Permethrin ointment for demodicosis: reviews, instructions

Permethrin ointment for demodicosis: reviews, instructions
Permethrin ointment for demodicosis: reviews, instructions

Demodecosis is a disease of the acariasis group. It is caused by the parasitism of such an opportunistic mite as the acne gland. A tick measuring about 0.2-0.5 mm lives in the ducts of the meibomian and sebaceous glands, as well as in the mouths of hair follicles. Such a disease is inherent not only in humans, but also in mammals. To get rid of it, you should contact an experienced dermatologist.

permethrin ointment
permethrin ointment

Most of all, permethrin ointment is used to treat the disease mentioned. Feedback on the effectiveness of this drug will be presented below.

Composition of the drug and its packaging

Permethrin ointment contains such an active ingredient as permethrin. The preparation also contains auxiliary ingredients in the form of 96% ethanol (ethyl alcohol, rectified from food raw materials), carbomer, macrogol 400, toilet soap and purified water.

4% Permethrin Ointment is available in 30g, 50g or 90g tubes

Pharmacological indicators

How does permethrin ointment work with demodicosis?Permethrin is a mixture of the cis and trans isomers of a synthetic pyrethroid. This is the so-called acaricidal and insecticidal agent intended for external application. It works on many insects, including the scabies mite.

This drug inhibits development and also causes the death of mature individuals and larvae. The antiparasitic effect of this drug is due to its ability to disrupt ion permeability through sodium channels and inhibit the processes of polarization (repolarization) of insect nerve cell membranes. This eventually leads to a paralyzing effect.

Drug kinetics

Permethrin ointment has low toxicity for warm-blooded animals and humans. After application to the skin, the absorption of the drug is about 2%. Part of the active substance that entered the systemic circulation is quickly hydrolyzed to inactive derivatives, and then excreted along with the urine.

permethrin ointment for demodicosis
permethrin ointment for demodicosis

As an anti-scabies drug, this drug is effective after a single procedure.


Permethrin ointment for demodicosis (reviews about the drug are listed below) is very effective. It is also often used for scabies and pediculosis. Only a narrow specialist should prescribe such a remedy.


Permethrin ointment is not prescribed to a patient with hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or any auxiliary component. Also, this drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy, in childhood up tothree years and during breastfeeding (during the period of treatment, lactation is stopped).

Permethrin ointment: instructions for use

How should the medicine we are considering be used? A small amount of the drug is applied in a thin layer to areas of the skin affected by scabies. At the same time, it is rubbed with massaging movements.

One day after the procedure, the ointment is washed off with soap and water and clothes are changed. Such an event is held once.

permethrin ointment reviews
permethrin ointment reviews

If the itching has not stopped or new areas affected by scabies have appeared, then this indicates a lack of effectiveness of the medicine. In this case, the treatment must be repeated after two weeks.

For children over 3 years of age, the exposure time should be 12 hours. The interval between repeated application of the drug is 1-2 days.

The ointment in question can be reused up to five times.

If itching from scabies does not disappear within 4 weeks, then the patient should consult a doctor.

Side effects

In some cases, permethrin ointment can irritate the skin. As a result, the patient may feel a burning sensation, tingling or tingling, increased swelling and itching, as well as numbness of the skin at the site of application. Also, against the background of the use of this remedy, erythema and allergic reactions develop in the form of edema and skin rash. In such cases, the use of the ointment is stopped.

Special Recommendations

To avoidre-infection with scabies, the patient's clothing, hats and bedding should be thermally treated.

If the patient has any other skin diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using the ointment. The same applies to the use of other medicines.

permethrin ointment instructions
permethrin ointment instructions

For the treatment of young children, this drug is used only as directed by a doctor.

There have been no reports of the effect of the agent under consideration on the reaction rate when working with complex mechanisms and driving vehicles.


During the application of permethrin ointment, avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, eyes and urinary tract. If this happens, they should be rinsed immediately with plenty of warm water.

After the treatment procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Apply the ointment in a well-ventilated room or outdoors.

Analogues of an external agent and its price

Drugs such as Nix, Nittifor, NOC, Medifox, Permethrin Pharma, Para Plus, Pervit and Pedilin have similar properties.

The price of permethrin ointment is about 130-250 rubles (depending on the volume of the tube).

Consumer reviews

Quite a large number of people leave exclusively positive reviews about permethrin ointment. According to them, this drug is the most effective remedy against parasites.

permethrin ointment for demodicosis reviews
permethrin ointment for demodicosis reviews

Despite the fact that the instructions say that this medication should be used once, many patients apply the ointment three to four days in a row. So they achieve a faster and more pronounced effect.

The main advantage of the drug in question is that it can be used to treat young children (from three years old).

By the way, many patients prefer to order permethrin ointment in Belarus, as the manufacturers of this state produce it without any smell.
