Rash on the face in women: causes and treatment

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Rash on the face in women: causes and treatment
Rash on the face in women: causes and treatment

Video: Rash on the face in women: causes and treatment

Video: Rash on the face in women: causes and treatment
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Every woman wants to look good. Women pay special attention, first of all, to their face. The appearance of acne or a rash on it is not a rare occurrence for many. As a rule, women use cosmetics to mask such unpleasant manifestations, and this is a big mistake. It is necessary to find the cause of the rash and begin treatment. Next, we will look at what a rash on the face of women is, causes, skin treatment.

Looking for the reason inside

Internal problems of the body are always reflected on our face. Therefore, if any rash appears on the face, you need to start looking for the cause inside. What problems could these be:

  • Inflammatory diseases.
  • Disorders of the endocrine system.
  • Increased sebum production.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Failures in the reproductive system.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Streptococcal infection.
rash on face in women causes
rash on face in women causes
  • Infection of the body with parasites.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Bad habits.

Whya rash appeared on the face of a woman? The reason may be an external factor. Let's consider them further. For a very sensitive female nature, sometimes they are the main problem.

Influence of external factors

Not only internal problems affect the appearance of a rash on the face of women. Causes of a skin rash can also be covered in external influences:

  • Long contact with chemical products.
  • UV exposure.
  • Skin hypothermia.
  • Staying in smoky rooms.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Poor-quality or inappropriate cosmetics.
  • Failure to follow the rules of facial care.
  • small rash on the face in women causes
    small rash on the face in women causes

Depending on the reasons for which a rash appears, it has different types and locations. More on that later.

Types of rashes on the face

It is necessary to identify in order to properly begin to treat a rash on the face of women, the causes. The photo shows what kind of rash on the face can be.

In medicine, there is no term "pimple". Different types of rashes have their own characteristics and names:

  • Papule. This is a red or bluish pimple. It progresses the inflammatory process. Almost always, such a formation is painful to the touch.
  • Pustule. This is also a red pimple, but it has a purulent head that has come out.
  • Comedone. "Black dots". They are formed as a result of clogging of pores with sebum. It may be the beginning of the development of an inflammatory process that will develop into a papule.
  • Acne cystic-knotty. A combination of various pustules that have penetrated deep into the dermis.
  • Lightning acne. The most severe form of rashes. There may be changes in the blood formula, pain in the muscles and on the affected areas of the skin.
  • rash on the face in women causes of skin rash
    rash on the face in women causes of skin rash

A dermatologist will help determine the type of rash, and only then therapy will be prescribed.

Localization of the rash

The location of the rashes often depends on which organ you have problems with. So consider what rashes can tell depending on their location:

  • Cheeks. The most sensitive area. The cause of the rash can be allergic reactions, problems with the respiratory system. The use of low-quality cosmetics, improper cleansing of the face. Also, excessive exposure to the sun can cause a rash on the cheeks.
  • The bridge of the nose. Responsible for the functioning of the liver and biliary tract. You need to watch your diet. Eat more fruits, eliminate fatty and smoked. Drink more water.
  • Nose. Pay attention to the work of the cardiovascular system. Check the level of cholesterol in the blood, as well as monitor blood pressure. Give up bad habits, stick to proper nutrition.
  • Area around the eyes. A rash in this area indicates problems with the kidneys, the genitourinary system. It is possible that the amount of water and fluid that you consume is not enough for your body.
  • Rash above eyebrows. Indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract. must be adhered toproper nutrition. Give up bad habits, alcohol and drink more clean water.
  • Area around the mouth. A rash in this area indicates endocrine disorders. The result of stress, and possibly a sign of ovulation in women.
  • Chin. The rash suggests that there are problems in the work of the female organs. It is also necessary to pay attention to the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Ears and lobes. A rash in this area indicates insufficient water intake. Correct the situation by drinking at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day. Stop coffee.
  • Neck area. The rash on it says that the body is fighting an infectious disease.

It is necessary to pay attention to the localization of the rash on the face of women. Causes, treatment in this case are closely related. The stage of spread of the rash is also important.

Rash stages

Determining the stage of the rash is very simple. You just need to count the pimples.

  1. The first stage. It is characterized by the presence of ten pimples or less. It can be treated using conventional cosmetic products for external use.
  2. The second is characterized by the presence of forty pimples. For treatment, not only external means are needed, but also oral medications will be required.
  3. Third stage. More than forty rashes on the face. For therapy, internal drugs are used. These are, as a rule, purulent acne, and it is not possible to help with drugs only for external use.
itching and rash on the face in womenthe reasons
itching and rash on the face in womenthe reasons

Also, the course of rashes can be as follows:

  • Rapidly appearing.
  • Suddenly pass.
  • Exist for 24 hours and pass.
  • Rashes increase and tend to merge.

When a small rash appears on the face of women, the cause may be not only an allergic reaction, but also an infectious disease. Pay attention to your general well-being.

Where can I go for help?

If you are concerned about rashes on your face, first of all, consult a therapist and take a urine and blood test. If a disease is detected, the doctor will prescribe treatment, while you may need to contact the following specialists:

  • Dermatologist. Can prescribe the right treatment and determine the degree of damage to the skin of the face.
  • rash on the face in women causes than to treat
    rash on the face in women causes than to treat
  • Endocrinologist. It will help to cope with endocrine disorders, which will speed up the treatment of hormonal rashes.
  • Allergist. Identifies the allergen causing the rash. By eliminating it, you can easily get rid of the rash.
  • Gynecologist. Very often he associates his treatment with an endocrinologist when a rash of hormonal origin appears.
  • Gastroenterologist. It will help eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which will noticeably affect not only rashes, but also improve the condition of the face and skin.
  • Beautician. Learn how to properly care for your face. If necessary, appoint a course of special procedures.

Which specialist you need to contact, the doctor will tell you-therapist and dermatologist.

Rash during pregnancy

Appears during pregnancy, a rash on the face of women. Causes than cures are best left to the doctor. A woman should be registered in a antenatal clinic and, on any issue that worries her, seek help from specialists. The most common cause is hormonal changes in the body. But still, you need to be careful. An allergic reaction can also be the cause, therefore, in any case, if a rash appears on the face of a pregnant woman, a doctor's consultation is necessary. You may need to pass additional tests, undergo an examination. Carrying out treatment on your own is dangerous not only for the expectant mother, but also for the child.

We examined what a rash on the face of women can be, the reasons for its appearance. Next, we will find out how the problem is treated in the modern world.

Methods for treating a rash on the face

In women, the causes and effective treatment of rashes are linked. After all, first of all, the cause must be sought inside and eliminated in the first place. Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Influence on internal causes.
  • Elimination of visual signs.

The characteristics of a woman's body are always taken into account. And they use several techniques for effective treatment:

  • Drug therapy. It, as a rule, is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys. The effective operation of these systems leads to the purification of the blood and the body from harmful substances.
  • Strengthening the body and maintaining the immune system.
  • Outdoorthe use of creams, ointments to relieve inflammation, for quick healing.

Let's consider the features of treatment for some types of rashes.

Features of acne treatment

The causes of acne on the face of women can be both internal and external:

  • Failures in the hormonal system.
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Premenstrual period.
  • Polycystic ovaries
  • Wrong diet.
  • Bad habits.

Acne treatment is always complex:

Medical. Assign:

  • Antibiotics.
  • Vitamin A derivatives.
  • Azelainic acid.
  • Salicylic acid.
  • rash on the face in women causes skin treatment
    rash on the face in women causes skin treatment

2. Medical cosmetics.

3. Facial cleansing with salon procedures as directed by a doctor.

A few rules to follow when treating acne:

  • Don't touch your face with your hands.
  • Do not use alcohol-based products.
  • You can not often decontaminate inflamed skin.
  • Exclude sugar and carbohydrate foods from your diet.
  • Drink more fluids, go outside.

See your doctor immediately for severe rashes.

Features of the treatment of an allergic rash on the face

If a woman has itching and a rash on her face, the reasons may be as follows:

  • Food intolerance.
  • Reaction tocosmetics.
  • Reaction to physical impact: cold, UV rays.
  • For medicines.
  • Insect bites.

Used for treatment:

  • Antihistamines.
  • Therapy that increases the body's defenses.
  • Blood purification by extracorporeal methods.
  • Symptomatic therapy.
  • Ointments, creams and gels, hormonal and non-hormonal.

It is very important not to confuse allergic photodermatitis with symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus. It also looks like a small rash on the face of women. The reasons must be sought inside the body.

Also, you should not mask an allergic rash with cosmetics. You can make your skin worse.

Features of the treatment of hormonal rashes on the face

Age from 30 to 50 years of age, a hormonal rash may appear on the face of women.

The reason may be:

  • Increase in androgens.
  • Influence of insulin-like growth factor.
  • Lack of estrogen.
  • Hypothyroidism.

The treatment is as follows:

  • Elimination of insulin resistance. They use Metformin.
  • Increase in estrogen concentration. Oral contraceptives with estrogen and progesterone.
  • Decrease in testosterone production. Antiandrogen drugs.

You need to stick to a diet, properly care for your skin.

Folk treatments for rashes on the face

There are a large number of folk recipes,which can reduce rashes and developing inflammatory processes with a rash on the face in women. The reasons need to be identified, but the correct use of folk recipes will help speed up the recovery process:

  • Chamomile. It is necessary to take two tablespoons of dried flowers, pour a glass of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes, strain. Use to wipe the face 2 times a day. Helps reduce inflammation.
  • rash on the face in women causes treatment
    rash on the face in women causes treatment
  • Parsley. Pour a bunch of parsley with boiling water for 30 minutes. The infusion relieves inflammation and whitens the skin.
  • Plantain and nettle mask. The leaves of these plants are crushed and gruel is applied to the affected areas for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse your face with cool water. Reduces inflammation.
  • Steam baths with essential oils of lavender, lemon balm, tea tree.
  • You can clean your face from black dots with soda. Steam your face first. Then wipe the acne spots with soda with massaging movements. Wash off with warm water.

In order not to have to use traditional medicine or resort to medication, you must follow the rules of facial care.

Prevention of rashes on the skin of the face

Here are a few skin care tips:

  • Give up bad habits.
  • Eat right.
  • Stay outdoors.
  • Get enough sleep, avoid stress.
  • Protect your face from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Do not use poor quality cosmetics.
  • Protect your face from wind and cold.
  • Clean your face every night.
  • Periodically cleanse the skin using peeling, scrub, steam baths.
  • Moisturize and nourish your skin regularly.
  • Use disposable face towels.

Following these simple rules, you will always look great, and you will not have problems with a rash.