Acute posthemorrhagic anemia occurs in almost 80% of cases of this disease. It occurs as a result of severe blood loss. Anemia is characterized by a lack of elements containing iron. At the same time, the number of red blood cells decreases, and hemoglobin remains at the same level.
Acute posthemorrhagic anemia (ICD 10 D62) refers to a complication of the abnormal course of diseases in the postoperative period of gastric, gynecological and cardiac pathologies, as well as blood diseases. If such a violation occurs, it is imperative to visit a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Feature of this disease
Acute posthemorrhagic anemia (ICD code 10 D62) is a very complex disease that poses a real threat to human life. It develops extremely rapidly, proceeds hard and can eventually lead to the death of the patient. If you have such a problem, you should definitely consult a doctor.

A blood loss of 500 ml is considered critical. It greatly impairs the quality of human life. Persistent bleeding may also indicate the development of gynecological, cardiac and gastroenterological problems.
Stages of the disease
Doctors distinguish 3 stages of acute posthemorrhagic anemia, namely:
- vascular-reflex;
- hydremia;
- bone marrow changes.
Let's look at each in more detail.
The vascular-reflex stage implies the inclusion of compensatory defense mechanisms. There is a decrease in pressure, tachycardia, pallor of the skin, shortness of breath.
The second stage of acute post-hemorrhagic anemia, or hydremia, begins in about 3-5 hours. Fluid enters the plasma from the intercellular space. This stage lasts 2-3 hours. In the blood, the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin are sharply reduced.
Bone marrow changes occur from 4-5 days after injury. This is due to the occurrence and progression of hypoxia. Treatment and full recovery takes at least two months.
Causes of occurrence
The direct cause of acute posthemorrhagic anemia is hemorrhage, which can be internal and external. The disease manifests itself in such cases:
- violation of the integrity of large veins and arteries;
- heart rupture during a heart attack;
- ruptured aneurysm;
- hemorrhage in the lungs;
- ectopic pregnancy with ruptured fallopian tube;
- strong menstrualbleeding;
- ruptured spleen;
- heavy bleeding of the digestive tract.

In a newborn child, acute posthemorrhagic anemia (ICD 10 D61.3) may occur as a result of birth trauma or severe placental bleeding. Sometimes the disease is diagnosed during pregnancy.
Main symptoms
Acute and chronic posthemorrhagic anemia differ somewhat in terms of symptoms, degree of blood loss, as well as the characteristics of the human body. From the very beginning of heavy bleeding, the human body uses all resources to compensate for the losses. The production of cells that precede red blood cells increases dramatically.
The walls of blood vessels spasm, limiting the flow of blood to the muscles and skin. At the same time, the provision of adrenal glands, the heart and the nervous system with nutrients is maintained for the longest possible time. Among the main symptoms of acute posthemorrhagic anemia, the following should be distinguished:
- human pulse quickens;
- breathing becomes shallow and harsh;
- skin turns pale;
- appears weakness in the limbs, dizziness, tinnitus;
- feces turn red or dark brown.
This phase of anemia involves the body's immediate response to blood loss. It takes about 12 hours in duration, and after that it goes to the next stage.
At this stage, the body extracts the maximum number of red blood cells, and the interstitial fluid passes into the vessels. The filtering properties of the kidneys are compensated by the need to retain water in the body, which leads to a decrease in the amount of urine excreted. Red blood cells are distributed in the plasma, resulting in a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin.
If in acute posthemorrhagic anemia the blood loss is very strong, then hemorrhagic collapse develops. At the same time, the pressure drops very sharply to critical values, breathing is shallow and rapid, the pulse is thready. There is severe muscle weakness up to the complete cessation of motor activity, loss of consciousness, vomiting and convulsions are possible.
Lack of blood supply gradually causes oxygen starvation in organs and systems. Death occurs due to cardiac and respiratory arrest. A sign of internal bleeding is dry mouth. Against the background of severe intoxication of the human body, the temperature may rise. The patient complains of squeezing the internal organs.
Which doctor to contact
In acute posthemorrhagic anemia, the causes, pathogenesis and blood picture can be very different, which is why when the first signs of such a problem occur, you need to call an ambulance for diagnosis. The sooner help is provided to a person, the higher the likelihood of a successful cure. Consultation of a surgeon and a traumatologist is required.

In addition, you may need to consult a gastroenterologist, proctologist, hematologist and gynecologist. The doctor at the first appointment listens to all complaints of the patient. Afterduring the examination, the doctor asks several clarifying questions, namely:
- when signs of illness first appeared;
- have there been similar problems before;
- worry about chronic diseases;
- were there other complaints;
- is the person taking medication.
The survey allows you to make a complete clinical picture of the course of the disease. It also allows you to find the true cause of anemia. The doctor necessarily sends the patient for examination to confirm the diagnosis.
Diagnosis of acute posthemorrhagic anemia is to determine the main signs of the course of the disease and the source of constant hemorrhages. It includes laboratory and instrumental studies, in particular the following:
- hemogram;
- electrocardiogram;
- biochemical analysis of urine and blood;
- ultrasound;
- puncture of the brain and bone marrow.
When examining a patient, the doctor should pay attention to low blood pressure, rapid breathing, barely noticeable pulse, heart murmurs, heart rhythm disturbance. According to the blood picture of acute posthemorrhagic anemia, a decrease in the total number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin is found. In this case, control of the amount of urine, electrolytes, platelets, pressure is required.

Puncture of the medulla with its subsequent study is required only if it is not possible to establish an accurate diagnosis. Atthis type of study shows an increase in the activity of red medulla cells in the bone.
During the diagnosis of internal hemorrhages, the syndrome of acute deficiency of biological fluid and laboratory tests are important. In addition, centers of blood formation are observed in the internal organs, which is considered an anomaly. The amount of iron decreases. With external bleeding, the correct diagnosis is very simple.
Features of treatment
Treatment of acute posthemorrhagic anemia may have certain differences, it all depends on the stage of the course. If a person is diagnosed with this disease, then he is urgently hospitalized. All the efforts of the doctor are aimed at eliminating bleeding. To do this, it can be carried out:
- dressing;
- vascular closure;
- increased blood clotting;
- resection and suturing of damaged organs.
In the future, acute post-hemorrhagic anemia may not require any treatment at all, as the body will restore the lost blood on its own. This happens when you activate your own blood reserves, which are located in the lungs, liver and spleen.

If a person has lost a lot of blood, then he needs an urgent transfusion. In severe conditions, the patient may also enter:
- B vitamins;
- blood substitutes;
- iron preparations;
- electrolyte solutions.
All these drugs need to be takenin combination with ascorbic acid. Thanks to this, iron is absorbed much faster by the body. Tissue acidosis is eliminated by applying a soda solution. Despite significant blood loss, the drug "Heparin" is prescribed to eliminate thrombosis. The patient is connected to humidified oxygen in breathing tubes.
Immunity support is mandatory during the recovery period, as people with this disease are susceptible to infection by various microorganisms. To do this, you need to take vitamins and immunostimulants.
Feature of the course of the disease in children
Acute posthemorrhagic anemia in children is quite common. It occurs due to injuries sustained during childbirth, as well as frequent blood sampling for analysis. In older children, this disease can be provoked by worms.
Symptoms of hemorrhages in infants appear within half an hour, and in older ones - every other day. Among the main signs of the course of the disease, it is necessary to highlight:
- lack of appetite;
- sluggish, apathetic state;
- slowing growth and weight.
The first sign may be a change in taste. In addition, behavioral characteristics change, capriciousness, tearfulness or, conversely, apathy appear. In addition, the child's nails become more brittle, the skin is dry, and the surface of the tongue is smooth.

First aid is to hospitalize the child and eliminate hemorrhages. Initially, a group is determined, then blood substitutes are poured in. Attherapy requires the maintenance of cardiac activity. A vitamin and protein diet is prescribed.
Feature of the disease in pregnant women
Acute posthemorrhagic anemia during pregnancy indicates dangerous complications. These include placental hematomas, exfoliation, rupture of the umbilical canal.

In this case, when the first signs of illness appear, you need to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Nutrition for anemia and folk remedies
Depending on the pathogenesis of acute posthemorrhagic anemia and the characteristics of the course of the disease, the doctor selects the treatment separately. Be sure to initially eliminate the cause of bleeding. After drug therapy, a long recovery of the body is required. To replenish hemoglobin, a specially selected diet is prescribed. Its main goal is to provide the body with useful trace elements and vitamins, so nutrition should be high-calorie and balanced, but with a minimum fat content.
In the patient's diet, there must be foods containing iron, namely liver and lean meats. To enrich the diet with microelements, protein and useful amino acids, cottage cheese, fish and eggs are required. The main suppliers of vitamins are fresh juices, fruits and vegetables.
Water loss can be replenished by drinking at least 2 liters of water per day. To restore strength and support the body, you can use traditional medicine.
Can be inas tea, drink an infusion of wild rose berries, to which strawberry leaves are additionally added. Squeeze juice from beets, radishes and carrots, mix in equal proportions. Pour into a dark container, cover with a lid and bake in the oven for 3 hours. Drink juice 1 tbsp. l. daily for 3 months. With blood loss, immunity suffers greatly, so to strengthen it, you need to take decoctions based on ginseng, echinacea, marshmallow, lemongrass.

Prognosis for acute posthemorrhagic anemia largely depends on how much blood has been lost. Reducing its volume by 10% is tolerated quite easily. The loss of 1/5 of the blood negatively affects the patient's well-being. Reducing it by a third threatens the death of the patient.
Delayed medical care can lead to a more severe form of anemia, as well as the addition of concomitant infectious processes. In the absence of treatment and further progression of blood loss, hemorrhagic shock may develop. This condition leads to acute hypoxia. Insufficient blood supply to the brain with oxygen can provoke paralysis of the respiratory center.
Possible Complications
When acute posthemorrhagic anemia occurs, the blood picture is generally not very good, since there is a significant loss of it. Its total amount in the body is 3.5-5 liters. Circulating through the body, it performs many different functions, namely:
- distributes oxygen and nutrients;
- transfers hormones tosensitive organs;
- removes decay products from tissues;
- participates in the process of recovery and healing;
- maintains a constant temperature;
- enables immunity against external threats.
If the amount of blood decreases by more than 10%, the patient clearly feels it. There is a decrease in all its basic qualities.
From the very beginning, brain tissues that experience oxygen starvation suffer. Then there are more serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.
Prevention of this pathology
Properly selected preventive measures will help prevent the development of anemia and its relapses. When the disease passes into the chronic stage, it is necessary to constantly monitor your well-being, undergo an examination and take medication. If the doctor insists on an operation, then there is no need to refuse it, as this will eliminate the cause of anemia.
The diet of adults and children must include foods containing vitamins, iron, as well as trace elements required for the body. Pregnant women need to be registered in a timely manner, as this will detect anemia and prevent the occurrence of complications that are dangerous for the he alth of a woman and a newborn baby.
If the baby has been diagnosed with this dangerous pathology, it is recommended to continue breastfeeding. Such a child needs to be provided with good nutrition, a he althy, supportive environment and timely complementary foods. Regular walks are important to normalize well-being, and medicines needgive only as directed by a doctor.
To prevent the development of dystrophy, as well as rickets, you need constant monitoring by a pediatrician. Particular attention is paid to children born to women with anemia and who are bottle-fed. Also at risk are babies from multiple pregnancies, slowly gaining weight, premature.
Do not forget about safety measures, as this helps to reduce the risk of injury. If it was not possible to avoid damage, then to prevent significant blood loss, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Posthemorrhagic anemia can be cured if the signs of the disease are recognized in a timely manner and visit a doctor. This will restore the blood structure without consequences and normalize well-being.