Under the hypertension syndrome is understood a condition that appears against the background of pathological processes accompanied by an increase in intracranial pressure. Other names for this disease are cerebrospinal fluid-hypertensive or hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome.
Description of the disease
Hypertension syndrome explains most headaches. An increase in intracranial pressure occurs against the background of stagnation of blood in the veins. The latter, in turn, often occurs as a result of the development of pathologies of the spine in the cervical region, such as osteochondrosis.
Excess cerebrospinal fluid, or cerebrospinal fluid, appears in the spinal cord, disrupting circulation. Liquor as a result stagnates in the ventricles of the brain and inside its membranes, which leads to an excess of blood in the veins with a further expansion of the cavities occupied by the liquid.

Hypertension syndrome is divided into several varieties based on the age of the patient:
- Newborn Syndrome.
- Pathology in older children.
- Hydrocephalus in adults.
In infancy, the appearance of increased intracranial pressure is due to congenital diseases. In the case of an older group of patients, the pathology is acquired.
Hypertension syndrome can affect patients of any age. If we talk about adults, then men are most susceptible to it. In the case of a child, both boys and girls can suffer from this pathology.
As mentioned above, there is a congenital and acquired variety of hydrocephalus. The causes that provoke the appearance of a congenital syndrome can be:
- Complications of pregnancy.
- Difficult labor.
- Fetal hypoxia.
- Being premature, before 34 weeks.
- Transportation and late delivery after 42 weeks.
- Head injury during childbirth.
- Intrauterine infectious diseases.
- Congenital brain defects.
- Long waterless period of more than twelve hours.
In neurological practice, hypertension syndrome in children is diagnosed as a consequence of encephalopathy of the perinatal period, that is, as brain pathologists of unknown origin.

Provoking factors
The acquired form of this syndrome can develop against the background of factors such as:
- Tumor formations, cysts, hematomas,abscesses.
- Presence of a foreign body in the brain area.
- Craniocerebral injury. Especially if fragments of skull bones remain in the brain.
- Sudden increases in blood pressure of unknown origin.
- Infectious diseases.
- Stroke and complications after it.
- Disorders in the endocrine system.
An infectious disease often accompanies hypertension. Along with the causes, the clinical manifestations of the disease in children and adults also differ.
Symptoms in adults
The main sign of the onset of hypertension in an adult patient is a headache. Its manifestations are most noticeable in the mornings and evenings, when the human body is in a horizontal position. It is under such conditions that the activation of fluid secretion occurs, and the rate of its absorption decreases.
Another sign of hypertension syndrome is nausea, periodically turning into vomiting. Most often, these symptoms appear in the morning.
Other signs
In addition, there are a number of other signs:
- Severe nervousness and irritability.
- Increased fatigue after both physical and mental stress.
- Decreased libido.
- A state close to fainting. With hypertension in adults, this happens quite often.
- Blood pressure fluctuations.
- Dependence of human condition on weather conditions.
- High heart rate.
- Increasedsweating.
- Dark circles around the eyes and a network of small veins.
Similar symptoms are also typical for other brain diseases, so the diagnosis may require a thorough examination and a detailed history.
How does hypertension manifest itself in children?

Symptoms in children
A newborn baby with this disease is characterized by restless behavior and sleep problems. The child often cries for no apparent reason. In some cases, sweating, changes in body temperature and nausea, accompanied by vomiting, were noted. A neuropathologist during an examination can diagnose hydrocephalus by the following signs:
- Increased large fontanelle.
- Small spring open.
- The sutures between the bones of the skull are also open.
- A convex network of saphenous veins is visualized in the forehead and temples.
- Abnormal growth of head circumference.
- A strip of protein is observed above the iris of the eye.
In addition, newborns with hypertension syndrome are characterized by a decrease in muscle tone. Sometimes the baby refuses to feed and reacts badly to the breast. The child also lacks a pronounced swallowing reflex.

Older patients develop severe headaches in the morning. There is nausea and the urge to vomit. It is difficult for the child to raise his eyes and a simple turn of the head delivers painful sensations. Children feel weak, as well as dizzy, the skin turns pale, there is an increased sensitivity to light and loud sounds. Symptoms of hypertension syndrome are very unpleasant.
Detection of pathology occurs on the basis of a comprehensive diagnosis, which should include both instrumental research methods and clinical ones. The patient needs to go through several specialists to clarify the diagnosis. As a rule, the neurologist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist and neurosurgeon perform the first examination, and in the case of newborn children, also a neonatologist.
In order to find out the exact cause of the pathological process and make a diagnosis of "hypertensive syndrome", the following medical manipulations are performed:
- X-ray examination of the skull. In the case of children, the procedure is performed only after the child reaches one year of age.
- Echoencephalography detects possible brain damage.
- Rheoencephalogram. Performed to assess the outflow of blood from the veins.
- Electroencephalography is used to determine the level of brain activity through electrical impulses.
- Examination of the fundus to detect hemorrhages, edema and vasospasm.
- Cerebrospinal puncture to detect CSF pressure.
- Magnetic resonance or computed tomography.
In children under the age of one year, the fontanelle has not yet overgrown, therefore, neurosonography is performed in newborns using ultrasound scanning.

Treatment in adults
Therapy is selected on the basis of a complete examination. As a rule, the treatment regimen is prescribed by a neurologist. Treatment can be both conservative and radical using surgical methods.
Hypertension syndrome is life-threatening, so appropriate treatment should be started as soon as possible after diagnosis. An important stage of treatment is the intake of diuretics. They make it possible to quickly remove the cerebrospinal fluid and accelerate the process of its absorption. If the disease is recurrent, such therapy should be carried out continuously.
For mild hydrocephalus, the doctor gives some important recommendations to follow:
- Normalization of the drinking regime.
- Performing special gymnastic exercises that reduce intracranial pressure.
- Performing manual therapy and osteopathy to unload the bed of the veins.
To normalize the dynamics of cerebrospinal fluid and eliminate congestion, diuretics are prescribed, for example, Furosemide, Diacarb, Acetazolamide, etc. Cinnarizine and Cavinton contribute to the normalization of the blood circulation of the brain. If the fact of an infectious lesion of the brain is established, then antibacterial drugs are added to the therapeutic regimen. The dosage and regimen of the latter are selected taking into account the age of the patient and the nature of the disease.

Also,physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are used. This can be acupuncture, circular douche, electrophoresis, etc. Therapeutic exercise is also important in the treatment of hydrocephalus. Swimming and regular walks give a positive result. Physical activity should not be overly intense.
Consider below the treatment of hypertension in children.
Therapy in children
If the disease is congenital, it must be treated within the first year of the child's life. This condition is explained by the need to prevent the development of complications and developmental delays.
Therapy in childhood is aimed at reducing the amount of CSF produced. In addition, it is necessary to accelerate the process of outflow from the veins. To achieve these goals, the following appointments are made:
- Furosemide.
- "Diakarb".
- Magnesium sulphate in the form of a 25% solution.
- Glycerin in 50% solution.
- "Eufillin", "Rigematin" and "Sorbitol" in the form of a solution.
This therapeutic regimen reduces intracranial pressure. When the hypertension syndrome is not caused by a neoplasm in the brain, it is permissible to use physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, as well as massage.
Treatment is complemented by the intake of B vitamins, Aminalon, various nootropic drugs, Lipocerebrin and glutamic acid. Sedative drugs are sometimes used.

If symptoms worsen, treatmentis transferred to the conditions of stationary observation. For children, it is necessary to create conditions that reduce the amount of crying to a minimum. It is very important to establish a routine, walk regularly and avoid infection.
Most often it is possible to establish intracranial pressure after 6-12 months of therapy. However, the disease itself can remain and periodically make itself felt. You need to visit a neurologist twice a year.
As for surgical treatment, the need for it appears if the hypertension syndrome is due to the presence of a tumor, abscess or hematoma. Most often, shunting of the brain cavities is performed, which allows you to restore the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid. Also, surgical intervention may be required in the case when there is a blockage of blood vessels.

What are the consequences of hypertension?
Hydrocephalus is dangerous for patients of any age group. The most complex consequences of this disease are as follows:
- Protrusion of the fontanel.
- Physical Development Lag.
- Fecal and urinary incontinence.
- Blindness and deafness.
- Epileptic seizures.
- Paralysis
- Coma.
Full recovery is possible at any age. But the treatment of the disease must be started at the initial stage of the disease, while it is not yet accompanied by various complications.