Cardiopathy - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of cardiopathy in adults and children

Cardiopathy - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of cardiopathy in adults and children
Cardiopathy - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of cardiopathy in adults and children

In medical practice, there are several forms, united by one concept - "cardiopathy" (what it is, will be discussed below). Each type of pathology has its own causes. Next, we will consider in more detail how cardiopathy manifests itself, what it is and what therapeutic measures are taken.

what is cardiomyopathy
what is cardiomyopathy

General information

Before describing how cardiopathy manifests itself, what it is, it should be said that echocardiography is considered one of the most effective diagnostic methods. Therapeutic measures are carried out in conditions of complete refusal to take alcohol (for adult patients). In the vast majority of cases, cardiopathy is a violation of the physiological development of the heart muscle in the tissues. Pathology is accompanied by aching pain. This manifestation may not be related to exercise.


Cardiopathy (what it is, said above) in one form or another can occur at different ages. With a dyshormonal type of disease, women may develop a metabolic disorder. It, in turn, provokes problems with the activity of the ovaries. Special placeamong all forms is functional cardiopathy. Often this type is diagnosed in early childhood and adolescence. Functional cardiopathy is accompanied by aching pain in the region of the heart. Discomfort and discomfort in some cases pass quickly, and sometimes drag on for a long period, up to several days. With increased production of thyroid hormones, cardiopathy of thyrotoxicosis develops. In this case, the heart expands, its rhythm is disturbed. If such a cardiopathy is diagnosed, treatment is mainly aimed at restoring the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. At the same time, therapy involves the elimination of insufficiency of the muscles of the heart.

functional cardiopathy
functional cardiopathy

Cardiopathy in children

As practice shows, pathology often occurs at a young age. It can be caused by both congenital and acquired causes that appear in the process of physical development and growing up of the child. Cardiopathies in children are most often observed in the middle and younger school years. The phenomenon may be associated with congenital heart defects or be of a rheumatic nature. In this case, manifestations of pathology are noted from the very birth of a person.


Cardiopathy, the symptoms of which are manifested in the form of increased fatigue, lethargy, heart failure, slowing down of metabolic processes. The consequences of such a failure can be quite serious and unpredictable. In particular, weight loss, shortness of breath is likely, even during a quiet walk. Atany complaints of a teenager about a deterioration in well-being, parents should take the child to a specialist.

cardiopathy in children
cardiopathy in children

Important information

At a very early age, it is necessary to carefully monitor the he alth of the baby during various outdoor games. An examination by a cardiologist is also recommended at least once a year. In this case, it is necessary to take readings of the electrocardiogram. Against the background of pathology, heart murmurs can not always be detected. Later manifestations of the disease include disturbances in the heart rhythm, manifested in the form of extrasystole and tachycardia. It's not worth bringing it up. Experts recommend taking timely measures to prevent pathology and maintain the he alth of the child.

Most common manifestations

The following violations of the physiological development of the muscular heart tissue are most often detected:

  • Incorrect development of the ventricles.
  • Anastomosis of the arteries.
  • Thickening of the septum between the ventricles.
  • Stenosis and narrowing of the heart valves.
  • Violations in impulse conduction.
  • Displacement of the electrical cardiac axis.

All of these manifestations can lead to heart rhythm disturbances, a decrease in the amount of pumped blood, heart and respiratory (lung) failure, swelling.

dysplastic cardiopathy
dysplastic cardiopathy

Pathologies in a child

There are several types of disease. They appear at different ages. The most commonare considered:

Secondary cardiopathy. This form acts as a consequence of colds. The secondary form of cardiopathy is diagnosed in the presence of an inflammatory focus in the body. Any pathology of the internal organs can also provoke this type of disease. However, most often this form appears due to the manifestation of diseases such as:

- myocarditis;

- pneumonia;

- infective endocarditis;

- malformations of the valves and muscles of the heart;

- bronchial asthma.

The diagnosis in this case is facilitated by the fact that the child is under constant medical supervision for the primary syndrome.

cardiopathy symptoms
cardiopathy symptoms
  • Congenital cardiopathy. It manifests itself in the form of malformations of intrauterine maturation of the heart muscle.
  • Dysplastic cardiopathy. Develops under the influence of rheumatism. Pathology is not associated with the functional characteristics of the child's body. Dysplastic cardiopathy should be understood as a violation of the integrity of tissues with the subsequent replacement of the affected fibers with connective inelastic structures. Damaged areas are not able to adequately cope with their functional duties. This is the cause of heart failure.

Functional cardiopathy in a child

One can talk about this form of pathology for quite a long time. At its core, functional cardiopathy is a response of an unprepared organism to unexpectedly increased nervous orphysical exercise. This form of the disease often occurs as a result of improper teaching of a physical education lesson. The teacher should take into account not only the age characteristics of the students, but also the general level of their physical fitness for a particular load. Functional cardiopathy also develops in those schoolchildren who are forced by the will of their parents to engage in sports schools and sections. At the same time, their body is often not ready for such loads. In order to avoid complications, before enrolling a child in a section, you should be examined by a cardiologist. A month after the start of sports activities, it is recommended to visit a specialist again. In the absence of violations, the next inspection is allowed in six months.

cardiopathy is
cardiopathy is

Clinical picture

Manifestations of pathology depend on where the destructive process is localized. With damage to the left atrium and ventricle, the signs of the disease are as follows:

  • Fatigue.
  • Weakness.
  • Frequent pulse.
  • Soreness around the heart.
  • Cyanosis in the area of the nasolabial triangle.
  • Inability to exercise for long periods of time.
  • Pale skin.

Loss of the right departments provoke symptoms of pulmonary insufficiency:

  • Heaviness in the region of the heart.
  • Frequent causeless cough.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Puffiness.
  • Shortness of breath.

Among other things, primary syndromes are accompanied by a general picture of a violation of the integrity of the musclehearts. More accurate conclusions can be made only after a thorough examination of the child. At the same time, experts give a fairly favorable forecast. With the current level of development of medicine, even in severe cases, cardiopathy can be cured without the likelihood of long-term complications.

secondary cardiopathy
secondary cardiopathy

Features of therapy

Treatment will be chosen according to the form of the disease. For example, with functional cardiopathy, the method of interference therapy is used. In this case, the appropriate apparatus is used. They treat patients aged 10-14 years. Due to the fact that recently the sensitivity of people to drugs has significantly increased, specialists are developing and implementing new non-drug methods. Nevertheless, with menopausal cardiopathy, for example, the doctor prescribes mainly pharmaceutical preparations. The essence of therapy in this case is reduced to the use of funds based on valerian. In the presence of negative T waves, doctors recommend the drugs Anaprilin and Verapamil. These medications, however, should not be taken if the bradycardia is too severe. In especially severe cases, a specialist may prescribe hormone therapy. The main indicator of the effectiveness of the therapeutic course in this case is a significant reduction in pain, which does not depend on the ECG. Patients are also recommended ACE inhibitors ("Benazepril", "Quinapril", etc.). The dosage for each case is set individually, in accordance with the characteristics of the body and tolerance. One oranother drug has side effects (increased pressure and others). In this regard, when choosing a medication, possible complications should be taken into account. Popular methods of treating cardiopathy are quite common. However, before using this or that prescription, you should consult your doctor. Of particular importance in the treatment of pathology, especially in children, is proper physical education and regular outdoor sports.
