ONMK: what is it? ONMK on ischemic type. Federal register of patients with stroke

ONMK: what is it? ONMK on ischemic type. Federal register of patients with stroke
ONMK: what is it? ONMK on ischemic type. Federal register of patients with stroke

Many people ask what is stroke and what are the consequences after it. This article will analyze the main causes of stroke and the consequences.

ONMK - what is it

Many people who have nothing to do with medicine probably do not know what stroke is. So, an acute circulatory disorder in the brain is a stroke, which causes damage and death of brain cells. The cause of this disease is the formation of a blood clot in the blood vessels of the brain or the rupture of some blood vessels, which causes the death of a huge number of nerve cells and blood cells. According to statistics, it is stroke that is in the first place among the diseases that cause death of a person. Every year, worldwide, according to the federal stroke registry, 14 percent of people die from this disease, as well as 16 from other types of diseases of the circulatory system.

Reasons for which stroke may occur

In order to prevent the occurrence of this disease, it is necessary to pay attention to your lifestyle from an early age. For example, permanent employmentsports can significantly reduce the possibility of CVA. What it is, you already know, some of the causes of this disease will be considered further.

ONMK what is it
ONMK what is it

As a rule, this disease does not come suddenly, very often the diagnosis of stroke can be established as a consequence of some diseases. Often this condition can be caused by:

  • hypertension;
  • obesity is the most common cause reported by the federal CVA registry;
  • diabetes;
  • high cholesterol;
  • heart disease;
  • alcohol and smoking;
  • various kinds of medicines;
  • high hemoglobin level;
  • according to the federal stroke registry, another reason is age;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • genetic predisposition and so on.

Now it is clear what stroke is. These are the consequences of a wrong way of life. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your he alth and physical condition.

Ischemic stroke

Ischemic stroke is a stroke caused by damage to brain tissue and impaired blood flow to one or another of its departments.


The majority of patients with ischemic stroke have general diseases of the cardiovascular system. Such diseases also include arteriosclerosis, heart disease (arrhythmia, rheumatic disease), diabetes mellitus.

This type of stroke is characterized by sharp and frequent manifestations of painsensations, the consequence of which is a deterioration in blood circulation in the cerebral cortex. As a rule, such attacks can make themselves felt several times an hour and last for 24 hours.

CVA is included in the international classification of diseases of the 10th revision

CVA codes (ICD 10):

  1. I63.0. Human cerebral infarction as a result of thrombosis of precerebral blood arteries.
  2. I63.1. Human brain infarction after an embolism of the precerebral blood arteries.
  3. I63.2. Cerebral infarction as a consequence of stenosis of the precerebral blood arteries or unrefined blockage of the cerebral arteries.
  4. I63.3. CVA as a consequence of thrombosis of the blood arteries of the brain.
  5. I63.4. CVA due to cerebral embolism.
  6. I63.5. CVA as a consequence of stenosis of the blood arteries or their unrefined blockage.
  7. I63.6. Non-pyogenic cerebral infarction as a consequence of cerebral blood vein thrombosis.
  8. I63.8. Cerebral infarction for other reasons.
  9. I63.9. Unrefined stroke.
  10. I64.0. An unspecified stroke that manifests itself as a hemorrhage or heart attack.

CVA codes (ICD 10) allow doctors to quickly establish the classification of the disease, the true cause of its occurrence and determine the necessary treatment. Therefore, this classification is the main tool in the hands of a doctor, which allows you to save the life of a particular person.

Causes of ischemic stroke CVA

The main reason for the manifestation of stroke is ischemictype is a decrease in blood flow to the brain. Very often, this is why the cause of death of a person becomes an ischemic stroke.

So, we found out the features of ischemic stroke, what it is and what are its symptoms.

consequences of stroke
consequences of stroke

This is usually the result of damage to the vessels of the neck and some arteries of the brain in the form of occlusive lesions and stenosis.

Let's find out the main reasons for its occurrence. The main factors that can affect the decrease in blood flow include the following:

1. Occlusions and stenoses of the main arteries of the brain and vessels of the neck.

2. Thrombotic deposits on the surface of an atherosclerotic plaque.

3. Cardiogenic embolism, which occurs when there are artificial valves in the human heart.

4. Dissection of the main arteries of the cervical region.

5. Hyalinosis of small arteries, as a result of which microangiopathy develops, which leads to the formation of lacunar infarction of the human brain.

6. Hemorheological changes in the composition of the blood, which occurs with vasculitis, as well as coagulopathy.

Very rarely, the cause of this disease can be external injuries of the carotid arteries and various inflammatory processes that can significantly impair blood flow through the vessels.

Also, very often, the main cause of stroke of the brain can be osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, during which blood vessels are significantly pinched, which can lead todecrease in blood flow. Patients with osteochondrosis are constantly recommended to massage the cervical spine and smear it with various warming preparations that can significantly expand blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

CVA symptoms

Signs of this disease can very often appear abruptly or increase gradually. As a rule, the main symptoms of this disease include impaired speech and vision in a patient, impaired various reflexes, coordination of movement, headaches, disorientation, sleep disturbance, noise in the head, memory impairment, paralysis of the face, tongue, lack of sensation of some limbs, and so on. next.

ONMK standards
ONMK standards

In acute cerebrovascular accident, the following consequences are characteristic - cerebral stroke, circulatory disorders in the cerebral cortex during the formation of blood clots in the vessels and main blood arteries of the head, etc.

With symptoms of acute cerebrovascular accident that last more than a day, a stroke is diagnosed. At the first stage of this disease, a severe headache, dizziness, nausea, gag reflexes, and so on can also appear. If you do not immediately pay attention to these manifestations, it can cause death of a person.

According to the registry of patients with stroke, according to statistics, the main cause of these manifestations can be high blood pressure, which can be observed during strong physical exertion. A sharp increase in blood pressure can cause rupture of cerebral vessels,followed by hemorrhage and intracerebral hematoma.

In most cases, the above symptoms occur before ischemia. As a rule, they can last several hours or several minutes. As a rule, with the manifestation of stroke of the ischemic type, the symptoms constantly become more active. According to experts, with the manifestation of these symptoms, most people experience disorientation, as a result of which a person loses vigilance, coordination of movements deteriorates, so a lot of patients simply fall asleep. According to statistics, 75 percent of ischemic heart attacks occur during sleep.

patients with stroke
patients with stroke

Diagnosis of acute cerebrovascular accident by ischemic type

To identify the problem, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics and various studies using the ICD system. ACVA doctors will be able to diagnose after the following procedures:

  • Blood test for electrolytes, glucose, hemostasis, lipid spectrum, antiphospholipid antibodies.
  • Electrocardiography of blood pressure changes.
  • Computed tomography of the cerebral cortex, as a result of which it will be possible to detect the affected parts of the brain and the resulting hematomas without any problems.
  • Cerebral angiography and so on.

Treatment of acute cerebrovascular accident in ischemic type

The most common cause of death is stroke. Treatment therefore should take place under the supervision of experienced physicians. With this disease,next therapy:

  1. Maintaining the vital functions of the human body. The patient should use antihypertensive drugs in the case when the blood pressure in the body is 200 to 120 mm. rt. Art. The use of anticoagulants is also prescribed (used for comorbidities and used for a long time after normalization of the condition), vasoactive drugs, antiplatelet agents, decongestants, neuroprotectors, and so on.
  2. Various sets of exercises are produced - speech therapy classes and breathing exercises.
  3. The issue of thrombolysis is being considered when a patient is admitted to a medical facility within 3-6 hours from the onset of the disease.
  4. Secondary disease prevention.
  5. Various rehabilitation activities are being carried out and so on.

As a rule, the main points of treatment will be prescribed only by a doctor who will become more familiar with the disease of the victim.

department of onmc
department of onmc

In the event that there is suspicion of an acute violation of cerebral circulation, it is necessary to contact highly qualified specialists in this field of activity. As a rule, first of all, it will be necessary to undergo magnetic resonance imaging, which can accurately determine all the pathologies of the cerebral cortex. Thus, it will be possible to prevent the possibility of complications of the disease and begin treatment even before it fully manifests itself. A specialized department of stroke, as a rule, should have a specialequipment that will significantly improve treatment.

Statistics of diseases among population groups

This disease very often worries not only the elderly, but also young people. This disease today attracts the attention of tens of thousands of scientists from all over the world, as it very often worries people of different age categories. A lot of cases have been recorded when stroke began to progress already in young people, and even in infants. Scientists cite statistics according to which the following number of diseases per 100,000 of the population at different ages turned out to be.

The number of patients with stroke at different ages is shown in the table.

Females Male
Age 60+ 40-60 25-40 14-25 3-14 1-3 0-1 60+ 40-60 25-40 14-25 3-14 1-3 0-1



253, 2 16 52, 3 52 0, 5 0, 1 0, 01 266, 5 184, 9 61, 5 61, 4 0,5 0, 1 0, 01

Federal CVA Patient Registry

The federal register keeps records of the number of patients with a particular disease. He studies the progression of certain diseases and the causes of their development. CVA is a disease that is also recorded. This register contains all information about patients and their history.

The Federal Register claims that mortality due to diseases of the vascular system of the body is now in the first place. As a rule, 50 percent of deaths are associated with acute cerebrovascular accident (ACC), that is, stroke is the main cause of death. Every year in the Russian Federation an average of 400-450 thousand cases of stroke are registered, that is, every one and a half minutes a person develops this disease. Of the total number of patients, approximately 40 percent die.

Every year the number of patients with stroke is growing significantly. Thus, according to the federal register of the ACMV department, in 1996, 16,000 victims were registered in the Moscow Region, and in 2003 this figure increased to 22,000 patients. From this we can conclude that acute cerebrovascular accident is one of the most progressive diseases today.

According to the federal CVA register, in our country there are about a million people who have already experienced this disease, while it is worth noting that a third of the victims are people of working age. After illnessamong people of this age, only 25 percent of the victims were able to return to work. Based on these data, it can be determined that stroke is one of the most progressive and dangerous diseases.

The federal register of patients with stroke is replenished every day with a huge number of patients, but the number of cases remains unchanged. This is justified by the fact that life expectancy after the disease is significantly reduced. Therefore, it is worth constantly monitoring your he alth in order to prevent the manifestations of this disease.

Consequences of acute cerebrovascular accident

Consequences of stroke can be very different - from mild to the most severe. Very often, after an acute cerebrovascular accident, people get the following consequences:

  • Loss of sensation in a certain part of the body. Very often, sensation is lost in the arms, legs, fingers, right or left side of the body, facial muscles, tongue, and so on.
  • Weakness or complete paralysis of an arm or arms, legs or legs, a separate part of the body, the right or left side of the body.
  • Very often, victims lose their hearing, vision, taste, sensitivity of certain nerve endings of the limbs of the body.
  • Often after a stroke, patients feel dizzy, double vision, noise in the head, and so on.
  • Confused speech.
  • Difficulty in pronunciation and selection of words when speaking.
  • Lack of ability to recognize specific body parts.
  • Involuntary urination.
  • Inability to move around.
  • Absenceorientation in space and loss of balance.
  • Unforeseen fainting spells and so on.

CVA departments conduct regular rehabilitation sessions for patients. As a rule, under the supervision of experienced doctors, it is possible to eliminate these consequences and completely restore the sensitivity of the body. After a certain period of time after the manifestation of ischemic attacks or stroke, a person will be able to fully return to a normal lifestyle. It is worth considering that the so-called ischemic attacks can last for a long period of time. If they are observed throughout the day, this will lead in most cases to a full-fledged stroke. They can also occur after a certain period of time. Thus, in some people, these symptoms appear several times a year. And after each such manifestation, a certain period of rehabilitation is required.

The consequences of stroke can be very different, since the area of brain damage can be different.

First aid for stroke

The very first thing to do when symptoms of this disease are detected is to call an ambulance. The patient during the manifestation of the symptoms of this disease should in no case be disturbed without a reason, therefore, immediately after the first signs, it is necessary to isolate him.

At the next stage, all patients with stroke should lie in such a way that the upper body and head are raised, it is also necessary to rub the collar zone of the body in order to facilitate the patient's breathing. It is also necessaryprovide fresh air to the room where the patient is located (open the window, doors, and so on).

In the event that the patient has vomiting spasms, it is necessary to turn his head to the left side and clean the mouth with gauze or just a clean napkin. This is to prevent vomit from being breathed into the lungs, which could cause further problems.


One of the most common symptoms of stroke is an epileptic seizure - a person completely loses consciousness, after a few seconds a wave of convulsions sweeps through the body, which can last several minutes. It is also worth noting that such attacks can be repeated several times.

Everyone can ask what needs to be done in such a case. The patient should be turned on his side, put a pillow under his head. Holding the head, it is necessary to constantly wipe the secretions from the mouth so that they do not enter the respiratory organs. To prevent the patient from biting his tongue, it is necessary to insert a comb or stick into his mouth. It is worth noting that under no circumstances should you press the arms and legs of the patient or lean on him with your whole body. Such actions can significantly increase seizures or cause various kinds of injuries - dislocations, fractures. It is only necessary to lightly hold the patient's legs so that he cannot injure himself or others. Do not use ammonia, as it can cause respiratory arrest insick.

If, after an attack, the victim's heart stops beating or breathing stops completely, it is urgent to do a direct heart massage and mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose breathing.

Now you know the basic exercises and CVA standards that can save a person's life during attacks.

How to prevent CVA

Based on the above statistics, it is clear that this disease manifests itself even in children. It is easy to guess that every year there are more and more people who suffer from this disease. All this is due to malnutrition, inactive lifestyle and high mental stress.

If a person does not lead an active lifestyle and constantly spends time at the computer, he has a high chance of getting this disease. Obesity, as mentioned, is the main cause of this disease, which is why the issue of maintaining physical fitness is very relevant today for the younger generation.

Sudden loads are also very often a source of problems, since with an increase in blood pressure there is a risk of rupture of blood arteries and veins, which will also lead to stroke. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly play sports, lead an active lifestyle, eat right - and the risk of stroke will significantly decrease.

The most deadly and terrible disease in our time is stroke. What it is and what causes this disease, you already know, so you must follow the above recommendations in order to preventsickness in the future.
