Treatment with leeches for varicose veins of the lower extremities is one of the oldest methods of therapy that has not lost its relevance and shows high efficiency in the symptomatic treatment of the disease. The use of hirudotherapy reduces the symptoms of varicose veins, but cannot eliminate the cause of the pathology.
Controversial method
Few doctors support the benefits of treating varicose veins with leeches. Reviews of part of the Aesculapius indicate the riskiness of this type of therapy. Despite the large number of proposals from various clinics, primarily private ones, no one seeks to voice information about the dangers of hirudotherapy. Doctors warn that the reaction of each person is purely individual, no one can determine if the patient is allergic to leeches and hirudin.
Even if the patient has never experienced any allergic reaction, this does not mean that it cannot be on leeches. The consequence of unjustified risk may be a significant deterioration, and in some cases, losslimbs.
Patient arguments
Fans of preventive methods believe that most people with vascular pathologies need to be treated with leeches for varicose veins. In their reviews, patients who have undergone hirudotherapy sessions say that they decided to undergo a course of treatment, relying on the historical demand for this procedure.
They felt that the therapy, successfully used in the 19th and early 20th centuries, could not do harm. As another argument, the consideration of the naturalness of the means used is given.

Benefits of leeches
Therapy is carried out by means of a worm that lives in freshwater reservoirs. The leech sticks to an open wound and feeds on the blood of animals or humans; in one session, it can consume up to 15 ml of blood. The therapeutic effect is achieved by the fact that the invertebrate, sucking out blood, injects saliva into the wound - hirudin. The secret of the leech has anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory properties, for this reason, at the end of the session, blood clotting drops sharply, it can flow from the wound up to 24 hours.
It is proved that the treatment of varicose veins with leeches saturates the blood with useful substances, oxygen, improves blood flow. It is also noted that hirudin prevents the deformation of blood vessels, the formation of blood clots, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The positive effect is limited in time, many believe that vascular tone after such treatment disappears after a few days. For the procedure, leeches grown in laboratory conditions are used. Organisms grown innatural environment swamps and rivers should not be used.
Overall impressions
Many patients have experienced the treatment of varicose veins with leeches. Most of them left rave reviews about the results of therapy and described their impressions. Visitors to clinics where hirudotherapy is performed say that leeches do not cause warm feelings. Women noted that it is very unpleasant to see or feel these invertebrates on themselves. A full course of treatment turned out to be beyond the power of many, the reason for this was an instinctive disgust for the "natural therapist".

Most say that a feeling of lightness appeared after the first session of treatment with leeches for varicose veins. The responses indicate that the condition of the veins has not improved, but the swelling, heaviness and fatigue have disappeared. Also, many have noted an improvement in complexion, well-being and a sense of peace.
Negative reviews indicate that it is difficult to control the quality of leeches. The certificate, certificate and other documents do not give a guarantee that the proposed worm was not caught in the nearest swamp. Everyone is unpleasantly surprised that doctors rarely warn about possible complications of hirudotherapy, and if they occur, it is almost impossible to prove what caused the disease.
How the session goes
Treatment of varicose veins with leeches is carried out on an outpatient basis, under the supervision of an experienced specialist. The doctor examines visible veins and assesses the extent of the lesion.
The scheme of the procedure is as follows:
- Next to the damaged part of the vein (venousbump) attach two leeches. This allows you to improve blood microcirculation and strengthen the walls of a sagging vessel.
- To enhance the effect, a few more pieces of organisms are attached along the entire length of the vein.
- Therapy session lasts from 10 to 60 minutes.
- After saturation, the worm disappears by itself or is removed by the operator.
- Use no more than 10 leeches at a time.
- The attachment site is an open wound, which is covered with a bandage with an antiseptic composition and fixed with a sticky bandage.
- The entire course of hirudotherapy consists of 5-7 sessions, the break between procedures is 3 days.
- No more than 1 course of this treatment is recommended during the year.
Due to the fact that hirudin is an anticoagulant, after a session, the blood does not stop immediately. The patient is advised not to use any additional means to stop it, the wound should close with a clot on its own. Bed rest is recommended to control heavy bleeding.

Pros of the method
Treatment of varicose veins on the legs with leeches, from a medical point of view, has the following therapeutic effects on the patient's he alth:
- Restores internal balance (endoecology) in the body.
- Provides anticoagulant, reflexogenic, antithrombotic, antihypoxic, bacteriolytic effect.
- Speeds up the transmission of impulses in the neuromuscular structure.
- Relaxes tight leg muscles.
- Restores blood microcirculation.
- Increases immunity.
- Stimulates rapid wound healing.
- Reduces blood pressure, etc.
Some phlebologists believe that the treatment of varicose veins with leeches demonstrates a positive effect on superficial veins in thrombophlebitis in situations where the patient refuses drug therapy. Some doctors are sure that hirudin has a short-term effect on the condition of the blood and blood vessels. In their opinion, the anticoagulant effect ends 15 minutes after the session, and the effect of contractions of the venous wall disappears after 2 days.
Patients on effectiveness
The patients said that they felt relief of their condition after the first session - the heaviness in the legs receded, vitality appeared, sleep improved. Also, many considered the merit of hirudotherapy to improve the condition of the skin, stop headaches, and reduce the visibility of veins in the legs. Many noted that the tool helps well to delay surgery for several years, but is not a method that treats varicose veins.

Some patients write that, being at risk and having discovered the initial signs of varicose veins (a swollen vein on the leg), they decided to take measures already at the first stage of the disease. Of all the remedies considered, where surgery is not used, they chose the treatment of varicose veins with leeches. Feedback on the full course of therapy they left positive. An explicitrelief of the condition. But in some cases, you still have to do a phlebectomy a few years after the use of leeches.
Cons of hirudotherapy
The negative effect of a leech on the body can begin at the stage of placing the worm on the vein area. Allergens begin to be produced by the immune system almost immediately, venous congestion can aggravate the situation and lead to wound suppuration and serious consequences in the long term. In addition, leech therapy can provoke such complications:
- Local pigmentation at the site of worm suction.
- Prolonged bleeding with possible infection of the open wound.
- Allergies can provoke dermatitis, abscess.
- At the place where the leech is used, there is a threat of formation of a trophic ulcer, lymphadenitis, leg phlegmon and other diseases.
Varicose veins are a malfunction of the venous valves due to the weakening of the walls of blood vessels. Hirudotherapy does not cure the problem, but only slightly weakens the clinical and aesthetic manifestations of the pathology. At the same time, the side effects of the method can cause significant harm to he alth.
What patients didn't like
Some patients warn of the dangers of treating varicose veins with leeches. Reviews urge to go to hirudotherapy after a thorough examination of the body, collection of blood tests and consultation with a phlebologist. It is also recommended to seek treatment only in trusted clinics - cases of dishonest behavior of doctors are not uncommon.

The fact is that the leech can only be used once. During the session, some specialists allow the worm to fall off on its own, but sometimes this approach can threaten the patient's he alth. In such cases, it is removed forcibly, and no one has a guarantee that the leech is not reused, but already on another patient.
Confirmation of such fears is the case of infection of the patient with erysipelas, which was revealed after hirudotherapy sessions. The rehabilitation period after treatment with leeches for varicose veins on the legs was negatively assessed. Patient reviews say that the bites do not heal for a long time, they itch a lot, and subsequently small scars on the skin remain forever. Most patients considered that treatment with leeches is very expensive for symptomatic therapy, and it is still necessary to solve the problem fundamentally.
Neutral Feedback
Patients whose hirudotherapy sessions were not associated with varicose veins believe that it is very useful for everyone without exception to carry out this type of wellness procedure for preventive purposes. Some have studied the technology, the physiological points of the installation of leeches and now practice hirudotherapy at home. This category of people talks about improving he alth, improving immunity, normalizing blood pressure.

Some are treated in this way only in case of any critical condition - with migraine, hypertension, back pain and for the prevention of colds. Thissome lovers of leeches warn of the consequences: the level of hemoglobin may decrease, the pressure will drop, the bite site bleeds for quite a long time, sometimes the bandage has to be changed several times in a couple of hours.
Patients who purposefully took the treatment of varicose veins in the legs with leeches leave reviews that the therapy gives many positive aspects for general well-being, but does not affect the condition and progress of varicose veins. At an early stage, even the aesthetic effect of hirudotherapy is noticeable, but with further weakening of the walls of blood vessels, the use of leeches is not advisable.
Experts strongly recommend considering contraindications to the use of leeches.
Hirudotherapy is absolutely unacceptable for diseases such as:
- Neoplasms.
- Blood pathologies (anemia, low blood clotting, etc.).
- Chronic hypotension.
- Infectious disease (chronic, current in the acute phase).
- Tuberculosis.
- Hyperthermia.
- Sensitive skin.

Temporary contraindications:
- Children's age.
- Pregnancy.
- Menstrual cycle.
- Postoperative condition.
- Taking anticoagulant medications.
- Prone to allergic reactions.
Not all patients are informed about the dangers of hirudotherapy. This is mentioned in some reviews of the treatment of varicose veins with leeches. Reviews say thatthat a specialist conducts an examination, prescribes some tests, but almost none of the doctors gives a detailed answer about the risks of complications.
Patients are also recommended to be sure to undergo an analysis for the presence of neoplasms. Hirudin, injected into the blood by a leech, stimulates the growth of tumor cells.