Hypertrophic phimosis is a pathological condition in which, due to the elongation of the sheets of the foreskin, it is difficult or impossible to find the glans penis. This disease is also called proboscis phimosis. Pathology occurs mainly in childhood, as well as among teenage boys who have excessive body weight. Below we will find out what are the causes of hypertrophic phimosis in boys, find out how it manifests itself and how it is currently being treated.

Causes of pathology
Elongation of the foreskin can be provoked by fatty deposits. However, finding the opening of the urethra is usually difficult. And any violent attempts to remove the head of the penis lead to traumatic damage to the foreskin.
This form of the disease is often complicated by an inflammatory process, as the elongated flesh provokes the accumulation of smegma. Besides,infection can also occur due to mechanical injuries.
The causes of pathology that develops without pre-existing inflammatory processes or injuries are not yet fully understood. Involved in the occurrence of this disease today is considered to be a genetic predisposition.
Photo of hypertrophic phimosis can be found in the special literature. The main essence of the genetic predisposition lies in the insufficient content of the elastic substance in the connective tissue. Men can be diagnosed with abnormal development of the heart valves along with varicocele, flat feet and a number of other diseases along with genetically determined hypertrophic phimosis.

Symptoms of pathology
Sometimes hypertrophic phimosis can occur without any subjective symptoms, manifesting itself only externally. This disease is characterized by frequent problems with urination, which are characteristic of the most severe stage of the disease. In hypertrophic phimosis, patients often complain of:
- the presence of discomfort and pain during sex (but it is worth noting that often this is simply impossible);
- reducing the intensity of sensations during intercourse;
- decrease in erectile function;
- appearance of premature ejaculation.
Other signs
In addition, for men, especially for adolescents, changes in psychological behavior are characteristic, since due to a non-standard appearanceof the genital organ, they form different complexes. In addition, hypertrophic phimosis can be complicated by infection. Against this background, the clinical picture can be enriched with local signs of inflammatory processes in the form of swelling, redness, local temperature increase, and the like.

Danger of asymptomatic course
Special danger associated with the asymptomatic course of the disease. Men who do not complain and do not experience discomfort may not see a doctor for a long time or completely refuse treatment. But the absence of clinical symptoms does not at all reduce the risk of inflammatory processes.
Currently, various studies are underway that are aimed at confirming the fact that smegma stagnation is considered a provoking factor in the appearance of oncological processes not only in sick men, but also in their partners. In addition, long-term hypertrophic phimosis, which resolves without symptoms, may be complicated by incarceration of the head. This is considered a very dangerous condition and requires immediate treatment.
Photo of hypertrophic phimosis in boys allows you to understand when to sound the alarm.
In order to make a correct diagnosis, no special examination methods are needed at all. As a rule, a simple visual inspection is quite enough to determine what exactly worries a man. An exception may be cases where diagnostics are requiredassociated pathology. In the event that a man leads an active sex life, the doctor will definitely prescribe him a laboratory test to detect certain sexually transmitted infections.
In addition, an additional examination may be carried out in the presence of violations of the functions of the genitourinary system. In this case, an ultrasound examination of the bladder and kidneys is usually performed, and, in addition, a urine test is prescribed.
Now let's move on to the methods of treating hypertrophic phimosis in boys and find out how medicine today helps get rid of this disease.

Conservative treatment of the disease
At the present stage, conservative methods of treating hypertrophic phimosis are becoming more and more popular. True, the attitude to sparing treatment is different for all doctors, and this may not be applied to every patient. Its main techniques include:
- Conducting tension. The essence of therapy is that a man needs to perform daily special exercises aimed at stretching the foreskin until the head is exposed. This method is effective for patients at the initial stage of the course of the disease. Exercises must be done regularly, gradually increasing the tension. The percentage of recovery using this method, provided it was prescribed and performed correctly, is approximately seventy-five percent.
- Using corticosteroid ointments. Local use of such ointments increaseselasticity of the foreskin, reducing the risk of inflammation. The therapy is often combined with the previous method, but it is prescribed only in the absence of any contraindications. You should also be aware of the many side effects that the hormones contained in these drugs cause.
In the presence of hypertrophic phimosis, the effectiveness of conservative treatment is low, so it is best to treat patients with surgery.

Basic Therapies
The following techniques are also used to treat hypertrophic phimosis:
- Stretching with special tools. Manipulation is carried out mainly in childhood. The essence of therapy is that a special probe is first inserted under a piece of flesh to separate adhesions, if any. A clamp is then inserted and used to widen the opening of the flesh.
- Excision procedure. Circumcision is currently the most effective treatment for phimosis. But the problem remains the absolute insecurity of the head of the penis after surgery, that is, the risks of recurrence of phimosis are completely absent.
- Performing foreskin plastic surgery. Such surgery involves the partial removal of tissue. After the operation, the patient recovers for a long time and there is a risk of relapse, however, the preserved tissue continues to perform its protective functions.
- Carrying out laser treatment. The advantages of such an operation are that the tissue is minimally injured during its implementation, and pain is almost absent andpatients recover very quickly. With a laser, you can excise the flesh partially or completely.
The type of treatment for hypertrophic phimosis is selected depending on the neglect of the disease, based on the presence or absence of various complications. In general, the prognosis for this disease is favorable, especially if patients see a doctor on time.

What is the danger of the diagnosis of "hypertrophic phimosis"?
Consequences for boys
First of all, it should be noted that with phimosis in the future there may be big problems with sexual life. Against the background of this disease, sex is most often impossible and even dangerous. The main consequence of the pathology is difficulty urinating. And in childhood, the appearance of urinary incontinence is also likely. Congestion provokes infection not only of the flesh and head, but also of the bladder and urinary tract.
Balanoposthitis is a frequent complication of such a phenomenon as hypertrophic phimosis in a child. This disease occurs with an inflammatory process in the head of the penis. Against this background, a typical picture of inflammation may appear in the form of swelling, soreness and hyperemia. The occurrence of balanoposthitis is associated with stagnation and accumulation of smegma, which serves as fertile ground for pathogenic bacteria. The risk of inflammation is especially increased among patients with diabetes, since in this disease glucose can be excreted even in the urine, which also contributes toinfections.

Paraphimosis is also possible, that is, the infringement of the head of the penis by the flesh. In this condition, the affected head begins to swell, which leads to even greater compression. It is easy to recognize paraphimosis, since this disease is characterized by intense pain along with a blue head. Help with the development of paraphimosis should be immediate, since such a condition is dangerous by the occurrence of necrosis of the compressed tissue.
It is worth knowing that the longer help is delayed for such a patient, the less pain becomes, which is considered an unfavorable sign of tissue necrosis.