In many first aid kits there are medicines, whose purpose, as well as the mechanism of action, people do not understand. Antihistamine drops are classified as such drugs. Most allergy sufferers choose medications on their own, calculate the dosage and course of treatment without consulting a specialist, which, of course, is wrong.
What are antihistamines for?
Many people think that these are simple drugs for allergies, but they are intended for therapy and other diseases. Antihistamine drops belong to a group of medicines that block immune responses to certain external stimuli. These include not only allergens, but also viruses along with fungi and bacteria (infectious agents), toxins. The drugs in question prevent the appearance of bronchial spasms, swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, redness, and so on. In addition, such drugs relieve a person from itching, narrowing of blood vessels and muscle spasm.
How do antihistamine drops work?

Mechanism of action
The main protective role in the body is played, as a rule, by leukocytes with white blood cells. There are several types. For example, one of the most important is, first of all, mast cells. After the maturation stage, they circulate through the bloodstream, lining up in connective tissue and becoming a certain part of the immune system. When dangerous substances enter the body, histamine is released by such cells. This is a chemical element necessary for the regulation of the digestive process, blood circulation and oxygen metabolism. Its excess leads to an allergic reaction.
In order for histamine to provoke negative symptoms, it must be absorbed by the body without fail. For this, there are special receptors called H1, they are located in the inner membranes of blood vessels, and, in addition, in the nervous system and smooth muscle cells. So how do antihistamine drops work? The fact is that the active ingredients of these medicines, as it were, deceive the H1 receptors. Their structure and structure is very similar to the substance in question. Drugs compete with histamine and are instead absorbed by receptors without causing any allergic manifestations.
As a result, the chemical ingredient that provokes unwanted symptoms remains inactive in the blood and is later excreted naturally. Antihistamine efficacy directly depends on how much H1 receptors have been blocked.accepted substance. For this reason, it is important to start treatment as soon as the first allergy symptoms appear.

This dosage form produces local, and at the same time, systemic drugs. Antihistamine drops intended for oral administration include Zirtek along with Desal, Fenistil, Zodak, Ksizal, Parlazin, Zaditor, Allergonix and other analogues.
Antihistamine local nasal drops should include funds in the form of "Tizin Allergy", "Allergodil", "Lekrolin", "Kromoheksal", "Sanorin Analergin", "Vibrocil" and others.
Opatanol, along with Zaditen, Allergodil, Lekrolin, Nafkon-A, Kromoheksal, Vizin, Okumetil and other synonyms, act as antiallergic eye drops.
Treatment of eye allergy symptoms
Such antihistamine drops, being a local treatment, are highly effective, and at the same time, the speed of action, since they are able to deliver the drug directly to the area of inflammation. According to the principle of action, they are divided into several types: vasoconstrictor, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, moisturizing and steroid anti-inflammatory.
Each case of allergy is different, and in this regard, the choice of a certain category of medicines is the prerogative of the doctor. Against the background of the occurrence of inflammatory processes that are associated with the eyes, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist.
To anyoneit will be useful for the patient to learn about how antihistamines work in eye drops, what contraindications they have and side effects. Drugs of different classes can be used separately, or in a joint way. However, many products in their composition have several ingredients at once with different effects.
In particular, it is necessary to carefully select drugs that are intended for the treatment of children. There are no special versions of anti-allergic drops that would be suitable exclusively for children, in this regard, it is necessary to look at the manual to find out exactly at what age it is safe to use the medicine. In addition, not all allergy remedies are allowed for pregnant and lactating women.

Eye drops
The components that make up this type of medicines are distinguished by antihistamine activity. And this means that they block the effect on the body of a special type of substances, that is, histamines. It is these ingredients that are responsible for the most unpleasant symptoms associated with allergies. There are two types of drugs of this kind. Some block histamine H1 receptors in the tissue, while others do not allow histamines to leave the mast cells outside, where they are formed. The most popular drugs of this type are Allergodil along with Kromoheksal, Opatanol, Lekrolin, Spersallerg, Allomid and others.

BSeparately, it is worth considering the drug "Allergodil". This is an anti-allergic medicine in the form of eye drops. The mechanism of its action is based on the blocking of H1-histamine receptors. The active substance is azelastine, which has an anti-allergic prolonged effect.
Indications for use is the prevention with the treatment of an allergic condition (non-seasonal and seasonal conjunctivitis). A contraindication is the age of up to four years and the initial trimester of pregnancy. Apply the remedy one drop in each eye twice a day in the morning and evening. If necessary, the frequency of use can be increased up to four times.
Antihistamine eye drops are very well eliminated allergic reactions that occur when the visual organs are irritated. But we must remember that such remedies do not eliminate the cause itself, they only struggle with its symptoms. Such substances can cause side effects, in this regard, before use, it is best to consult a physician who will select the dosage and frequency of use of the medication.
Antihistamine drops for children from the year we will consider below.
Instillation rules
First of all, you should adhere to the indicated dosages. It is impossible without the permission of the doctor to independently change the amount of the drug or interrupt therapy. In the event that the patient uses contact lenses, then immediately before instillation, they must be pulled out. They are inserted back ten minutes after the procedure. Some drops need to be stored inrefrigerator, it is important to understand this point by reading the instructions for the product.
Before the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly, then rinse your eyes, removing moisture from the eyelids with a dry towel. In the event that the substance was contained in the refrigerator, then immediately before instillation it will be necessary to warm it up to room temperature.
They should be buried only in the supine position or with the head thrown back. Taking the bottle, it is required to turn it upside down, and the eyelid is pulled back with the opposite hand and it is required to look up. Next, you should squeeze out one drop, without touching the bottle with your eye, so that it could get into the space between the eyeball and the eyelid. Upon completion of the procedure, close the eye and massage the eyelid a little, however, it is forbidden to squint or rub the visual organ with all your might.
Antihistamine drops for children under 1 year old
Allergic reactions appear sooner or later in every baby, and crumbs experience multiple symptoms in connection with this. But, nevertheless, the secretion from the nasal passage, along with lacrimation, redness, various swellings and rashes, make parents spend sleepless nights. It is worth emphasizing that the above signs are not at all the most dangerous, which cannot be said about the bee sting, which causes severe swelling and is fraught with asphyxiation.

In order to reduce the effect of allergens on the body of newborn babies, you canuse antihistamine drops for children. In the event that the disease occurs at a time when it is not possible to call a doctor, then the first aid is sedative or sedative drugs. Among the most common children's antihistamine drops is Suprastin, which is the safest for all babies. In addition, "Fenistil" is considered very effective, but not safe enough. It is allowed to use antihistamine drops for children from birth "Fenkoral".
A good solution in the fight against allergic manifestations in newborns and children under one year old is the presence in the home medicine cabinet of various herbal drops with calendula and chamomile. Among other things, it is recommended to use Furacilin for newborns, but only if the baby has eye conjunctivitis.
Antihistamine drops for babies should be used with great care.

Drops and sprays: names
Let's now consider the most popular and effective allergy sprays and drops:
- One of them is Okumetil. These are, first of all, vasoconstrictor drops that reduce swelling with redness of the eyes, as well as eliminate other symptoms. According to the manual, constant use leads to fairly rapid addiction. The fact is that after the withdrawal, the symptoms may occur again.
- Cromohexal is an antihistamine eye drops suitable for the treatment and prevention of chronicpathologies (for example, keratoconjunctivitis). The main active ingredient in this case is cromoglycic acid, which inhibits the appearance of certain allergic reactions and prevents their subsequent development. This preparation eliminates dryness and irritation, it is very effective in case of fatigue and eye strain.
- A remedy called "Allergodil" is used to stop the main manifestations of an allergic eye reaction. According to the instructions, this medication has a long, and at the same time very powerful antihistamine effect. Among other things, the drug is well tolerated, without causing effects even with prolonged treatment.
- Vizin antihistamine drops eliminate allergy symptoms ten minutes after treatment. The effect, as a rule, remains at the same level for twelve hours. Vizin is a safe medicine that eliminates the main symptoms of the disease and minimizes the risks of certain side effects.
- Opatanol is an antihistamine that relieves allergy symptoms. Its effect is based on the process of suppressing the release of biologically active substances that provoke the development of foci of inflammation.
Antihistamine nasal drops and sprays are available at any pharmacy.
Tizin Alerji
This is a new generation of Israeli production, based on levokabastin.
The active substance is a blocker of H1-histamine receptors. They suppress productionhistamine and other mediators of allergy, the sensitivity of body cells to them decreases.

Quickly relieves allergic rhinitis - discharge, itching, congestion, sneezing. Do not use in children under 6 years old.
It is a dosed nasal spray for allergies. The active substance is micropowder of cellulose, vegetable origin.
When injected, a gel protective coating is formed on the surface of the mucous membranes, which prevents the reaction after inhalation of air with allergens.
The best medicines
The selection of funds from the described category should be carried out exclusively by a specialist. Some people are best suited for first-generation drugs because of the need for sedation, other people do not need this effect at all. Similarly, doctors recommend the form of release, depending on the symptoms present. Systemic drugs are prescribed for severe manifestations of the disease, in other situations, you can get by with local remedies.

How long can patients take antihistamine drops for children and adults?
The duration of therapy directly depends on the generation of drugs and the severity of pathological symptoms. How long a person needs to be treated with antihistamines is up to the doctor to decide. Some drops can be used for no more than six to seven days. Pharmacological modern drugs related to the lattergeneration less toxic, so their use is allowed for one year. Before taking it is extremely important to consult a doctor. Antihistamines can accumulate in the body, causing poisoning. Some patients subsequently become allergic to these medications.

How often can I take?
Most manufacturers of the described drugs produce such drugs in a convenient dosage, which involves the use of once a day. The question of how to use antihistamines, depending on the regularity of the occurrence of a negative clinical manifestation, is decided with the doctor. The presented category of medicines belongs to the symptomatic methods of therapy. They must be used whenever signs of illness occur each time.
New antihistamines can be used as a preventive measure. In the event that contact with the allergen cannot be avoided (we are talking about poplar fluff, ragweed bloom, etc.), you should use the medicine in advance. Preliminary use of antihistamines will not only alleviate negative symptoms, but exclude their occurrence. H1 will be completely blocked by this time, when the immune system starts to trigger a defensive reaction.
We reviewed antihistamine drops for children and adults.