Phytolax was developed as a biologically active food supplement. Its main purpose is to stabilize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and provide a mild laxative effect.

Phytolax laxative: instructions, price and description of the drug
The main active ingredients of the described remedy are herbal ingredients: senna, plantain leaf, dried apricots, dill seeds. Each of them has a special action aimed at eliminating constipation.
- dried apricot contains vitamins, trace elements, vegetable dietary fiber, which have a mild laxative effect. Also, the component is a source of potassium;
- dill fruits stimulate the production of digestive juice;
- plantain leaf has anti-inflammatory effect;
- Senna leaves are highly laxative.
Laxative "Phytolax" instruction prescribes to be taken orally, preferably in the evening. The effect comes in 8-10 hours. The standard daily dose for an adult is 1-2 tablets. If necessaryyou can increase the reception up to 4. In the case of using the liquid Fitolax product, the instruction recommends mixing 1-2 teaspoons with a half glass (about 100 ml) of warm water. The course of admission is 10-14 days.

Cost of bioadditives "Phytolax"
The average price of the drug is 120-150 rubles for a pack of 20 tablets. A package containing 40 tablets will cost you 180-200 rubles. Also, the drug "Phytolax" is produced in liquid form. The price for one bottle does not exceed 200 rubles.
Contraindications for taking the drug "Phytolax"
The instruction contains detailed information that the laxative is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Also, do not use the drug for those who have intolerance to the components of the biological additive. Special care should be taken when taking a laxative for those people who have symptoms of gastritis, peptic ulcer, intestinal obstruction and gastrointestinal bleeding. If you have any doubts about the use of Fitolax, consult your doctor.

Is it possible to give a laxative "Fitolaks" to children. Instruction
Many parents are wondering: “Is it possible to use Fitolax for children?” The annotation to the supplement does not say anything about this. But, if you look in detail, then it is not difficult to answer this question. So, you want to give your child Phytolax. The instruction clearly informs us that the composition of the supplement includes severalsubstances of plant origin. But, if dried apricots and dill fruits are given as a decoction to very young children, can the same be said about senna? On the drug market, there is such a laxative as Senna Leaves. It clearly states that the product is prohibited for use by children under 12 years of age. It follows that "Phytolax", which is supposedly the "key to constipation", should not be used for children. If your child has bowel problems, see a qualified doctor so they can prescribe the right drug for you.