Glandular endometrial polyp: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Glandular endometrial polyp: causes, symptoms and treatment features
Glandular endometrial polyp: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Glandular polyp of the endometrium is a fairly common pathology of the female reproductive system. It is usually diagnosed in young girls. This neoplasm is not characterized by typical symptoms, so the fair sex is in no hurry to see a doctor. Lack of timely therapy may result in infertility or the transformation of the polyp into a malignant tumor. In our article, we will try to figure out why these neoplasms develop, what methods of treatment modern medicine offers.

Features of the pathological process

To begin with, consider the structure of the female reproductive organ. The uterus consists of three layers: external serous, middle muscular and internal. The latter is otherwise called the endometrium and is a mucous membrane. It is this layer that usually attracts the attention of gynecologists.

glandular polyp
glandular polyp

The endometrium consists of a coverepithelium and bases with glands - stroma. They constantly produce a secret with an alkaline reaction, but its amount varies from the phase of the female cycle. During menstruation, only the integumentary epithelium is separated. The stroma always remains and serves as a source of future mucosal regeneration in the first half of the cycle.

A polyp is a tumor-like formation. Its development is most often preceded by uterine hyperplasia. Focal growth of its mucous membrane leads to the formation of a polyp. Therefore, it has a structure similar to the endometrium - fibrous tissue and glands. From here, the following types of benign neoplasms can be distinguished:

  • glandular;
  • fibrous;
  • glandular fibrous polyp.

In the structure of the outgrowth, it is customary to distinguish between the body and the leg, which is penetrated by the smallest blood vessels. Its size can vary from a few millimeters to 4-5 cm. In its shape, the neoplasm resembles a small mushroom.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the causes and methods of treating a glandular polyp, since this type of pathology is diagnosed most often. A favorite place for its localization is the area of the bottom or corners of the uterus.

Why does disease occur?

Modern medicine cannot name the exact causes of neoplasms. So she just has to make assumptions. It has been unequivocally established that the glandular polyp develops against the background of hormonal changes in the woman's body. The outgrowth gives a peculiar response to the effects of estrogen, repeating the reactioninner layer of the uterus. Violation of the hormonal background can be of two types: absolute and relative. In the first case, the amount of estrogen produced increases due to an ovarian tumor or persistence of the follicles. With relative hyperestrogenism, hormone levels may remain normal. However, the pathology develops due to a decrease in the antiestrogenic effect of progesterone with insufficient production.

glandular fibrous polyp
glandular fibrous polyp

Also, doctors identify a group of factors, the presence of which increases the likelihood of a benign formation. These include:

  • frequent abortions;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypodynamia;
  • overweight;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

Glandular fibrous polyp often develops in women with mental disabilities.

First symptoms

Non-hormonal neoplasms practically do not manifest themselves. Violations may be accompanied by minor intermenstrual bleeding. When a polyp is the result of an infectious process in the body, the disease proceeds in the form of sluggish inflammation.

Hormonal neoplasms resulting from hyperplasia are manifested by increased menstrual bleeding. Therefore, iron deficiency anemia gradually develops in such patients. If the size of the polyp is more than 2 cm, the appearance of discomfort during intimacy is not excluded. Complaints of cramping pain are extremely rare.

Describedin the article, the pathology does not have characteristic symptoms. If one or more of the symptoms listed above appear, you should consult a doctor. Treatment must be started immediately, since in 3% of cases the glandular polyp has a tendency to malignancy.

glandular polyp treatment
glandular polyp treatment

Medical examination plan

Standard examination of a woman on a gynecological chair often turns out to be uninformative. The doctor cannot confirm the pathology, based solely on its external manifestations. The main screening includes the following methods of instrumental diagnostics:

  1. Ultrasound (the information content of the study is about 98%).
  2. Study of aspirate of the uterine cavity (used to exclude the malignant nature of the neoplasm).
  3. Hysteroscopy (helps assess the location and size of the polyp).
  4. Diagnostic curettage (allows you to determine the type of neoplasm).

Based on the results of the examination, the gynecologist makes recommendations for therapy.

treatment of glandular fibrous polyps
treatment of glandular fibrous polyps

How to treat an ailment?

The only treatment option is the removal of the glandular polyp. The operation is performed under general or local anesthesia. During the procedure, the doctor first expands the uterine cavity, and then removes the neoplasm hysteroscopically. If there are several, a scraping procedure is recommended. After the operation, damaged areas of the uterus are cauterized with liquid nitrogen to prevent endometritis.

Recovery is usually uneventful. During the first 10 days after the operation, slight spotting is possible. During this period, it is better to refuse intimate contacts. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics. All medicines, as well as the duration of their use, are selected individually.

removal of a glandular polyp
removal of a glandular polyp

Is it possible exclusively drug therapy? A glandular endometrial polyp is sometimes treated with hormonal drugs. However, this method is only acceptable if the young woman is to become a mother in the future. In addition, no changes should be present in the aspirate biopsy. After 40 years, such therapy is undesirable, since at this age the likelihood of developing oncological processes increases.

Treatment after removal of glandular polyp

The success of the operation is not a guarantee of the absence of relapses in the future. The reason for this is hormonal changes in the body of a woman, which led to the development of pathology. Such processes can contribute to the re-formation of polyps.

What treatment is required in this case? As a rule, a woman is prescribed medications of the progesterone group. They allow you to reduce the level of estrogen, eliminate the cause of the disease. Also, after the operation, it is necessary for preventive purposes to undergo an examination by a gynecologist once a year. If no signs of relapse are detected within 12 months, the patient is removed from the dispensary.

removal of a glandular polyp of the endometrium
removal of a glandular polyp of the endometrium

Possible Complications

Treatment of glandular fibrous polyps should begin as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed. In the absence of competent therapy, non-cyclic or regular bleeding may occur. They have a negative impact on a woman's intimate life and her well-being.

Polyps during pregnancy are considered especially dangerous. Neoplasms can lead to serious blood loss and premature detachment of the placenta. Another unpleasant complication of the pathology is intrauterine fetal hypoxia. Therefore, it is important to undergo a complete medical examination even at the stage of planning a baby. In case of detection of serious he alth problems - a course of therapy.

treatment after removal of the glandular polyp
treatment after removal of the glandular polyp

Prevention measures

Glandular polyp, the treatment of which involves surgery, is a fairly common pathology. To avoid these he alth problems, a woman should follow these guidelines:

  • timely treat gynecological diseases;
  • lead a he althy lifestyle;
  • use contraception, avoid abortions;
  • go through a preventive examination by a gynecologist twice a year.

There is no specific prevention of pathology. If you have any suspicious symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help. Self-medication is not recommended. Timely detection and removal of the endometrial glandular polyp helps to avoid complications in the future.
