Health 2024, October

Pulls a finger on his hand: causes, symptoms and treatment

Pulls a finger on his hand: causes, symptoms and treatment

Why is the finger on my hand tearing up? This question is of particular interest to those who are extremely worried about the suppuration that has formed near the nail. As you know, such a deviation in medical practice is called "panaritium". This term refers to the purulent-inflammatory process of the skin and deep tissues. Let's take a closer look at why a finger breaks on the hand of certain people

Abscessing boil: treatment, ICD code

Abscessing boil: treatment, ICD code

Inflammation on the skin filled with purulent masses is called a furuncle. Such an abscess can appear on any part of the human body. And the size of this neoplasm in some cases reaches several centimeters in diameter. If an abscessing boil appears, the main danger lies in the fact that sometimes, due to this neoplasm, a person has blood poisoning or meningitis

Unpleasant feeling in the stomach: causes, symptoms and treatment

Unpleasant feeling in the stomach: causes, symptoms and treatment

Unpleasant sensation in the stomach periodically occurs in every person. Discomfort can be painful, lasting from a couple of hours to two or three days, then subsiding, then reappearing. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by various factors, including dangerous pathologies. If discomfort occurs, its nature should be understood so that it is easier for the doctor to identify the cause

A child has a cough and a runny nose for a long time, what should I do?

A child has a cough and a runny nose for a long time, what should I do?

Cough is a reflex process. Thanks to him, the respiratory tract is restored. Cough cannot be called a disease, but it can be quite difficult to get rid of it

Meningococcal disease and Kernig's symptom

Meningococcal disease and Kernig's symptom

The pathogen meningococcus gets its name from the fact that it mainly affects the meninges (meningeal tissue). However, it can also enter other human organs and tissues, but the brain remains its number one target

What is Brudzinski's symptom

What is Brudzinski's symptom

Brudzinsky's symptom is a group of specific meningeal symptoms that result from irritation of the meninges. Meningeal symptoms include drowsiness, severe headache, vomiting, and dizziness. The Brudzinsky symptom itself is a flexion of the knees and hips in response to the patient's passive flexion of the neck. This is one of the most important early signs of diseases such as subarachnoid hemorrhage or meningitis

How serious are the consequences of meningitis in children?

How serious are the consequences of meningitis in children?

Meningitis is a serious disease caused by an infection that leads to inflammation of the meninges. Due to the imperfection of the immune system, children are more susceptible to this disease. According to scientists, one in three of the children who have had this disease subsequently have mental disorders, learning problems or suffer from epilepsy, and one in five have increased anxiety or behavioral disorders

With a cold, a headache: how to treat? Inexpensive cold medicines

With a cold, a headache: how to treat? Inexpensive cold medicines

Headache with a cold should not be tolerated. There are many medicines that will help to quickly remove an unpleasant symptom

External hemorrhoids: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and advice from a proctologist

External hemorrhoids: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and advice from a proctologist

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins that are located in the anus. This phenomenon occurs due to the accumulation and stagnation of venous blood in them, forming hemorrhoids. There are two types of hemorrhoids - external and internal

Particularly dangerous infections: list, symptoms and treatment features

Particularly dangerous infections: list, symptoms and treatment features

There are a lot of diseases in the world that are rare, difficult to treat or not amenable to therapy at all. Plague and cholera are especially dangerous infections that lead to death. In addition to them, of course, there are others, the details of which are given below

Children's alcoholism: causes, development, consequences, prevention and treatment features

Children's alcoholism: causes, development, consequences, prevention and treatment features

Currently, the issue of child alcoholism is particularly acute. Every year more and more babies suffer from alcohol addiction, at this rate it will soon become a global problem

Classification of hip fractures: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Classification of hip fractures: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Fracture of the femoral neck is a complex and rather dangerous disease, which is classified according to a number of features. Two well-known scientists Powells and Garden proposed their methods for systematizing this pathology. Fractures in the elderly have their own characteristics and certain risks. Consider the causes, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment of various types of fractures

Bronchophonia - what is it? Medical History and Diagnostic Significance

Bronchophonia - what is it? Medical History and Diagnostic Significance

Bronchophony is an imitation of sound vibrations that occur when talking in a quiet, almost inaudible voice. In the process of analysis, these vibrations will be transmitted in the sternum, and with their help it is possible to diagnose several diseases, as well as track the progress of treatment

Rinse with purulent sore throat in children and adults: a review of effective remedies

Rinse with purulent sore throat in children and adults: a review of effective remedies

Purulent tonsillitis occurs against the background of infection of the tissues of the tonsils by pathogenic microorganisms of the genus Streptococcus. As a result of the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria, the walls of the throat are covered with a white coating. An effective solution for removing abscesses is the rinsing method. Therapy can be performed using a variety of folk remedies

He alth care is The he alth care system and institutions

He alth care is The he alth care system and institutions

He alth care is an important link in the chain of life for both an individual and the state as a whole. Its proper functioning allows you to bring the country to a new level of development, increase its potential and improve existing institutions of improvement

FVD analysis - what is it? Indicators and norm

FVD analysis - what is it? Indicators and norm

It is not uncommon for doctors to prescribe their patients to undergo a respiratory test. What it is? What results are considered normal? What diseases and disorders can be diagnosed using this method? These questions are of interest to many

High cholesterol: causes. Cholesterol level: normal

High cholesterol: causes. Cholesterol level: normal

One of the main enemies of modern man is high cholesterol. The causes of this dangerous phenomenon may be different, their knowledge helps to prevent diseases

Atherosclerosis of the aorta: symptoms and treatment

Atherosclerosis of the aorta: symptoms and treatment

Article about the development of aortic atherosclerosis. The main causes of the development of the disease, the stage of the disease and the features of its treatment are considered. Helpful tips on what foods to avoid

Antibiotic for pyelonephritis. Pyelonephritis: treatment (drugs)

Antibiotic for pyelonephritis. Pyelonephritis: treatment (drugs)

One of the most common kidney diseases is pyelonephritis. Inflammation covers the pelvis and calyces of the kidneys, as well as connective (interstitial) tissue. Infection occurs either from the outside, through the urinary system, or by the hematogenous route (with blood flow) from other foci

Spongiform encephalopathy, or Mad cow disease

Spongiform encephalopathy, or Mad cow disease

Spongiform encephalopathy, or, as it is popularly called, mad cow disease, is a disease that affects cattle. The disease manifests itself with signs of aggression, paralysis of the limbs, photophobia, which is quite similar to the usual rabies of mammals. There is an opinion that mad cow disease is dangerous for humans. Bovine encephalopathy is common in England, but several cases of the disease have been reported in other European countries

Signs of sun and heat stroke. Help for the victim

Signs of sun and heat stroke. Help for the victim

No matter how we endure the heat, no one is immune from overheating, which can come at any moment, out of the blue. How to behave to the victim himself and those who happened to be nearby?

Treatment of diarrhea at home. How to get rid of diarrhea?

Treatment of diarrhea at home. How to get rid of diarrhea?

The article talks about how to get rid of diarrhea at home. What medicinal decoctions can be prepared from the simplest but most effective foods to alleviate the patient's condition

Aortic bicuspid valve: causes, symptoms, treatment

Aortic bicuspid valve: causes, symptoms, treatment

Aortic bicuspid valve is a type of heart disease. In most cases, the disease begins to manifest itself in people already in adulthood. According to statistics, this pathology is diagnosed in about 2% of the population

Why does my head hurt after training

Why does my head hurt after training

Of course, moderate physical activity only benefits the body. But what to do if an unexpected reaction appears and your head hurts after training?

Eyelids: diseases of the eyelids. Diseases and pathologies of the eyelids

Eyelids: diseases of the eyelids. Diseases and pathologies of the eyelids

Human vision is the unique greatest gift of nature. Thanks to the eyes, people are able to see the world, to feel its fullness. We receive 90% of all information through the visual apparatus. And the eyelids can be called his protection. But sometimes there are situations when there is a negative effect on the eyelids. Diseases of the eyelids are most often characterized by unpleasant symptoms. In some cases, pathological changes may occur

What diseases can be detected by Mendel's symptom

What diseases can be detected by Mendel's symptom

Mendel's symptom can manifest itself in several cases, in the article we will describe some of the most common. First is appendicitis, second is meningitis

Symptoms and treatment of mycoplasmosis. Consequences of mycoplasmosis

Symptoms and treatment of mycoplasmosis. Consequences of mycoplasmosis

The treatment of mycoplasmosis is selected by the doctor individually in each case, depending on the symptoms present, as well as the form of the lesion. Before prescribing drugs, you need to conduct a diagnosis. Incorrect or untimely treatment can lead to dangerous complications

Skin rashes: types and main causes

Skin rashes: types and main causes

The skin is the largest human organ, and the first manifestations of many diseases appear on it. Any skin reaction or damage is a signal that the processes of a disease have begun in the body, so any rash must be shown to the doctor

Hepatitis pathogens: types, characteristics and sources

Hepatitis pathogens: types, characteristics and sources

Hepatitis is an insidious disease! In addition to the fact that this is a viral disease that is transmitted from a patient or carrier, it can also develop from the effects of toxic substances on the body. Each form of the disease has its pitfalls. So, if a pregnant woman gets hepatitis E, the fetus dies in almost all cases. What do you know about hepatitis?

How and how is hepatitis C treated? How to treat hepatitis C at home?

How and how is hepatitis C treated? How to treat hepatitis C at home?

Specialists around the world consider hepatitis C the most dangerous type of this disease. The “gentle killer” is about him, about hepatitis C. You can accidentally get infected and not notice it, and not notice it for another 10-20 years, since the process can go asymptomatically, without showing itself in any way

Bleeding from the nose: causes and treatments

Bleeding from the nose: causes and treatments

At least once in their life, every person wondered: “Why is my nose bleeding?” This problem is so common that it should be given special attention. If we turn to bare numbers, then, according to statistics, about 10% of all ENT patients complain of nosebleeds. As a rule, in most cases they occur suddenly and spontaneously. However, if this problem appeared due to an injury, then the patient is urgently hospitalized for examination

What does it mean to chill the trigeminal nerve on the face?

What does it mean to chill the trigeminal nerve on the face?

The trigeminal nerve is one of the most important nodes responsible for the sensitivity of almost all parts of the face and head. If he catches a cold, treatment should be immediate and serious. The following will describe in more detail what to do if the trigeminal nerve is congested, about the symptoms and the treatment used most often

Bilateral pneumonia: how it manifests itself, where and how to treat it

Bilateral pneumonia: how it manifests itself, where and how to treat it

Bilateral pneumonia is a disease that threatens a person's life. It must be treated, and not let it "run its course". What causes the disease, how best to manage it and what are the prognosis, is described below

Swollen leg in the ankle area. Swollen ankles: what to do?

Swollen leg in the ankle area. Swollen ankles: what to do?

All about edema: why they occur, how to deal with them and how to avoid their occurrence - you will learn from this article

What is a coma? Signs of coma, stages and classification

What is a coma? Signs of coma, stages and classification

Signs of coma are oppression or strong inhibition of the function of the central nervous system. Depending on the causes that lead to a coma, it can develop either rapidly, as in the case of a traumatic brain injury, or gradually

Taste of metal in the mouth: causes, treatment, prevention

Taste of metal in the mouth: causes, treatment, prevention

Metallic taste in the mouth can be both the cause of improperly cooked meat and a sign of pregnancy. How to correctly read the messages of the body in order to diagnose the diseases lurking in it in time?

Why does a person get scurvy? How to protect yourself from this disease?

Why does a person get scurvy? How to protect yourself from this disease?

Scurvy is an almost forgotten disease that occurs due to severe beriberi. Now on the territory of the Russian Federation you can hardly meet this disease, but in the past it killed thousands of people, among whom were mainly seafarers, warriors and travelers. The danger has not completely passed, in our days, although rarely, they make this terrible diagnosis

Redness of the eyeball: causes and treatment

Redness of the eyeball: causes and treatment

The reasons why this uncomfortable condition occurs can be different: from banal fatigue to an infectious disease. The redness results from dilation of the microscopic blood vessels that cover the entire eye and may be accompanied by pain, dryness, itching, tearing, and blurred vision

High pressure does not decrease, what should I do? Treatment for high blood pressure

High pressure does not decrease, what should I do? Treatment for high blood pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a disease that still, despite all the attempts made to study, keeps many secrets. Deterioration in this pathology can occur at any time, and delay in this often entails the most serious consequences

Unstable angina: symptoms and treatment

Unstable angina: symptoms and treatment

Unstable angina is a sign of the development of coronary heart disease, a dangerous borderline condition, after which the patient has a myocardial infarction. Patients with such a diagnosis should be registered with a cardiologist and constantly follow the prescribed treatment. Otherwise, a person is expected to die