Sclerosis is a disease that usually occurs in older people, but sometimes it also occurs in young people. The disease is the cause of stroke and senile dementia, as well as death. Therefore, timely diagnosis is required when the first symptoms appear, as well as effective treatment. The treatment of cerebral sclerosis is described in the article.
What is this?
This pathology is a chronic problem in which cerebral circulation is disturbed. Cholesterol is deposited on the inside of the vessels. Plaques appear that interfere with the normal flow of blood. Gradually, there is a decrease in the elasticity of the vascular tissue, a slowdown in blood flow, which causes a lack of nutrients and oxygen.

In these conditions, the brain cannot work at full capacity. With progression, there are risks of stroke, the occurrence of blood clots. The pathology may be of a single nature. Still shemanifests itself as dyscirculatory encephalopathy with different foci of vascular lesions.
Development of the disease
According to scientists, the pathology begins with a violation of the inner wall of the artery. Elements accumulate in the damaged wall, connective tissue fibers and lipids are added to them. After some time, a center is formed in the center of the plaque, including lipoproteins and cholesterol breakdown products.
When a plaque forms, there is an inflammatory response. Damaged endothelial cells produce components that stimulate immune responses. Immunity cells accumulate in the vessel wall, which increases the size of the plaque. The wall of the artery becomes thinner and denser. Smooth muscle cells are enlarged and a dense fibrous coating of the plaque appears.
Due to this process, there is a lack of blood supply to the tissue. Thus, trophism is disturbed and necrosis of the brain tissue occurs. If the examination and treatment of blood vessels is not performed, pathology leads to tragic consequences. Sometimes the plaque cover breaks and the contents are released. This is how a cerebral infarction (stroke) occurs.
Sclerosis of the brain appears from the contamination of blood vessels with cholesterol and narrowing of the gaps. Most often, the disease develops in older people. This usually happens:
- for obesity;
- poor nutrition;
- lack of physical activity;
- hypertension;
- smoking, alcoholism;
- diabetes.

To sclerosisbrain may be a genetic predisposition. It is advisable for people with these problems to undergo an examination every year, which will help identify the disease at an early stage.
Symptoms of cerebral sclerosis depend on the form of the disease. In acute, pronounced signs are observed, and in chronic - smoothed. Symptoms of cerebral sclerosis appear as:
- sleep disorders;
- regular migraine headaches;
- uncaused fever;
- memory deterioration, reduced attention;
- depression, anxiety, irritability;
- face asymmetry;
- deterioration of speech and visual function, tinnitus;
- unsteady gait;
- discoordination of movements.
Any sign needs the right treatment. Symptoms of cerebral sclerosis can manifest as damage to the vessels of the intestines, kidneys, legs and other organs. Other signs may differ depending on the stage:
- At the 1st stage, there is emotional instability, deterioration of attention and memory, weakness, sleep disturbance, dizziness, noise in the ear canals. 90% of patients have headaches that worsen with physical or mental stress.
- Psychic changes occur in the 2nd stage. The patient forgets the events of yesterday, but can remember the facts of many years ago. There is a decrease in intelligence, professional skills disappear. It is difficult for a person to comprehend the text read.
- At the 3rd stage, a person forgets his family, the maindate becomes professionally unusable. Due to the lack of treatment of cerebral sclerosis, dementia, a heart attack or a stroke appear.
Therefore, it is important to identify the disease as early as possible. After that, you can begin treatment of cerebral sclerosis. The symptoms will then not only disappear, but there will be a noticeable improvement in well-being.
There are the following varieties of the disease:
- Multiple sclerosis of the brain involves inflammation of the nervous system when myelin is destroyed. The area of the lesion is rapidly increasing, so it is impossible to do without medical help. Left untreated, lesions of multiple sclerosis in the brain spread rapidly. This disease is incurable, but with timely therapy, it will be possible to stop the development of the disease.
- senile. This is an age-related disease when nerve cells die, which causes memory problems. The disease often occurs in the elderly and proceeds at different rates, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the person.
- Tubular sclerosis of the brain develops due to malfunctions in the nervous system. At the initial stage, age spots appear on open areas of the body. The disease develops rapidly, leads to the destruction of tooth enamel, the formation of benign formations on soft tissues and internal organs. This disease is rare and is inherited. At risk are children under 1 year old.
- Side. In this case, the changes concern the motor neurons of the central part and the periphery of the nervous system. Observedincreasing muscle weakness.
- Vessels of the brain. This is a common pathology affecting the circulatory system. Lipid deposits appear in the vessels of the brain, which can be single or multiple.

MS is commonly seen in women living in cold regions. For any form of illness, timely treatment is necessary, which begins after diagnostic measures.
Confirm the presence of cerebral sclerosis will only be possible with the help of clinical tests and hardware techniques. But provincial medical institutions usually do not have the necessary equipment. Therefore, there the diagnosis is made only on the basis of the clinical picture.
If there is a risk of atherosclerosis, pressure control is required. With an overestimated indicator, a thorough diagnosis is needed. The main methods of diagnosis include:
- Blood test. Detects an increase in the concentration of cholesterol, including at an early stage.
- Angiography. This method is used with full confidence in the presence of the disease. Thanks to the contrast agent, the condition of the vascular tissues and the narrowing of the gaps are assessed.
- Tomography. The study allows you to study the vessels and determine the foci of sclerosis in the brain.
Only a clinical blood test will not be able to determine the presence of pathology. Many patients have normal cholesterol levels.
How to treat cerebral sclerosis? The therapy is carried out in several ways. Effectivevalid usage:
- pharmacological remedies for sclerosis;
- special menu;
- folk methods;
- gentle physical activity;
- physiotherapy;
- surgical intervention.

How to treat cerebral sclerosis, the doctor must decide. Methods are applied in a complex. At an early stage, nutrition correction and preventive measures are needed.
At any stage of the disease, an appropriate diet is needed. You should not eat foods rich in fats. It is important to exclude smoked meats, pickles, marinades, fried foods.
Must eat:
- fruits, vegetables, herbs;
- sea fish;
- linseed and olive oil;
- nuts;
- eggs;
- cereals and legumes.
It is advisable to use natural juices: pumpkin, beetroot, cabbage, carrot. Useful green tea. Drink a glass of hot water on an empty stomach.
Even to eliminate sclerosis, you need proper rest and sleep. It is important to avoid anxiety and overwork. Follow your doctor's advice.
Doctor may prescribe medication:
- To reduce the concentration of cholesterol. These are Atoris, Lovastatin, Simvastatin. The drugs protect against the risk of stroke. Auxiliary agents are vitamin complexes, nicotinic and thioctic acids.
- Reduce blood viscosity allows "Warfarin", "Aspirin",Cardiomagnyl.
- Nutrition of brain tissues improves with the help of such means as Phezam, Nootropil, Cavinton.
- Normalize blood pressure allows "Liprazid", "Valsakor", "Bisoprolol".

Means are taken at home in the form of tablets, and in the hospital they are administered by drip. But you should not use drugs without permission.
This treatment eliminates headaches, stimulates metabolism in the brain, improves sleep. Balneo and magnetic therapy, massage procedures are used. Thanks to regular exercises, blood pressure normalizes, blood circulation in the brain improves. They also cheer you up.
Physical activity
It is necessary to control physical activity. The doctor must choose the dosed and individual degree of load. Effective running, walking, gymnastics, bicycle. It is desirable that the procedures take place in the fresh air.
The aim of this treatment is to suppress the process of atherosclerosis in a natural way without side effects. The effect of homeopathic remedies is based on the use of microscopic doses of those components that, in large quantities, can lead to symptoms similar to those of the disease.

The best homeopathic remedies are:
- "Golden iodine". The remedy is presented in the form of homeopathic granules, the basis of which is iodinegold and barium carbonate. The drug normalizes cerebral circulation.
- "Cholesterolum". The drug is used for high cholesterol. Formulated with natural plant extracts.
- "Crategus". Medicine in the form of hawthorn tincture reduces blood pressure, activates blood circulation in the brain. With it, the concentration of cholesterol is normalized, the excitability of the central nervous system decreases.
Since homeopathy is considered a type of alternative medicine, only the attending physician should prescribe drugs. Self-medication can negatively affect a person's he alth.
Surgical method of treatment is used when there is a threat of the appearance and separation of a blood clot. There are 2 types of treatment:
- Open surgery is used for lesions of the cervical arteries. If the focus is located deep in the tissues, even with a craniotomy, it is rarely possible to get to the problem area.
- An endovascular procedure helps to place a stent in a large vessel. Penetration into the lumen is performed with a catheter, which is inserted into the arterial vessel.
Surgery is forbidden in old age. It is difficult for the body to withstand these loads. The decision to perform the operation should be made by the doctor.
Folk methods
Folk treatment of cerebral sclerosis can reduce symptoms and slow down the process at the initial stage of the disease. The following recipes are used:
- Carnation eliminates dizziness, improves hearing and vision. It will take 25 g of raw materials, which are poured with vodka (500 ml). Sugar is added (500 g), lemons (4 pcs.), mashedwith peel. The product is aged in a glass container in closed form for 2 weeks. It should be taken 15 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. It will take 3 courses.
- Garlic and honey are effective for sclerosis. It is necessary to grind 250 g of cloves and mix with a natural beekeeping product (350 g). The container is tightly closed and left in an unlit place for 7 days. A remedy is taken for 1 tsp. three times a day, before meals.
- Garlic and lemon have strengthening properties. Garlic gruel (300 g) is mixed with citrus juice (3 pcs.). The neck of the container must be tied with gauze. The infusion is left in a cool place. Every day you need to drink 1 tsp. means, diluting 200 ml of water. After 2 weeks of treatment, performance increases.
- It is necessary to crush the rose hips and place them on 2/3 of the container. Medical alcohol is added. The product is aged for 14 days in an unlit place. Every day you need to dissolve a piece of refined sugar, on which 20 drops of tincture are placed.
- Japanese sophora is used to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. It is necessary to pour 50 g of raw materials with 500 ml of vodka. You need to take 1 tsp. 3 times during the day. If you can not drink alcohol even in small quantities, the remedy is brewed in the form of tea. For 1 cup of boiling water, 1 tsp is required. sophoras. Keep 1 day in a thermos. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. twice a day.

Before using folk remedies, it is important to check for an allergic reaction to herbal ingredients. These recipes are often used incomplex therapy.
Severe complications are likely with advanced sclerosis:
- Attention and memory decrease. A person is not able to perform the usual actions, navigate in space, he can get lost even on a familiar street.
- With memory loss, dementia develops. These complications usually appear in old age. A person is not able to understand the consequences of his actions, intelligence decreases.
- The danger is stroke and thrombosis, recovery from which takes a long time.
Since the disease is easier to prevent than to cure, it is better to engage in prevention. It consists of:
- in rational nutrition;
- give up bad habits;
- active lifestyle;
- maintaining normal pressure;
- exclusion of stress, overwork - physical and mental;
- quality sleep and good rest;
- regular memory training.
Thus, cerebral sclerosis is treated in various ways. In this case, an integrated approach is required. With timely treatment, it will be possible to prevent the progression of the disease.