Due to the many symptoms of this disease, special attention should be paid to the course of the disease and the general well-being of a person. Currently, VVD is not an official disease with established treatment, however, in our country, about 30% of the population complain of a combination of symptoms that are only commonly called vegetative-vascular dystonia. Nevertheless, some doctors still recognize the incorrect functioning of the vascular system, despite excellent analyzes, and distinguish several types of VVD. In this article, we will consider in detail one of them by cardiac type.
General VSD symptoms in adults are usually divided into four main groups: hypotensive, hypertensive, mixed and cardiac. The first three groups are united by the main symptom - instability of blood pressure, and in cardiac - blood pressure remains within reasonable limits.norms. This is what makes it different, and for this reason, many simply refuse to diagnose VVD in a patient.
It should be understood that common symptoms are present in all types of the disease, but are not required for diagnosis. So how do you recognize your type and decide on treatment? First you need to find out if you are at risk, and if not, then analyze the symptoms present in detail: after all, VSD symptoms in adults can be very different from those in children and the elderly.

Who is at risk
Long-term follow-up of patients revealed a group of people most susceptible to the development of VSD of various types in them, namely:
- Excitable people with unstable nervous and mental systems. They have a hard and emotional experience and react to exciting situations very sharply.
- Patients whose closest blood relatives have experienced VSD. Although genetic transmission of the disease has not yet been proven.
- People who are forced to constantly experience emotional stress, inadequately or poorly satisfy their biological needs for food, sleep and rest.
- Those who have had a severe or moderate infectious, viral disease several times in a short period or once.
- Women during hormonal changes (puberty, menopause).

Symptoms of cardiac VSD
The diagnosis of VVD by cardiac type is made by doctors whenthe presence of several episodes of recurrence of these symptoms:
- Clearly or blurred patient-perceived cardiac arrhythmia, both during simple work and in a state of relative rest (arrhythmic heart disease).
- Permanent or occasional "shortage" of air. A person in a state of sleep or rest cannot catch their breath.
- Painful, exhausting sensations in the chest (tingling, burning, sharp spasms).
- Prolonged dizziness, accompanied by a deterioration in performance up to the desire to completely stop any, even light, activity.
- Questionable or minor changes in ECG readings.
- No physical changes in all parts of the heart (determined by ultrasound, MRI and others).
- Lack of vitality, tone against the background of relatively positive results of instrumental examinations and blood tests.
- Psychic changes - fear, panic attacks.

VSD by cardiac type and pregnancy: is there a relationship
VSD of the cardiac type during pregnancy is quite rare, since this type of disease manifests itself in pathologies of the cardiovascular system itself and does not depend on the hormonal state of the body. Other types of IRR during pregnancy are more likely, as are teenage hormonal shake-ups.
Hormones have little effect on the IRR in the cardiactype. The symptoms, which are difficult to treat in the majority of the population, are exactly the same in both adolescents and pregnant women. The treatment of the latter is prescribed non-drug with a mild course of VVD according to the cardiac type. This is due to the peculiarity of their position. In severe cases, a consultation with a neurologist and a psychiatrist is needed to prescribe treatment that can help the woman without damaging the fetus.

VSD and service in RA
More and more young guys and men receive from doctors an entry in the medical card "VVD by cardiac type." Do they take to the army with such a diagnosis?
A conscript who was seen by a neurologist or in the cardiology department with such a disease, doctors are required to prescribe an examination in order to exclude other cardiac diseases. If no physical pathologies have been identified, and the symptoms have been documented, the conscript is assigned group "B", in which he is called up only in case of nationwide military mobilization.

Recovery of the body and treatment for VVD
Treatment of VVD by cardiac type is long and is prescribed by several doctors. Medication primarily consists of sedative preparations of plant origin (valerian, motherwort).
Neurologists usually prescribe drugs that improve the ability to fall asleep quickly. Be sure to prescribe vitamins, which contain potassium, manganese and others. They nourish the muscles of the heart, normalize its work. Nootropics, antidepressants, vascular drugs are taken strictly according to indications and after a detailed examination by a neurologist, cardiologist and psychiatrist.
Treatment without drugs: effective methods
Depending on the symptoms, only non-drug treatment of VDS by cardiac type is possible, which is also necessary when taking medication:
- Normalization of the rhythm of life. Strict alternation of activity and rest during the day.
- Strict and complete rejection of bad habits (tobacco, any kind of alcohol).
- The ban on taking any medication without the consent of the doctor monitoring the course of the disease.
- Enough time for sleep. Good sleeper.
- Light exercise, preferably outdoors.
- Aromatic oil therapy.
- Acupuncture.
Diet for dystonia
With vegetovascular dystonia (VDS) of the cardiac type, nutritionists and doctors recommend a change in nutrition. It should be enriched, light, but include a complete set of proteins, complex carbohydrates and vegetable fats.
Limited consumption of table s alt and strong spicy spices.
Caffeinated and theanine-containing drinks should be completely eliminated. Coffee and tea are replaced with herbal (chamomile, mint, lemon balm) teas, compotes without sugar.
VSD treatment
Timely initiated examination and treatment of VVD by cardiac type helps to improve and prolong the life of patients. Positive dynamics is observed only with fullcompliance with the recommendations of doctors and the general mood of the patient with dystonia. If a person does not want to change their lifestyle, the chances of a cure are minimal.

Possible complications if left untreated
Complications caused by vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) of the cardiac type affect all parts of the heart and blood vessels, as well as other organs and systems. With dystonia, the risk of heart attacks, angina pectoris, and serious damage to the heart increases many times over. Therefore, one cannot ignore this disease and treat it with reckless ease.