Calcification in the prostate is a common problem. Yes, statistics confirm that in almost 75% of men over 50 years of age, inorganic deposits are found in the glandular tissue of the prostate gland. And it is hardly possible to do without treatment here, since the presence of such stones increases the risk of an inflammatory process.
How do prostate calcifications form?

To date, there are two theories that explain the mechanism of formation of solid deposits in the glandular part of the body. According to one of them, the secret of the prostate gland itself is the basis for the formation of calculi - inorganic substances begin to be deposited on the mucous clot, subsequently forming solid calcifications.
In addition, there is another mechanism associated with urethro-prostatic reflux. For one reason or another, urine is thrown from the lumen of the urethra into the prostate gland, and from inorganics alts that are contained in the liquid, stones are subsequently formed.
Calcification in the prostate and the reasons for their formation

In fact, in most cases, the cause of the formation of deposits is the stagnation of blood in the pelvis, which, in turn, blocks the normal excretion of prostate secretions. In turn, such a violation can be associated with the influence of various factors. In particular, the reasons include hypodynamia and sedentary work. Approximately the same result is observed in people suffering from constant constipation. An unhe althy diet and a sedentary lifestyle can be considered a risk factor.
Frequent local hypothermia, the presence of chronic foci of inflammation in the pelvis and the presence of infection also provoke the formation of solid deposits in the tissues of the prostate gland.
Risk factors include surgery on the pelvic organs or trauma - they subsequently become the cause of the reverse flow of urine.
Calcification in the prostate: the main symptoms of calcification
The clinical picture in this case depends on the number and size of stones. For example, small calcifications may not cause any symptoms at all. But large educations affect the quality of life of a man.
Most often, patients complain of sharp or, conversely, dull pain in the scrotum and perineum, which often radiate to the back. By the way, soreness, as a rule, increases during sexual contact or physical exertion.

In some cases, there are problems with urination. Difficult waste and, accordingly, the accumulation of urine increases the risk of infection of the reproductive system. Symptoms include the presence of blood in the urine and semen.
Prostate calcifications: treatment
The treatment regimen in this case depends on the severity of the disease. Small stones, if they do not cause concern to the patient, do not require specific treatment. Men make up a special diet, it is recommended to follow the regime of rest and work, engage in physical work, often be in the fresh air, in a word, lead a he althy lifestyle.
Large calcifications that block the ducts of the prostate gland are removed surgically. In the most severe cases, complete excision of the prostate is required.