Health 2024, October

How to rinse your nose with sinusitis? Sinusitis - treatment

How to rinse your nose with sinusitis? Sinusitis - treatment

The article will tell you how to rinse your nose with sinusitis, which therapeutic solutions are the most effective. Following useful recommendations, you can achieve recovery in a short time

Causes and treatment of pityriasis versicolor in humans

Causes and treatment of pityriasis versicolor in humans

The article will tell about the causes and characteristic signs of pityriasis versicolor. The main methods of treating this disease, proposed by both traditional and folk medicine, are considered

Leukemia - what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease

Leukemia - what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease

Leukemia is an obsolete name for leukemia, a serious blood disease that often causes death of the patient. The article will tell you what are the causes of the disease, its symptoms and modern methods of treatment

Consumption - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of the disease

Consumption - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of the disease

Consumption is a disease known since ancient times, which claims millions of lives every year. The article will tell you what are its features, causes of appearance, characteristic symptoms and effective methods of treatment

Cyanosis - what is it? Causes and treatment

Cyanosis - what is it? Causes and treatment

The article will talk about such a skin disease as cyanosis. What is it, why does the disease occur, what are its characteristic symptoms and features of treatment

What is colpitis in women? Colpitis: signs and treatment

What is colpitis in women? Colpitis: signs and treatment

The article will tell you what colpitis is in women, what are the causes of this disease and its characteristic symptoms, diagnostic methods and effective treatments

Hepatitis C: life expectancy. Proper diagnosis, treatment of patients with hepatitis C

Hepatitis C: life expectancy. Proper diagnosis, treatment of patients with hepatitis C

The article talks about what hepatitis C is. Life expectancy with this disease can vary from 5 to 50 years

Metrorrhagia - what is it? Causes, symptoms, treatment

Metrorrhagia - what is it? Causes, symptoms, treatment

The article will tell about such a dangerous disease for women's he alth as metrorrhagia. What is this condition, what is its etiology, by what signs can it be recognized and what measures should be taken?

Salpingitis - what is the disease? Chronic salpingitis. Salpingitis - symptoms and treatment

Salpingitis - what is the disease? Chronic salpingitis. Salpingitis - symptoms and treatment

Salpingitis is a common female disease characterized by inflammation of the fallopian tubes. About 30% of women faced such a diagnosis. The disease develops when the infection is transferred from the uterine cavity or other organs, the process goes further to the fallopian tubes, causing their obstruction

Oligospermia - what is it? Oligospermia - symptoms and treatment

Oligospermia - what is it? Oligospermia - symptoms and treatment

One of the main causes of male infertility is a disease such as oligospermia. What is it, for what reasons does it arise and what are the features of the treatment of this disease?

Glioblastoma - what is this disease? Symptoms and prognosis for glioblastoma of the brain

Glioblastoma - what is this disease? Symptoms and prognosis for glioblastoma of the brain

The article contains detailed information about such a disease as glioblastoma: what kind of disease is it, what is its etiology, symptoms and modern methods of treatment

Lower pain after workout: main causes and what to do

Lower pain after workout: main causes and what to do

Causes of pain in the lower back after a workout. Methods for eliminating pain and the basic rules for conducting classes in the gym. The appearance of pain in the ligaments and muscles of the back

Rash on the face in women: causes and treatment

Rash on the face in women: causes and treatment

Rash on the face in women may have different causes, but for effective treatment it is important to establish them. Visiting a dermatologist will help you deal with the problem faster

Is it possible to treat fatty liver?

Is it possible to treat fatty liver?

Can fatty liver be cured? How does the disease manifest itself? What are its causes and consequences? Usually these questions are asked by a patient who has heard a frightening diagnosis. As a rule, the treatment of fatty liver begins already at an advanced stage, since the disease is diagnosed only with a special examination

Osteochondrosis: causes, symptoms, types, diagnosis, necessary treatment and doctors' recommendations

Osteochondrosis: causes, symptoms, types, diagnosis, necessary treatment and doctors' recommendations

Almost every fourth inhabitant of our planet suffers from osteochondrosis. This problem concerns the spine and ranks second in the top five most common diseases after cardiovascular pathologies

Acute posthemorrhagic anemia: symptoms, causes, stages, diagnosis, treatment

Acute posthemorrhagic anemia: symptoms, causes, stages, diagnosis, treatment

Acute posthemorrhagic anemia refers to a very complex and dangerous disease that, with severe blood loss, can even lead to death. It is important to recognize the course of the disease in a timely manner, to carry out diagnostics and subsequent treatment in order to prevent the occurrence of complications

Erythroplasia of Queyra: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Erythroplasia of Queyra: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Men are several times more likely to go to the doctor with symptoms of dysfunction of the genitourinary system than the fair sex. The greatest danger is represented by precancerous conditions and malignant formations. The first group of pathologies includes Keyr's erythroplasia. What it is?

Hypertrophic phimosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prescribed treatment and consequences for boys

Hypertrophic phimosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prescribed treatment and consequences for boys

Hypertrophic phimosis is a pathological condition in which, due to the elongation of the sheets of the foreskin, it is difficult or impossible to find the glans penis. This disease is also called proboscis phimosis. Pathology occurs mainly in childhood, as well as among teenage boys who have excessive body weight

CNS damage in newborns: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, consequences

CNS damage in newborns: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, consequences

A newborn baby has not yet fully formed organs and systems, and it takes some time to complete the formation. It is in the process of the growth of the baby that his central nervous system is also formed and matures. The nervous system of the baby helps to regulate its normal existence in the world

Leishmaniasis disease: symptoms, treatment, photo

Leishmaniasis disease: symptoms, treatment, photo

In the subtropics and tropics, leishmaniasis disease is often found. The disease is transmitted to humans through mosquito bites. The causative agent of the disease is a protozoan of the genus Leishmania. This pathology has been registered in 88 countries, of which 72 are developing

Cyst of the brain: causes, symptoms, treatments and consequences

Cyst of the brain: causes, symptoms, treatments and consequences

A brain cyst is a benign formation; cavity filled with liquid. The formation is usually not detected for a long time, until it grows so much that it presses down on adjacent areas of the brain. While the cyst is small, the person does not feel it

Hypertension syndrome: symptoms, treatment, consequences

Hypertension syndrome: symptoms, treatment, consequences

Under the hypertension syndrome is understood a condition that appears against the background of pathological processes accompanied by an increase in intracranial pressure. Other names for this disease are liquor-hypertensive or hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome

Symptoms of hyperparathyroidism, diagnosis and treatment

Symptoms of hyperparathyroidism, diagnosis and treatment

Quite often, after diagnosis, disorders in the functioning of the parathyroid glands are found in patients. Symptoms of hyperparathyroidism can often be nothing to worry about. Lethargy, weakness, decreased performance, constipation - people often attribute all these disorders to general fatigue and malnutrition. Therefore, they turn to the doctor already in the later stages of development

Mitral valve dysfunction

Mitral valve dysfunction

The mitral valve is a very important element of the human cardiovascular system. In this regard, any deviations in its functioning in the most negative way affect our he alth and well-being. We offer you to learn about the appointment of the mitral valve, as well as possible violations in its work, their symptoms and consequences

ONMK: what is it? ONMK on ischemic type. Federal register of patients with stroke

ONMK: what is it? ONMK on ischemic type. Federal register of patients with stroke

Many people ask what is stroke and what are the consequences after it. This article will analyze the main causes of the manifestation of stroke and the consequences

Transient ischemic attack: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, consequences, clinical recommendations

Transient ischemic attack: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, consequences, clinical recommendations

Transient ischemic attack (TIA) is manifested by an acute violation of cerebral circulation, all the consequences of which are restored within a day after their formation

Kartagener syndrome in children: diagnosis, photo, treatment

Kartagener syndrome in children: diagnosis, photo, treatment

Kartagener's syndrome is a rare congenital disease caused by impaired motility of cilia located on the surface of many epithelial cells. And now more

Cardiopathy - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of cardiopathy in adults and children

Cardiopathy - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of cardiopathy in adults and children

In medical practice, there are several forms, united by one concept - "cardiopathy". Each type of pathology has its own causes

Myeloma: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

Myeloma: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

In modern conditions of environmental degradation, a terrible word - oncology - is increasingly heard. Among all types of cancer, multiple myeloma occupies a special place. The etiology of this disease still raises more questions than answers. What is it - multiple myeloma, why does it appear, who is at risk - this article is about this

Prolapsed bladder: symptoms, treatment options, diagnosis, prevention

Prolapsed bladder: symptoms, treatment options, diagnosis, prevention

Prolapse of the bladder is a rather unpleasant disease faced by a fairly large number of patients. In medical terminology, it is also called a cystocele. In fact, this is a pathological displacement of the bladder towards the vagina, in which the muscles of the pelvic floor and abdominal wall are weakened and lose their elasticity

Heart valve replacement surgery and possible diseases

Heart valve replacement surgery and possible diseases

The human heart has 4 cavities. Each of them is connected through special holes - valves. They are needed so that the blood circulates evenly through the chambers. In case of diseases of the heart valves, the help of a cardiologist is required. In some cases, to eliminate the pathology, surgical intervention is necessary

Stroke at a young age: causes, treatment and consequences

Stroke at a young age: causes, treatment and consequences

Specialists draw a pattern between the age group of patients and some diseases. It is generally accepted that strokes, heart attacks and other pathologies of the heart and blood vessels occur mainly in people older than middle age. This is explained by the fact that cells go through the aging process, like the vessels of the circulatory system

Sclerosis of the brain: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Sclerosis of the brain: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Sclerosis is a disease that usually occurs in older people, but sometimes it also occurs in young people. The disease is the cause of stroke and senile dementia, as well as death. Therefore, timely diagnosis is required when the first symptoms appear, as well as effective treatment. The treatment of cerebral sclerosis is described in the article

Treatment with leeches for varicose veins on the legs: reviews

Treatment with leeches for varicose veins on the legs: reviews

Treatment of varicose veins with leeches is an ancient method of therapy that has gained popularity these days. Patients believe that the method allows you to do without surgery, and phlebologists warn of side effects that are more formidable than varicose veins. What are the pros and cons of the method, what do patients who have undergone hirudotherapy say

What are the symptoms of high cholesterol? Symptoms and signs of high cholesterol

What are the symptoms of high cholesterol? Symptoms and signs of high cholesterol

The article describes hypercholesterolemia, indicates the causes and main clinical manifestations of high cholesterol, as well as methods of treating this disorder

Diseases of the superficial veins of the lower extremities and methods of treatment

Diseases of the superficial veins of the lower extremities and methods of treatment

When it comes to diseases of the superficial veins of the lower extremities, in most cases their varicose expansion is meant. However, the range of pathological processes that are associated with the veins of the legs is much wider. It includes even more dangerous pathologies such as, for example, thrombophlebitis. Let's figure out what the causes of such diseases are and what methods of treatment are used to eliminate them

Fecal incontinence in adults and children: causes and treatment

Fecal incontinence in adults and children: causes and treatment

Fecal incontinence in medicine is referred to as encopresis. We are talking about involuntary emptying of the intestines with the release of feces from the anus. Patients suffering from fecal incontinence are not able to consciously manage and control the process of defecation. This problem is relevant for people of any age, gender and social status

Cerebral atherosclerosis: symptoms and treatment, signs

Cerebral atherosclerosis: symptoms and treatment, signs

This article will discuss such a disease as atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. The main signs of the disease, symptoms and treatment, as well as diet and preventive measures - all this can be read in the text below

Irregular pulse: causes, symptoms, what to do, how to treat

Irregular pulse: causes, symptoms, what to do, how to treat

It's no secret that the heart is a vital organ for a person. Any failures in its work affect the well-being and work of other body systems. Therefore, if symptoms appear that indicate the development of pathology, you should immediately contact a cardiologist. One of these manifestations is an uneven pulse. Every person experiences this condition at least once in their life. But in some cases, a similar symptom indicates a disease that cannot be started

Ultrasound of neck vessels: when and why to do

Ultrasound of neck vessels: when and why to do

If you are experiencing symptoms such as dizziness, frequent migraines, tinnitus, then it is likely that you are suffering from circulatory disorders. In all these cases, experts strongly recommend doing an ultrasound of the vessels of the neck