Dietary supplement "Feminal": reviews, description

Dietary supplement "Feminal": reviews, description
Dietary supplement "Feminal": reviews, description

Means "Feminal" is a dietary supplement. It is used during menopause and during menopause to normalize the female reproductive system.

feminal reviews
feminal reviews

Medication description

Means "Feminal" contains red clover extract. There are four types of isoflavones in this plant component, which have an estrogen-like effect. Additional substances contained in the supplement are microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate. Sugar or sweeteners are not present in Feminal. Feedback from women suggests that the drug is well tolerated by those who are prone to diabetes.

What effect does Feminal have?

In a woman's life there comes a period when the reproductive age ends. In most cases, this occurs at 45-50 years. In the body, the production of sex hormones decreases, and then stops. This is reflected in the psychosomatic state of the woman. In addition, it is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: hot flashes, irritability, tachycardia attacks, anxiety, headaches, decreased libido, dry skin, mood swings. Phytohormones,contained in the drug "Feminal" affect the female body like estrogens. Red clover isoflavones are the closest to natural ones. Due to this similarity, the substances effectively relieve the symptoms of menopause. The drug "Feminal" has the effect of hormonal therapy. Patient reviews indicate that the remedy, due to plant origin, does not cause negative reactions, as can be observed when taking synthetic hormones.

feminal instruction
feminal instruction

Indications for admission

The drug is recommended for use during menopause. Capsules are the only form of release of Feminal. Reviews of women confirm the fact that with regular medication, the manifestations of menopausal disorders are sharply reduced. According to the developers, the drug "Feminal" effectively fights most of the symptoms that occur during menopause under the influence of fluctuations in estrogen levels.

Feminal preparation: instructions

It's pretty easy to take. It is recommended to take 1 capsule daily with meals. Required course - 1 month. The package of Feminal contains 30 capsules. After some time (1-2 months) the course can be repeated.

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Contraindications and side effects

The supplement should not be taken by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. It is also not recommended to use for those who suffer from intolerance or hypersensitivity to the substances contained in the Feminal preparation. Reviews of doctorsprove that the supplement is combined with any other drugs and has no side effects. In exceptional cases, allergic reactions have been noted.

Drug price

Means "Feminal" can be bought at any pharmacy. It is released without a prescription. The average price today is from 420 to 490 rubles. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
