child weighs from 31 to 40 kg, then 3 tablets are taken in 24 hours and the treatment lasts 3 days. In children weighing over 40 kg, therapy is carried out in the same way as in adults.
The doctor calculates the dosage and duration of treatment for yellow or marsh fever individually for each patient.

Analogues and reviews
The instructions for use of Malaron do not contain information about reviews. However, people who take such a remedy speak positively about it. It is indicated that when taken correctly, the remedy is quite effective both in therapy and during prevention.
There have been cases of side effects. In most cases, this is due to a violation of the application schedule and an independent excess of the dosage.
There are drugs similar in composition, method of exposure and instructions for use with Malaron. Such medications as Mefloquine, Lariam, quinine solution, Delagil and Rezokhin are considered analogues.
You can buy an antimalarial drug in online pharmacies with delivery from European countries. The drug is not sold in Russia.
The instructions for use of Malaron indicate that the product must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius. It is also necessary to ensure that sunlight does not fall on the preparation.