Health 2024, October

Black dots on the chin: reasons, how to remove, reviews

Black dots on the chin: reasons, how to remove, reviews

Black dots on the chin are a very unpleasant cosmetic problem that requires complex timely correction. To eliminate them, there are many means, both pharmacy and home-made. For serious problems, you can use the services of a cosmetologist

Acne. What is it, and how to get rid of this problem?

Acne. What is it, and how to get rid of this problem?

Acne bothers almost every teenager today. And also do not bypass the older people. Everyone has probably heard of acne. What it is, not everyone knows. Where does this disease come from, is it possible to treat it? It's worth looking into it all

Get rid of acne at home? Easily

Get rid of acne at home? Easily

Very many today are interested in how to get rid of acne forever. Moreover, such a question may arise not only in adolescence and youth. Quite often, adults also have skin problems that they dream of solving once and for all

Ointment for subcutaneous acne: a review of funds, features of use, effectiveness, reviews

Ointment for subcutaneous acne: a review of funds, features of use, effectiveness, reviews

Even a very attractive appearance can be spoiled by stale, inflamed, pimple-strewn skin. For the treatment of acne, spot rashes and acne, it is not necessary to use expensive cosmetics. In some cases, when the pathology has not reached a clinical form, inexpensive pharmacy ointments for subcutaneous acne can cope with skin defects. With proper and regular use, the skin can be cleansed and get a he althy look

Black dot on the lip: causes and how to remove, reviews

Black dot on the lip: causes and how to remove, reviews

Black dots on the lips are small open-type cysts, which consist of keratinized epidermal cells and sebum. Such formations are called comedones. They come to the surface of the dermis and become black as a result of oxidation under the influence of air. Infection of comedones is rare, they do not pose any danger to he alth, but they cause considerable psycho-emotional discomfort

Laser acne treatment: reviews, advantages and disadvantages

Laser acne treatment: reviews, advantages and disadvantages

To combat acne and inflammation, various methods are used today. These are traditional means of therapy, masks, as well as chemical peels. Laser acne treatment also shows high efficiency. Reviews about this procedure are most often positive. In this review, we will consider what are the advantages of this technique. We will also find out who is indicated for acne laser treatment, and whether this method has contraindications

A big pimple on the pope: causes, treatment options, review of drugs, advice from dermatologists

A big pimple on the pope: causes, treatment options, review of drugs, advice from dermatologists

If there is a big pimple on the pope, then you should not immediately panic and run to the hospital, since this may be due to the body's response to various products or synthetic underwear. At the same time, it is forbidden to squeeze out acne, since this creates a great threat of infection entering the body. The alarm should be sounded in case of a rash on a large area of the skin

Holes in the skin: causes and treatment. How to get rid of post-acne

Holes in the skin: causes and treatment. How to get rid of post-acne

Post-acne is a serious problem faced by many people. Today we’ll talk about what to do about it and how to treat enlarged pores

Acne on the face from sweets: causes, treatments and prevention

Acne on the face from sweets: causes, treatments and prevention

Allergic reactions can also be caused by various fruits, such as bananas. However, this occurs only if a person does not know the measure. In most cases, acne appears on the face precisely from sweets. Moreover, if the rash is not too pronounced, then you can eat your favorite foods at least every day, but in small quantities

Acne in teenagers: treatment, causes, drugs. Acne in teenagers

Acne in teenagers: treatment, causes, drugs. Acne in teenagers

Acne is a common condition in adolescents, usually associated with hormonal problems during puberty

Acne on the head under the hair: causes and features of treatment

Acne on the head under the hair: causes and features of treatment

Acne on the head under the hair is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that negatively affects both the he alth and the emotional state of a person

Pimples on the arms above the elbow: how to get rid of?

Pimples on the arms above the elbow: how to get rid of?

We all want to look perfect. However, sometimes our skin gives us unpleasant surprises in the form of acne. At the same time, they can appear not only on the face, but also on the back, and on the arms. How to make skin beautiful, read the article

Acne on the pope: the reasons for their appearance

Acne on the pope: the reasons for their appearance

All women, without exception, dream of always being beautiful. However, everyone spoils acne that appears in a variety of places

Folk remedies for acne on the face - the path to he althy skin

Folk remedies for acne on the face - the path to he althy skin

Every person dreams of becoming the owner of beautiful facial skin. For some, it is he althy and smooth from birth, while for some it is necessary to work on its condition almost all the time. Acne is the most common skin problem on the face. It affects not only teenagers, but even adults. This, of course, affects self-esteem, the mood of a person with such a problem. What does it take to make the skin smooth and clean, to give it a he althy look?