Causes and treatment of pityriasis versicolor in humans

Causes and treatment of pityriasis versicolor in humans
Causes and treatment of pityriasis versicolor in humans

Pityriasis versicolor, also known as versicolor, is a fungal disease that affects the stratum corneum of the skin. Why does this disease occur, how does it manifest itself and what features does the treatment of pityriasis versicolor have in people? Let's figure it out.

how to cure pityriasis versicolor
how to cure pityriasis versicolor

Causes of disease

Absolutely reliable data on the causes of pityriasis versicolor have not been identified to date. Often this disease occurs in those people who have been in a humid and hot climate for a long time. But at the same time, it is wrong to say that the appearance of multi-colored lichen is associated only with exposure to the sun. So, among the factors provoking the disease include:

  • frequent visits to the solarium;
  • oily skin;
  • decreased immunity due to pregnancy or beriberi;
  • strong mental shock;
  • excessive sweating;
  • frequent use of antibacterial cosmetics;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (primarily diabetes);
  • oncological diseases, tuberculosis.

Most oftenpityriasis versicolor affects adolescents, as well as men under the age of thirty.


Characteristic signs of multi-colored lichen are brownish-yellowish spots on the human body. The first spots, as a rule, are localized near the hairline and begin to grow over time. Some of them, merging with each other into one whole, affect significant areas of the skin.

If you do not take any measures aimed at treating this disease, then gradually the spots will change their color and become coffee. For this reason, the disease is called multi-colored lichen. The affected areas of the skin do not itch, but have a smooth, flaky surface and look very unattractive.

Spots can occur on absolutely any part of the body, but most often they appear on the stomach, back, neck, chest, shoulders. Pityriasis versicolor in very rare cases can even be found in the face.

how to get rid of pityriasis versicolor
how to get rid of pityriasis versicolor


Before thinking about how to cure pityriasis versicolor, you need to make sure that this disease is taking place. To do this, you should contact a specialist for an accurate diagnosis. For the diagnosis of multi-colored lichen, a Wood's fluorescent lamp is used. It is necessary to illuminate the affected areas with it, and in case of a disease, the glow of the lamp will become golden or pinkish.

The Balser test will also help to identify pityriasis versicolor in children and adults. The essence of the method boils down to the fact that on the affected we deprivearea is applied with iodine solution. Spots of multi-colored lichen, when interacting with iodine, will change their color to a darker one.

treatment for pityriasis versicolor in humans
treatment for pityriasis versicolor in humans

Medicated treatment

If pityriasis versicolor occurs, treatment, in which antifungal drugs are an integral part, should be started immediately. In this case, it will be possible to quickly and easily overcome the disease.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor in humans is prescribed in each individual case individually. So, at an early stage of the disease, when the lesions are still insignificant, antifungal ointments will help get rid of the disease, the most effective of which are Clotrisal, Ketodin, Nizoral. Rub the ointment twice a day for 2-4 weeks.

How to get rid of pityriasis versicolor, characterized by damage to a large surface area of the skin? In such cases, oral administration of drugs such as Nizoral, Orungal, and Fluconazole is indicated.

To eliminate the fungus from the scalp, washing the hair with special medicated shampoos, including Nizoral, Dermazole, and others, will help. irradiation.

For several months after the end of the course of treatment, to prevent the possibility of secondary infection, the site of the former rash should be wiped twice a week with salicylic or boric alcohol.

Pills frompityriasis versicolor

Taking pills is advisable only when the disease is running. Consider some effective drugs.

A medicine such as Griseofulvin, produced in the form of tablets, has proven itself well. A feature of this medicine is the fact that it must be taken with vegetable oil, and this can be done both during meals and after meals. The daily dose for adults is 8 tablets. You need to take this remedy until complete recovery. However, it is important to ensure that there are no contraindications.

pityriasis versicolor pills
pityriasis versicolor pills

Another drug that deserves attention is the drug "Ketoconazole". The medicine should be taken exclusively as prescribed by the doctor and under his control. The dosage of Ketoconazole depends on the severity of the disease and is usually 200-400 mg per day. The same applies to the duration of treatment, which can vary from 4 to 8 weeks.

Sulfur ointment

Very often, the treatment of pityriasis versicolor in people is carried out using such a simple, inexpensive, and at the same time effective medicine, like sulfuric ointment. When applied to the skin, it has an antimicrobial and antiparasitic effect on the affected areas.

When diagnosed with pityriasis versicolor, treatment, sulfur-based ointment in which will be the main medication, will last 5 days. At the same time, to achieve the desired effect, the medication should be applied in a thin, even layer on the affected skin twice a

tinea versicolor treatment ointment
tinea versicolor treatment ointment

Important Events

In order for the treatment of pityriasis versicolor in people to quickly lead to recovery, it is very important to comply with a number of requirements. So, bed and underwear should be changed daily. At the same time, it is important to boil all things, and then carefully iron them - this is the only way to achieve the destruction of spores of the fungus that causes this disease.

During the treatment period, the patient should wear only those clothes and use only those bed linens that are made from natural fabrics. Personal hygiene is also of great importance. So, take a shower or bath every day, using baby soap or other mild detergents.

You should also take care to use baby powder or talcum powder, which eliminate excess skin moisture, which is a favorable factor for the occurrence and development of fungal infections.

pityriasis versicolor in children
pityriasis versicolor in children

Features of nutrition of patients

Patients with pityriasis versicolor need to undergo certain dietary restrictions. So, you should minimize or completely abandon the use of simple carbohydrates. Granulated sugar can, for example, be replaced with a small amount of honey. Instead of muffin, you can eat bread containing bran.

The diet should contain fruits and berries rich in complex carbohydrates, as well as fresh vegetables, which contain a high content of dietary fiber and fiber. Also, the patient's menu should include unheated fermented milk products.

Pityriasis versicolor: alternative treatment

Traditional medicine has a huge number of recipes that will help you quickly and effectively eliminate pityriasis versicolor. Consider what ointments can be prepared based on simple and affordable means.

  • Chop fresh sorrel and mix the resulting slurry in equal proportions with sour cream or heavy cream. Lubricate the affected areas for 10 days.
  • Dry grass of fragrant rue grind into powder, add softened butter in a ratio of 1:3. Treat ringworm twice a day.
  • Mix dry St. John's wort powder (10 g) with petroleum jelly (40 g). Lubricate the affected skin daily with the resulting mass for days.
  • Turn fresh St. John's wort into gruel, add birch tar and butter in equal amounts. Thoroughly mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Use as compresses to apply on affected skin areas for 40 minutes.

Herbal treatment

Healing herbs perfectly increase immunity and promote a speedy recovery. Decoctions and infusions can be both taken internally and used externally. Consider individual recipes.

  • Sorrel roots and seeds (1 tbsp.) Pour cold water (200 ml), send to the stove and cook for 10 minutes. Let the resulting liquid stand for 1 hour, then strain it and use it as a base for a compress.
  • Mix the string and eucalyptus in equal proportions. Pour the resulting mixture (3 tablespoons) into a glass jar and pour boiling water (800 ml). Send all this to a water bath for 40 minutes. After the time has elapsed, cool the broth, strain and apply compresses with it.
  • Launched pityriasis versicolor will help cure such a herb as immortelle. It is necessary to pour immortelle inflorescences (40 g) with boiling water (0.5 l) and let it brew for 2 hours. Strain and lubricate the diseased skin with liquid.
pityriasis versicolor folk treatment
pityriasis versicolor folk treatment

Preventive measures

Unfortunately, very often after complete recovery, patients with pityriasis versicolor complain that the disease has returned again. Indeed, a significant number of people face a relapse of this disease. In order to try to avoid these troubles, you should follow certain rules:

  • From time to time in the spring-summer period, wipe the skin with slightly acidic water, to which citric acid or vinegar should first be added.
  • It is important to use antifungal hygiene products every 3-4 weeks, including shampoos, gels, ointments.
  • Periodically disinfect clothes, bedding and underwear in a 2% soap and soda solution. After such processing, all things must be carefully ironed.

There are many methods to get rid of such an ailment as pityriasis versicolor. Treatment, ointment and tablets in which are integral components, is recommendedcomplement folk methods of dealing with this disease.
