Sooner or later, everyone tastes a drink containing alcohol. But what will be the relationship between the individual and alcohol in the future, the person himself decides. Drinking a bottle of vodka for two or a liter of beer, is this considered drunkenness?
What is drunkenness
People call a person a drunkard if he is “drunk” every day or very often. In everyday life, drunkenness is called repeated and large quantities of alcohol.
And the opinion of experts says that any intake of alcohol can be attributed to drunkenness. It doesn't matter, once a year, a month, a day, in general, for the first time in my life - this is drunkenness. Can we call it a disease? Not yet.

Classification of drunkenness
Why do some drink and there is no addiction, while others, having tasted the effects of alcohol on themselves, fall into an abyss in a few years, from which it is very difficult to get out?
There is a generally accepted classification of drunkenness:
- I Group. People who don't drink or don't drink at all. They drink very little - 2-3 times a year. The pleasures of alcohol are not experienced, on the contrary, they areunpleasant. Some of them suffer even from the minimum amount of alcohol. There are people who have a congenital deficiency of the enzyme - alcohol dehydrogenase. It is thanks to this enzyme that alcohol is broken down into metabolites - carbon dioxide and water.
- II group. Episodic drinking. These are people who consume a small amount of alcohol once every 2 or 3 months. Usually it is champagne or wine. People from this group achieve only a mild degree of intoxication (euphoria). A stronger one does not attract them, they endure it very hard.
- III group. Situational drinking. Here, people drink more and more. The drinks are getting stronger. Increasing resistance to dosage. If earlier 100 ml was enough, now 300 ml is just right. Getting used to alcohol poisoning begins. Since alcohol is high-calorie, there is an energy surplus. The food entering the body begins to be deposited, and the person gains weight. Paralysis of the vessels on the face gives a pink color, as if the individual is in good he alth.
- IV group. Evil drunkenness. The dose increased to 500 ml at a time. Use becomes 3-4 times a week. The rest of the days can be spent in complete sobriety, but more often it is taking small doses - 100-150 ml. In representatives of this group, euphoria lasts 3-5 hours longer than in other groups. The gag reflex is erased.
But even at this stage, a person can pull himself together. And if there is no strength, then this disease is alcoholism.

The difference between drunkenness and alcoholism isthat the drunkard still has the strength to stop and return to the previous groups, but the alcoholic will no longer be able to, he has two ways: to drink or not to drink at all.
What is alcoholism
This is a serious pathology that causes many conflicts both at work and in the family. The individual becomes dispensable, rough and loose. In communication, undisguised rudeness and primitive humor are manifested, which is the result of damage to brain cells.
Alcoholism is a chronic mental illness. A person becomes obsessed with alcohol and does not control the rate of consumption. Such drunkenness lasts for years, or even decades.
In everyday life, the name "alcoholism" is used, combining with any form of drunkenness.
What are the forms of drunkenness
There are different ways of drinking alcohol at all stages of the development of pathology.
- Daily drinking with a hangover syndrome. A person drinks a lot of alcohol per day. In the morning, feeling heaviness and headache, he gets drunk and does not drink alcohol at all for a long time.
- Intermittent drinking with a hangover. Alcohol enters the body for several days in a row, but serious intoxication is not achieved. The morning starts with a hangover.
- Constant drunkenness. This form of pathology is expressed in the daily use of alcohol for a long time. There will definitely be a hangover as a result of abuse. Alcohol tolerance is on the rise.
- Drunken drinking. This is one of the severe degrees of alcoholism. A person drinks for days, renouncing life's worries and joys. Almost nothingdoes not eat, but drinks during the day and at night. She only goes to the store for another bottle. The patient can drink for a month until fatigue sets in, then the body's reaction to alcohol begins in the form of a gag reflex. The exit from such stages is difficult and is accompanied by severe psychoses. This is followed by a period of calm, that is, sobriety.
- Intermittent drunkenness. The hardest stage. Against the background of regular drinking, there are strong drunken intervals.

Alcoholism is a serious disease. But some consider this to be ordinary promiscuity. It should be understood that not all drinkers are alcoholics. But what if trouble sneaked into the house?
Husband's illness. Reasons
It's hard to watch when a dear person turns into an individual with instincts that only needs a dose. For the family, this is a real disaster. But where do drunken husbands come from? Girls marry beautiful loving guys.
The causes of pathology may be different. But there are the most common ones:
- Pity for your loved one (get away from reality, which turned out to be not what you wanted, or abstract from the problem).
- Protest (husband drinks to annoy his wife, circumstances, workplace conflicts).
- Softness (a person becomes an inveterate drunkard, supporting the company, or when it is inconvenient to refuse the offered alcoholic drink, gradually getting involved).

The wife's behavior should follow from the reasons for her husband's drunkenness. If a person drinks in protest,it means scandals and moralizing will only spur him on. If drinking against the background of longing, the manifestation of pity and compassion from the family will help to continue in the same spirit. But the drunkard, for whom alcohol is life, will not succumb to any persuasion. Even serious threats will not always come to the rescue. Only a professional approach and treatment can level the situation.
Rules of conduct
A drinking person for a family becomes not only a burden, but also a threat. There is a possibility of stress and depression in the home. The drunkenness of the spouse entails a lot of mental illness in relatives.
To stay he althy next to a drinking husband, you should learn something:
- Don't make a fuss. Drunkards just need a reason to pity themselves even more, get angry, or continue their “joyful” mood elsewhere. This is the result of scandals.
- Do not educate, do not force when the husband drinks. It is better to try to communicate with him after a drunken period. Arguing for sobriety and family preservation. If the spouse reacts inappropriately, this will not be useful, and the conversation will break into a scandal.
- Do not give the opportunity to continue drinking. Do not feel sorry for your husband, do not look after him, do not wipe or wash what he has done. Don't run after the bottle and fund his weakness.
- Do not respond to aggression with violence. During an alcoholic frenzy, a person has a “bad” strength, everything can end sadly for the family.
- Don't sympathize, don't feel sorry. This is a reason to continue drinking further (often this behaviorbecomes the impetus for an outburst of anger).
- Exclude threats if they cannot be fulfilled (husband will get used to empty promises and will not respond to them).
Publicity is an opportunity to help
After drinking, a person may feel remorse in front of household or other people.
Psychologists advise taking some action:
- Share with colleagues, friends, relatives about your spouse's drinking, if after an attack the husband is ashamed to look into the eyes of people he knows, this can help him pull himself together.
- Make a video or photo of a drunk person and threaten to put it on the Internet, the main thing is to be ready for such an act.
- Family and friends should show their dissatisfaction with the drinker. A man does not perceive the condemnation of his wife as sharply as a contemptuous attitude or reproachful looks from others.
But what if the problem is the son? He may already be an adult, but for his parents he will always be a child.
The son is drinking too much: what are the reasons
Dear person brings a lot of pain and worry to parents. Most often, a drinking person does not admit his dependence on alcohol, but when this happens, it is very late and it is very difficult to get out of the rings of the green serpent.
Most often addiction to alcohol occurs on the background of:
- Strong parental custody. With friends, the guy feels independent and starts drinking, showing that he is already independent and an adult.
- There are no clear goals in life, interests and activities that are beneficial. Low intellectual developmentcontributes to the inability to resist the pressure of drinking friends.
- Problems and disappointments. There is no ability and desire to deal with failures, the person turned out to be spineless and weak.
- Stress. To feel good, you need to relieve stress. Then it will become a habit.
The first signs of a son's drunkenness are easy to notice. All possible measures must be taken to help the young man get rid of the addiction.

What to avoid
From hopelessness, parents can make many mistakes and aggravate the situation. The advice of professionals will come to the rescue. The following tactic will help:
- It makes no sense to quarrel with your son, expressing your protests against drunkenness. Alcoholism is a disease, it is difficult for a person to stop drinking.
- Ask to speak to the son of a man he deeply respects.
- Talk about the problem gently, with sympathy and care, this will help him understand everything and even turn to a narcologist.
- If a son looks at his behavior from the side and realizes that he causes a lot of pain to his father and mother, this will encourage him to take up his mind.
Drunken young man can break a lot of wood, especially if he has a car.
The effect of alcohol on driving
It is better to drive a vehicle completely sober. Otherwise, you can get into trouble or lose your life.
The level of alcohol in the blood shows what risks the driver is taking when driving drunk.
- The indicator reaches 0.5 ppm. It is more difficult for the driver to keep the distance, overtaking rules are violated.
- Level up to 0.8 ppm. Reaction and attentiveness become worse. Decreased adaptation to light changes. The ability to react to a red traffic light, to determine risk and distance decreases.
- Indicators 0, 8 and 1, 2 ppm. Strongly relax and narrow the angle of view. Body movements become slow. The driver's perception of vehicles, pedestrians following from the side is disturbed.
- Content 2.4 ppm. Dangerous indicator. The driver is inadequate, with impaired coordination. It can confuse the brake and gas pedals. Doesn't follow the rules of the road.

Even a small amount of alcohol can lead to bad consequences. Therefore, it is better not to allow drunk driving.
You can take alcohol in moderation to feel light and fun. But don't treat him as a source of fun and necessity.

Then there is a reason for joy everywhere: in a beautiful dawn, flowering trees, in the arms of a spouse and the laughter of children. Drinking should not be allowed - it destroys all good things.