Health 2024, October

Marginal fracture: main causes and treatments

Marginal fracture: main causes and treatments

Marginal fracture: general description and formation mechanism. The main classification, open and closed fractures, pathological and resulting from trauma. Why marginal fractures appear and their main features. Diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. Preventive measures

Worms in the human body: signs and sources of infection

Worms in the human body: signs and sources of infection

Helminths (worms) in the human body is a problem that almost everyone has encountered. The main reason for the appearance of such parasites is unwashed hands. Some species are not particularly dangerous and are quite easy to treat. But there are also worms that are fatal for the patient

Rectum: diseases, symptoms. Signs of major diseases of the rectum

Rectum: diseases, symptoms. Signs of major diseases of the rectum

Diseases of the rectum in women and men is one of the most common and very sensitive topics that are relevant today. Perhaps this is because many are embarrassed to seek help from a specialist. The worst disease that can affect the rectum is cancer. Like other types of tumors, it is characterized by an asymptomatic course. Therefore, it is imperative to pay attention to any changes in the rectum

Causes and symptoms of Botkin's disease. Botkin's disease: prevention, treatment

Causes and symptoms of Botkin's disease. Botkin's disease: prevention, treatment

Today, the world knows a million different diseases, most of which people have learned to successfully fight. Of course, in our life we encounter only some diseases. One of these is Botkin's disease. How this disease is transmitted, every mother should know how to treat and prevent it. After all, the infection often affects the child's body

Aspiration pneumonia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Aspiration pneumonia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Respiratory tract diseases have always been and remain the most common. Aspiratory pneumonia or pneumonia is a diagnosis that every person has encountered at least once in their life. The disease includes three different syndromes, which determine the tactics of treatment. Timely and correct diagnosis will save you from many complications. So don't hesitate to visit the doctor

Women's diseases. Gynecological diseases in women

Women's diseases. Gynecological diseases in women

From the beginning of time, a woman has a great responsibility for procreation. Carrying and giving birth to a he althy baby is not an easy task

Cholera is Cholera: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Cholera is Cholera: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The twenty-first century is the time of new technologies and discoveries, including in the field of medicine. If earlier epidemics of diseases that mowed down entire families and localities instilled fear and horror in people, today medical scientists have already found ways to deal with many previously incurable ailments. For example, the cholera epidemic in Russia in the nineteenth century claimed the lives of more than two million people. However, today the mortality rate from this disease is only 5-10%

Acclimatization after the sea: symptoms, treatment

Acclimatization after the sea: symptoms, treatment

Probably, there is no such person who would not wait for summer and vacation. After all, these two concepts are inseparable! For most of the population, holidays are always associated with the sea. However, often a pleasant journey ends with sad consequences, one of which is acclimatization after the sea

Causes, symptoms, treatment and removal of gallstones

Causes, symptoms, treatment and removal of gallstones

Removal of stones from the gallbladder in our time is very common. Modern medicine offers both surgical and non-surgical ways to fix the problem

Cholelithiasis: symptoms, causes, treatment, diet, prevention

Cholelithiasis: symptoms, causes, treatment, diet, prevention

It is important to determine the symptoms of gallstone disease in the early stages in order to start treating this disease as soon as possible and try to cope with it. This disease is associated with the formation of stones in the gallbladder and bile ducts. If there are no complications, then conservative methods are used in the treatment, but if it is not possible to extract stones using conventional methods, then it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention

GSD: symptoms and treatment, surgery, diet for cholelithiasis

GSD: symptoms and treatment, surgery, diet for cholelithiasis

The diagnosis of "cholelithiasis" (GSD) is made to the patient when diagnosing the presence of stones in the gallbladder. The number, composition and size, their exact location may be different. According to statistics in developed countries, 20% of the female population and 10% of the male population suffer from this disease

Innervation of the bladder and urinary disorders

Innervation of the bladder and urinary disorders

Urination, or deurination, is the process of excreting urine from the bladder. The process can be roughly divided into two phases. The first is gradual filling of the bladder with urine until the inner shell is stretched to the maximum limit. The second phase is the urge to deurinate. The urinary emptying reflex is provided by the innervation of the bladder. Urges are regulated by the autonomic system with electrically excitable cells in the dorsal brain

Hemic hypoxia: causes and mechanisms of development

Hemic hypoxia: causes and mechanisms of development

Due to various circumstances, a variety of pathological processes can develop in the human body. One of them is hemic hypoxia. Because of this, the biological processes that continuously occur in the body are disrupted. This entails a number of failures, poor he alth of a person. Features of hypoxia, its varieties and mechanisms of development will be discussed in the article

Fat embolism: causes and treatment

Fat embolism: causes and treatment

If a person is diagnosed with a fat embolism (or PVC), embolization is carried out with drops of fat in the microvasculature. First of all, the disease-causing process affects the capillaries of the brain and lungs. This is manifested by hypoxemia and the development of acute respiratory failure, diffuse brain damage, ARDS of various degrees of severity

Sciatic nerve pinching: the essence of pathology and principles of therapy

Sciatic nerve pinching: the essence of pathology and principles of therapy

The article talks about a pinched sciatic nerve. The main causes of this pathology, clinical manifestations and the main methods used in treatment are also indicated

The first symptoms of a heart attack in women and men

The first symptoms of a heart attack in women and men

Among other causes of death among our compatriots, traditionally the leading place belongs to heart disease and vascular pathologies. Among the most terrible diagnoses, signaling an exceptionally high danger to the he alth of the patient, it should be noted heart attack. Any modern person should know the symptoms of this disorder in order to urgently seek medical help as needed

Variant angina: causes, symptoms and treatment

Variant angina: causes, symptoms and treatment

The treatment of heart pathologies should be approached very responsibly, as they are dangerous to human life. For example, there is such a type of angina pectoris as Prinzmetal's angina, which can lead to both a heart attack and sudden death. Such a state can be prevented if only one prepares for the possible consequences

Heart aching: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Heart aching: causes, diagnosis and treatment

It is impossible to determine the true cause of heart pain until the person is fully examined. After all, chest pain sometimes signals a life-threatening condition of the heart - an ischemic attack. And it happens that discomfort arises from nervous strain. How to deal with this issue?

In what cases does the chest hurt

In what cases does the chest hurt

If the chest hurts, you should know that the appearance of this symptom can be a manifestation of many diseases

Ischemic heart disease: symptoms, causes, prevention

Ischemic heart disease: symptoms, causes, prevention

Chronic coronary heart disease, also known as myocardial ischemia, is a heart condition in which the heart muscle is damaged or does not work as efficiently by reducing blood flow to the heart. Reduced blood flow is most often caused by narrowing of the coronary arteries (atherosclerosis)

Hypertriglyceridemia - what is it? Causes and treatment

Hypertriglyceridemia - what is it? Causes and treatment

People with hypertriglyceridemia are at risk for many scary-sounding diseases that no one wants to face at any age. But the reality is that more and more people are hearing this term from a doctor. What kind of disease is this, how to detect and prevent it in time, not every person knows

Abdominal cramps in a child: causes of discomfort

Abdominal cramps in a child: causes of discomfort

Abdominal cramps in a child can be a sign of overeating, poor intestinal motility, physical overwork, and nervous system failure. Pain is usually associated with diarrhea and vomiting

Mechanical jaundice: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Mechanical jaundice: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Obstructive jaundice is a disease in which there is a failure in the outflow of bile from the liver through the bile ducts into the duodenum. The cause of this syndrome is the presence of mechanical obstructions in the bile ducts. Sometimes this disease is also called subhepatic, obstructive, acholic or resorption jaundice, as well as extrahepatic cholestasis

Knee joint. Ligament rupture: degrees of damage and methods of treatment

Knee joint. Ligament rupture: degrees of damage and methods of treatment

The knee joint connects the tibia, kneecap and femur and plays one of the most important roles in locomotion. With the help of tendons, the kneecap and the quadriceps muscle are connected, in the ligamentous apparatus, the cruciate and lateral ligaments are distinguished. The knee joint is most often subjected to various injuries, ligament rupture occurs with excessive load. What is a sprain and rupture of ligaments? What are the symptoms of this disease? These are the questions covered in this article

VSD and osteochondrosis. Causes, stages of development and prevention

VSD and osteochondrosis. Causes, stages of development and prevention

Degenerative bone changes in the vertebrae, muscle spasm, inflammatory edema - all this is the reason for the decrease in the lumen of the vertebral arteries. Such disorders affect the blood flow to the vessels of the brain and cause the development of such a phenomenon as hypoxia. This leads to sudden changes in blood pressure, dizziness and severe headaches, nausea and even vomiting

Osteoporosis: what is it and how to fight it?

Osteoporosis: what is it and how to fight it?

Good condition of the musculoskeletal system is considered the key to the he alth of the whole organism. One of the dangerous bone pathologies is a disease such as osteoporosis. What is it and how to deal with it? Our article will tell about it. It also describes the degree of the disease, prevention and treatment methods

Blood from the anus is a warning sign

Blood from the anus is a warning sign

Blood from the anus may indicate the presence of serious diseases and severe illness. For this reason, it is necessary to identify the cause that caused the bleeding in time

Hepatitis B symptoms and treatment. Chronic hepatitis: treatment

Hepatitis B symptoms and treatment. Chronic hepatitis: treatment

In modern society, the following question is often asked: "Hepatitis B - what is it?". Everything is explained by the widespread spread of this disease and the increased risk of infection

Symptoms and treatment of hepatitis A. Drug-induced hepatitis: symptoms and treatment

Symptoms and treatment of hepatitis A. Drug-induced hepatitis: symptoms and treatment

Acute hepatitis A is a liver disease that occurs as a result of human infection with the virus of the same name. In the process of this disease, an inflammatory process occurs in the liver of the infected, which affects the state of his entire body

Burst blood vessels in the eye: photo, causes and treatment

Burst blood vessels in the eye: photo, causes and treatment

The unexpectedly reddened white of the eyeball is the result of a burst vessel in the eye. Such a phenomenon in medicine is called subconjunctival hemorrhage. However, an unattractive appearance is not the worst thing in such a situation. A burst vessel may be the result of a serious illness

Trembling lips. Lip tremor treatment

Trembling lips. Lip tremor treatment

Why do some people's lips tremble? It happens that only one lip trembles, and sometimes both. Most of the time this problem is easily solved. But sometimes it is the initial stage of essential tremor, which is almost impossible to treat. It is much easier to treat tremors associated with micronutrient deficiencies

Causes and symptoms of mumps

Causes and symptoms of mumps

Mumps, popularly known as "mumps", is an acute infectious disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the parotid salivary gland

Why is saliva with blood: causes and consequences

Why is saliva with blood: causes and consequences

Saliva is a fluid that plays an important role in the functioning of the human body. It helps soften food fragments. In addition, such secretions contain substances that contribute to the normal process of digestion and protect the oral cavity from the influence of harmful microbes. Sometimes people have to deal with such an unpleasant symptom as blood in saliva

What is a stroke and its consequences

What is a stroke and its consequences

Stroke and its consequences manifest themselves in different ways. Sometimes there may be no visible clinical manifestations, while in other cases the symptoms are very pronounced. Distinguish between spinal stroke and cerebral

Classification and stages of arterial hypertension

Classification and stages of arterial hypertension

What is hypertension? Stages of arterial hypertension, their characteristics and features. Risk groups or how to avoid the disease. What can provoke a hypertensive crisis?

Intestinal colitis: treatment, symptoms in adults

Intestinal colitis: treatment, symptoms in adults

Intestinal treatment depends on the causative agent of the disease and its type. Mostly drug therapy is used, but folk remedies will not be superfluous

Symptoms and treatments for gardnerellosis

Symptoms and treatments for gardnerellosis

Gardnerellosis is a non-inflammatory infectious disease also known as bacterial vaginosis. It belongs to the group of the most common female pathologies that occur in the genital area. Why does it occur? What symptoms indicate its presence? And how is gardnerellosis treated? Now it's worth discussing

What to do if the echogenicity of the liver is increased?

What to do if the echogenicity of the liver is increased?

What does liver echogenicity mean? What to do if the echogenicity of the liver is increased? What diet should be followed in this disease?

Numbness of the fingers of the right hand: causes and treatment

Numbness of the fingers of the right hand: causes and treatment

Numbness of the fingers of the right hand is a fairly common phenomenon that can occur in everyone without exception. There are times when a fully functional person wakes up in the middle of the dead of night from the fact that he does not feel his hands: they are terribly numb

A child has a stomach ache in the navel: causes and first aid

A child has a stomach ache in the navel: causes and first aid

Why does a child have a stomach ache in the navel? What diseases can cause this symptom? How to help the baby?