Which parent has not experienced colic in infants? The baby cries piercingly, refuses to eat and sleep. Perhaps, few people managed to avoid such a situation. At such times it is very important to use reliable and proven tools. One of these can be called "Plantex" for newborns. Reviews of mothers who gave their babies this drug prove its effectiveness.

What causes colic?
The causes of abdominal pain in babies are not so many. This is, first of all, the lack of beneficial bacteria due to the fact that the intestinal microflora has not yet formed properly. This leads to the development of pathogenic microorganisms and increased gas formation, which provokes colic. In addition, pain in a baby can occur when air is swallowed during feeding or if the mother does not follow a lactation diet. In any case, the child needs help. In this case, Plantex for newborns can become an effective drug. Reviews about this product are mostly positive. In rare cases, there is ineffectiveness or resistance to the medicine in babies.

"Plantex" for newborns: instructions
The drug is available in the form of small bags of granules or powder. For newborns, it is recommended to choose the second option. To prepare the solution, mix the contents of the 1st package in 100 grams of warm (necessarily boiled) water. Wait for the complete dissolution of the powder. Even in milk, you can dilute "Plantex" for newborns. Reviews of mothers indicate that it is much easier to give medicine to an infant in this form.
For young children from 10 days of age, give 1 or 2 sachets per day. The prepared drink is divided into 2 doses. It is best to prepare the mixture immediately before use. It is recommended to take diluted Plantex between meals or after meals. Reviews of parents and doctors characterize this remedy as very effective. The great advantage of the drug is its plant origin.

How Plantex works for newborns
Reviews of parents whose babies were prone to colic describe the drug as an excellent remedy for abdominal pain and childhood flatulence. Due to the fact that Plantex contains extracts of fennel fruits,the discharge of gases is improved and facilitated, the digestive processes are normalized, intestinal spasms are relieved, and the work of the intestines is stimulated. In addition, with the help of "Plantex" milk or a formula that is fed to an infant begins to be absorbed as efficiently as possible.
Drug price
For exact information on how much Plantex costs for newborns, you can find out at the pharmacy closest to your home. The average price of a drug today is from 220 to 280 rubles per pack. It contains 10 sachets of the substance, 5 grams each. This amount is enough to forget about colic in infants for several months.