"Holenzim" is a combined remedy that has a choleretic effect. These are coated tablets, the main active ingredient of which is bile, as well as digestive enzymes.

Tablets "Holenzim": instructions
Thanks to the enzymes that make up the preparation, there is an improvement in the process of digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The described medication contributes to the fact that these nutrients are better absorbed into the intestines, thereby normalizing the digestive processes that occur in the body. Take 1 tablet several (2-3) times a day with water.
Indications for use
Acute, chronic and functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are treated with the drug Cholenzim. Reviews of doctors about taking the medication confirm the fact that it effectively helps with diseases such as:
- pancreatitis;
- hepatitis;
- gastritis;
- colitis;
- cholecystitis.
In addition, the drug "Holenzim" effectively copes with non-infectious diarrhea andflatulence. For those who follow a strict diet, and those who neglect proper nutrition, it is recommended to take Cholenzim as a prophylactic. Patient reviews confirm the fact that the drug is well tolerated and produces a noticeable therapeutic effect, expressed in the normalization of the digestive process and the reduction of pain in the above diseases.

Contraindications and side effects
Medication "Holenzim" can not be used in case of hypersensitivity to the components that make up its composition, as well as in acute pancreatitis, gastric ulcers during an exacerbation, with obstructive jaundice. When treating with Cholenzim, reviews of its side effects are quite rare. However, doctors noted some phenomena that are associated with ignoring contraindications to this medication. These are allergic reactions (urticaria, rhinitis, sneezing, tearing). Overdose may cause heartburn, diarrhea and dyspeptic disorders.

Drug "Holenzim": reviews
Due to the fact that the drug contains special enzymes, patients note that there is an improvement in the digestion process with malnutrition, for example, when eating fatty foods or overeating. The drug "Holenzim" is approved for use by pregnant women and young children. When using the drug by this category of people, it is necessary to follow the prescribeddoctor's dosage. The only drawback noted by patients is that the medication is unacceptable for people who adhere to vegetarianism, as it contains elements of animal origin.
A minimum of side effects, an affordable price and an effective effect make Cholenzim one of the most popular choleretic medicines on the Russian pharmaceutical market.