Salpingitis - what is the disease? Chronic salpingitis. Salpingitis - symptoms and treatment

Salpingitis - what is the disease? Chronic salpingitis. Salpingitis - symptoms and treatment
Salpingitis - what is the disease? Chronic salpingitis. Salpingitis - symptoms and treatment

Salpingitis is a common female disease characterized by inflammation of the fallopian tubes. About 30% of women faced such a diagnosis. The disease develops when the infection is transferred from the uterine cavity or other organs, the process goes further to the fallopian tubes, causing their obstruction.

Causes of disease

Salpingitis is an ailment most commonly diagnosed in women under the age of 35 who:

  • started having sex early;
  • have a regular sex life, while having different sexual partners;
  • use not barrier, but hormonal contraception;
  • prefer unconventional sexual intercourse;
  • have sex during their period.
  • salpingitis is
    salpingitis is

In this case, the disease can occur during pregnancy, as well as after menopause. Various interventions in the female body can also contribute to the occurrence of salpingitis, includinginclude: non-professional gynecological examination, caesarean section, abortion, damage to the cervix, and even the establishment of an intrauterine device, which is perceived by the body as a foreign body. Untreated gynecological diseases can also create a favorable environment for the development of this disease.

Drug addiction, chronic alcoholism, poor immunity, malnutrition, stressful situations - all this significantly weakens the body's defenses and makes it vulnerable to various infections.

Symptomatic of purulent salpingitis

Purulent salpingitis, the symptoms of which require immediate medical attention, is accompanied by a very high body temperature (sometimes it reaches 40 degrees), pain localized in the lower abdomen, general loss of strength and chills.

Purulent vaginal discharge is a constant symptom of the disease. Also, this disease is characterized by excessively abundant or, conversely, scanty menstruation, uncomfortable urination, pain that suddenly occurs during intimacy or excessive physical exertion.

Symptoms of acute salpingitis

Acute salpingitis manifests itself almost similarly to the purulent form of this disease. So, a woman is worried about a severe headache resulting from a rise in body temperature, aching pains in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, frequent uncomfortable urination accompanied by severe burning or itching, painful sexual intercourse and menstruation.

salpingitis symptoms
salpingitis symptoms

Usually the development of the diseasecontributes to ectopic pregnancy, cyst and subserous fibroids. In the acute form of the disease, fluid accumulates in the fallopian tube, which causes an inflammatory process.

Symptomatic of bilateral salpingitis

Bilateral salpingitis is characterized by the defeat of both fallopian tubes at the same time. The disease is manifested by bleeding and pain during intimacy, vomiting and nausea, fever, general loss of strength, abnormal vaginal discharge with an unusual color and smell, impaired defecation and urination, accompanied by dull aching pain in the lower back.

Symptoms of chronic salpingitis

Chronic salpingitis at first is often mistaken for banal food poisoning. Among the first manifestations of the disease, one can note the occurrence of severe nagging pain in the lower abdomen, increased fatigue and decreased performance, discomfort during urination, lack of appetite and fever, occurring with a periodically occurring feverish state.

salpingitis treatment
salpingitis treatment

Salpingitis: treatment

The key to effective treatment of this disease is early diagnosis. The choice of one or another method of influencing the disease depends on its form, stage, as well as on the individual characteristics of the female body. Self-treatment of salpingitis is unacceptable, since only a specialist can identify the cause of the disease and choose ways to eliminate it. Self-medication can significantly aggravate the course of the disease. At an early stagetreatment of salpingitis takes 7 days, while more neglected - 3 weeks.

Medicated treatment

When diagnosed with "acute salpingitis" treatment should be carried out in a hospital. It includes the use of medicines such as:

  • wide spectrum antibiotics;
  • drugs whose action is aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • painkillers.

In addition, the patient may be prescribed a course of physiotherapy and detoxification therapy.

Chronic salpingitis
Chronic salpingitis

The acute form of salpingitis, unlike the chronic form, is treated much more effectively and in the vast majority of cases it is possible to achieve a complete recovery. In chronic salpingitis, even using the highest quality and most expensive medications, the maximum can be achieved to eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

The purulent form of the disease is considered to be milder, and therefore its treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis. In this case, oral forms of drugs are used in combination with detoxification therapy.

Surgical treatment

Salpingitis, the symptoms of which depend on the nature of the disease, is treated surgically in cases where:

  • conservative treatment proved ineffective;
  • there are small tumors in the fallopian tubes that prevent the conception of a child;
  • there are scars and adhesions on the uterine mucosa.
  • Acute salpingitis
    Acute salpingitis

The most effective method of surgical treatment of salpingitis is laparoscopic surgery, which allows to eliminate all pathological processes occurring in the fallopian tubes. During its implementation, a purulent secret is extracted, after which the walls of the fallopian tubes are subject to disinfection. Drainage is being installed.

One of the main advantages of laparoscopy is the absence of complications in the form of adhesive processes. But at the same time, in the postoperative period, a woman must refrain from sexual activity for two months.

Folk treatment

Salpingitis is a disease for which traditional methods are successfully used. The most effective non-traditional methods of treating salpingitis are taking herbal tinctures and decoctions, douching and baths.

So, patients suffering from chronic salpingitis are advised to take clay baths. To carry out such a procedure, it is necessary to heat the clay solution to a temperature of 37 degrees, then dip the hands into it for 20 minutes. Then reheat the same solution and place it in it for the same time of the foot. Such baths should be carried out for four days.

With bilateral salpingitis, juniper baths have proven themselves well. To do this, juniper berries and stalks (50 g) must be poured with boiling water (10 l), infuse the solution for 2 hours, and then strain it and pour it into a warm bath. The duration of taking such a bath should not be more than 30 minutes.

Bilateral salpingitis
Bilateral salpingitis

Decoctions for douching in chronic and acute salpingitis are prepared from chamomile and mallow flowers, sage leaves and oak bark. The used flowers or grass should be filled with water and brought to a boil. After cooling, the decoction must be strained and used as a douche, effectively helping to relieve inflammation.

For the preparation of infusions and decoctions used orally, you can use the bark and berries of viburnum, calendula flowers, chamomile, centaury, medicinal sweet clover. It is important to know that you need to consume the decoction only in a warm and, most importantly, fresh form.

Salpingitis is a disease, the treatment of which should never be delayed! It is worth noting that it is the combination of alternative and traditional medicine that will help to cope with this disease as effectively as possible.
