Do you think there is a connection between the foods we want to eat and love? Of course have. Depending on what kind of food we eat, our sex life develops. Dissatisfaction with sexual life, sexual lethargy, intimate problems worry every third person in our country. And all of them are directly related to our diet.

There is a huge amount of scientific evidence that supports this fact and addiction. After all, it is not just that exciting drugs are being developed and manufactured that can affect the brightness of intimate relationships. And it should be noted: they are in great demand, especially among men. Giving preference to certain products - aphrodisiacs - you increase your libido and potency.
Watching happy couples, we can safely say about their excellent appetite. They are always together at the table, and they have no digestive system disorders. And in contrast to them - people with the desire to eat separately. Such couples have frequent conflicts, sexual dissatisfaction. Leaning on sweets, confectionery, they seekconsolations, try to deceive their feelings.

Unfortunately, intimate life remains at the same negative level. To everything else, extra pounds and complexes are added. Based on this, all exciting drugs are aimed at helping a person get rid of emerging problems that we create for ourselves. The human body must have a sufficient amount of vitamins and substances for the normal functioning of the genital area.
Modern stimulant medicines contain various herbal aphrodisiacs, which are most often used in the form of extracts, tinctures and powders. It is alcohol tinctures from ginseng, radiola rosea, eleutherococcus senticosus, magnolia vine, Manchurian aralia, platanophyllous sterculia that are recognized as effective. Exciting drugs for men have a distinctive feature. They contain a number of chemicals and are a kind of elixir of love, several dozen times superior to all herbal remedies.
These include Ero-Sexin Fit, Cantharis D6, Sweet Release Extreme 90, Spanische Fliege. The most popular are stimulant medicines based on rare exotic herbs and plants: Unisex Yohimbine, Erotisin forte, Erotin forte. No less popular and effective are drugs containing tadalafil, vardenophil and sildenafil: Levitra, Cialis, Viagra.

Good help with impotence and decreased libido external means: various sprays, ointments and creams. But you should not get carried away with artificial drugs, this is as an addition to a he althy lifestyle, proper nutrition and a positive emotional background. Bad habits, constant stress, lack of physical activity, promiscuous sexual relations depress potency.
In order to always be on top, you can use stimulant drugs at home of natural origin. Mushrooms take pride of place. They are rich in aphrodisiacs. They also contain zinc, which promotes the production of testosterone (male hormone). The same substance is found in raspberries, strawberries, berries, seafood, red caviar. These products increase blood circulation, increase sensitivity and improve brain activity.