Inflammation and fissures of the nipple are pathological conditions caused by infection of the area. The reason may be in the invasion of a virus, pathological bacteria or fungus. First of all, superficial tissues suffer, which makes the condition extremely unpleasant, uncomfortable in everyday life - the damaged areas come into contact with clothing textiles, and this provokes severe pain. Most often, the problem haunts lactating women, negatively affects the possibility of feeding the child with a natural product. The mechanical effect causes very severe pain, so the woman simply cannot tolerate touching the breast, and the child does not receive normal he althy nutrition, and in some cases the only way out is to transfer to artificial feeding.
General information
Officially, inflammation of the breast nipple is called telitis. The most pronounced manifestations of the pathology are catarrhal, the area swells, turns red. If the condition is severe, the processes are running, the patient does not receive adequate assistance,possible progression of the pathology, accompanied by the release of pus and the spread of infection to nearby tissues. As a rule, this is accompanied by a general deterioration in well-being. Although the nipple is quite small, it can cause serious problems and the therapy can take a long time.
Although most often calves occur in the fair sex, it is possible to develop inflammation of the nipple in a man (boy). For the stronger sex, the risks are lower, since there is no period of life similar to breastfeeding for mothers. Quite rarely, the nipple suffers from friction, since loose clothing, spacious T-shirts are common in men. Men don't use bras that can cause irritated skin to become inflamed.
Nuances of state
In a woman, a girl, inflammation of the nipples itself is extremely rarely diagnosed. The predominant percentage of cases is a combined disease in which the areolas and gland tissues become inflamed simultaneously with the nipples, which are called, respectively, areolitis, mastitis. The majority of patients are breastfeeding mothers. Quite rarely among the sick there are adult men, infants of any gender, women who are not breastfeeding.
Features of inflammation of the nipple in women, men are associated with the specifics of this part of the body: it is not sterile, and inflammatory processes are always associated with the introduction of an infectious agent. This is usually secondary. Inflammatory processes often complicate the course of major diseases - hormonal, immune, as well as those associated withfunctioning of the glands.
On average, inflammation of the nipples in women, men with an equal degree of frequency develops from one half of the body or is symmetrical. The relevance of the issue is due to the similarity of the symptoms of calf and the cancer process, named after Paget, in which the tissues of the nipple are malignant. If a pathological process is detected, you should immediately contact a specialist in order to clarify the nature of the phenomenon, to exclude the oncological aspect of the disease.
Where did the trouble come from?
Inflammation of the nipple of the mammary gland, breast is caused by pathogenic microscopic life forms that have penetrated into organic tissues. Pathogenic microflora can penetrate here in different ways. Often the cause is a violation of the integrity of the skin, but there is a possibility of bringing bacteria, viruses, fungi with the bloodstream if there is a focus of chronic infection in the body. There are many cases when patients carefully observed hygienic measures and carefully chose clothes, avoided injuries, nevertheless became a victim of the evaporation process. As a rule, this is explained precisely by the hematogenous route of infection.
Choosing how to treat inflammation of the nipple, you must first find out the characteristics of the microflora. Usually, the infection is nonspecific, capable of provoking various forms of inflammation, affecting different parts of the body. Quite often, analyzes show staphylo-, streptococci, bacteroids. There is a danger of invasion of Proteus, Escherichia coli. There are other forms of microorganisms, but they are less common.

Features and provocateurs
Sometimes inflammation of the nipple in a boy, girl, adult is associated with infection with herpetic viruses, candidiasis, actinomycetes. There is a danger of invasion by mycobacterium tuberculosis, also known as Koch's bacillus. An impressive percentage of cases account for mixed infection: analyzes of the tissues of the focus of inflammation show the presence of several pathological forms of life at once.
Doctors, along with direct factors, have formulated factors that stimulate calves, increase the risk of its development, and, as the inflammatory process starts, aggravate the course. So, inflammation of the nipple during feeding is a classic picture with lactostasis, a condition when milk stagnates in the gland ducts of a nursing mother.
The risk of a pathological process against the background of injury, nipple cracks is higher, since the integrity of the protective covers is violated. The dangers are high for eczema localized on the nipples. This condition is the cause of an infectious allergic process, considered a subform of dermatitis. Milk duct pathologists, oncological processes, injuries, hormonal and metabolic disorders, and a decrease in immune status can play a role. A focus of inflammation may appear on the background of the use of anabolic drugs designed to increase muscle mass.
Factors and causes
Inflammation of the nipple during breastfeeding with lactostasis is explained by the formation of comfortable conditions for the reproduction of pathological microflora. Milk, stagnant in the ducts, turns intoa nutrient medium for the development of bacteria, viruses, fungi, which initiates inflammation. Contact through the ducts, the microflora enters the tissues of the nipple. The calf that accompanies lactostasis, more often worries the owners of nipples that are retracted, flat. With such breasts, there is a high probability of feeding difficulties, it is impossible to completely empty the gland, which aggravates the situation.
Inflammation of the nipple in a one-year-old girl, little boy, adult man or woman can develop against the background of cracks, since such changes in the integrity of the integument are always observed against the background of an infectious invasion, which means an inflammatory process. Most often, microscopic lesions are detected in women who have recently given birth, in individuals with skin prone to dryness. The second factor can be explained by dehydration and other pathological conditions. Sometimes the pathology is associated with eczema, which causes an itchy sensation that stimulates the person to scratch the area. This is accompanied by damage to the integument, allowing the infection to penetrate deep into.

Pathological condition: features and accompanying phenomena
Inflammation of the nipple of the breast may appear against the background of the generation of secretions containing mucus, pus, blood. Such a product is a comfortable environment for microflora. Pathological microorganisms multiply, grow rapidly, the focus of inflammation is activated and increases. It is known from medical statistics that calves are most often observed simultaneously with galactophoritis. In some cases, the inflammatory process revealspapilloma inside the duct, that is, a benign neoplasm. Sometimes the reason is too wide the lumen of the ducts of the gland.
Inflammation of the nipple of the breast may indicate an injury, a hematoma, which becomes a source of suppuration. From here, the infection spreads further to nearby tissues. A negative factor can be an insect bite, abrasion, damage due to seams on clothing, a scratch, the use of synthetic clothing. Much more often, both inflammatory and oncological processes of the nipple are observed in women. In oncology, calves are observed very often, since the neoplasm provokes the secretion of specific secrets by the glands, with which the infection penetrates the nipple.
Pathologies and their consequences
Inflammation of the nipple is highly likely to appear on the background of diabetes. Calf is familiar to many individuals suffering from thyroid problems. Among other pathological conditions, obesity, accompanied by excess weight gain, very often becomes the background for the inflammatory process.
If the body has a focus of infection, inflammation, even seemingly insignificant, it can cause calves, as the pathogen is able to spread through the bloodstream, lymph. For example, infection is possible with caries, chronic runny nose or tonsillitis, inflammation of the tonsils. Telitis can be seen in pyoderma.
The lower the immune status, the more likely it will be to worry about inflammation of the nipple during breastfeeding and beyond this period, at any age, a person of any gender. The weaker the immune system, the faster the infectiousthe agent can spread from the site of introduction throughout the body. Immune diseases are congenital, acquired with age, but all of them are accompanied by an increased risk of calving. Weakening of the immune status is possible due to the prolonged influence of stress factors, hypothermia, chronic and acute illness.
In men, calves are more often diagnosed with gynecomastia. The term refers to the state when the gland develops in a similar way to the inherent female breast. The reason is a hormonal imbalance.

Pathology: features of progress
In an effort to learn more about calves, it is wise to turn to specialized medical publications that publish various materials on inflammation of the nipples, photos of drugs used for treatment, tools needed for diagnosis, and descriptions of the procedures that the patient needs. When contacting a patient, it is reasonable to understand how the infection occurred. There are two ways: through violation of the integrity of the epithelium and with blood flow, lymph. Microscopic pathological forms of life penetrate between the cells, penetrate into the vessels, infect the gland, gradually cover the nipple. The body responds with a standard inflammation of the general or local type of localization. The local response is expressed by a change in the nature of the blood flow. The general reaction is observed as the pathology progresses, if the pathogen spreads through the circulatory system. Symptoms will be determined by the virulence of the microflora, the toxins it generates, and the immune status.
Wheninflammation of the nipple, the clinical picture varies greatly from case to case. Usually the diseased area increases, thickens, hurts, changes color, swells. There may be discharge and a general deterioration in well-being. Changes in structure and size are associated with infiltration by lymphocytes.
Pain is a typical symptom. The syndrome can be localized in the area of the nipple, areola, spread around. Feelings are burning, tolerable, average. In some cases, they occur immediately, as the inflammatory focus has formed, sometimes they come later, in some they appear only with pressure on the area. During lactation, they become especially strong when the baby eats.
Symptomatology: continuing the theme
Inflammation of the nipple is usually accompanied by hyperemia of the area. The discharge observed here may be serous, with inclusions of blood, pus. The hue varies, some are red, others are yellowish. It is possible to separate fluid of different volumes, smears are sometimes observed. For some, they are noticeable all the time, for others - from time to time, for someone they are observed if the nipple is squeezed.
Swelling with inflammation of the nipple is considered a reactive symptom. With a herpetic infection, bubbles filled with liquid form, the area itches badly.
Toxins that accompany the process of poisoning provoke fever, nausea and vomiting, weakness, deterioration in performance. The patient quickly gets tired, eats badly, intellectual abilities decrease. When the Montgomery tubercles become infected, the sebaceous glands change, separate areas swell, and respond with pain.

Status update
When contacting a doctor, the patient is examined, complaints and medical history are collected, tests and instrumental examinations are prescribed. The swelling of the area, the presence of secretions (their traces), pain on palpation and swelling of the surrounding tissues are assessed. The doctor will check the size of the lymph nodes under the collarbone, on the neck - they are usually enlarged.
A comprehensive examination is carried out as part of a mammogram in order to establish the causes of inflammation. An important stage is differential diagnosis (in particular, with oncological diseases). Assign ultrasound, CT, MRI, ductography to assess the condition of the ducts. X-rays are taken with a contrast agent. So you can accurately determine the papilloma. Tissue samples are taken for biopsy for laboratory testing.
It is necessary to take blood from the patient for a general analysis, ESR, assessment of the concentration of leukocytes. Certain compounds in the samples will point to inflammation. You should also determine the characteristics of the hormonal background. The patient's fluids are checked for the presence of oncological markers and bacterioscopic analysis is done. This allows you to clarify the pathogen, to identify sensitivity to a variety of medicines. To clarify the fact of the presence of degenerated cells, a cytological study is indicated.
Negative Consequences
Telit can cause mastitis, cellulitis, gangrene. Against the background of the inflammatory process, the risk of tissue malignancy increases. Perhaps a rough deformation of the diseased area, the formation of scars,in especially advanced cases affecting the entire gland.
If the disease is associated with a fungal invasion, and the patient is a nursing mother, there is a risk of oral candidiasis in the baby.

What to do?
Treatment of inflammation of the nipples is practiced conservatively. Prescribe drugs for general or local use. The second option is relevant if the form has no complications. The diseased area is treated with antibacterial drugs, remedies for viruses, fungi - depends on the nature of the pathological invasion.
To relieve the manifestations of the inflammatory process, you can apply cold compresses to the affected nipple. It is especially effective for troubling pain.
In case of severe symptoms, general therapy is indicated. Assign funds against microbes, inflammation, bacteria, fungi, viruses - depends on the characteristics of the infection. As a rule, tablets are prescribed. If the disease is actively progressing, it is severe, injections of medicines may be recommended.
When a focus of suppuration appears during lactation, breastfeeding is temporarily abandoned, regularly decanting the produced milk. It is possible to assign an operation. The suppuration area is opened, the discharge is removed. Further, the course is continued with conservative measures.
How to warn?
The main preventive measure is the correct care of the nipples, compliance with hygiene measures and the timely treatment of any infectious, chronic inflammatory processes. It is necessary to prevent the formation of cracks in the nipples. It is wise for new mothers to learn how to properly feed their baby.
Even in the absence of complaints, women are advised to visit a mammologist regularly for a full examination. When identifying diseases that can provoke calves, you should immediately start a course of treatment, guided by the advice of a doctor.
You can minimize the risks if you use clothes made from natural fabrics, well-tailored, without coarse seams.
It must be remembered that inflammation of the nipple is an unpleasant disease, but far from fatal, and serious complications are recorded only in extremely advanced situations.

Inflammatory processes: Montgomery's glands
The term refers to visually visible small pimples on the surface of the nipple areas. So far, doctors do not know exactly all the features of the functionality of the glands, but it has been established that out of the order of a dozen are normal. Inflammatory processes in this area can form due to blockage of the gaps - epithelial cells can accumulate here. In some cases, the initial cause is an infectious agent, in others it is a hormonal failure. Most often, such inflammation is detected at the stage of bearing a child, although there are certain risks at any time in life.
It is easy to notice inflammation: the area responds with discomfort, gradually the pain becomes stronger, especially pronounced when touching the inflamed area. On the periphery, the nipples are reddened, sometimes the tubercles become a source of discharge. The listed symptoms are a reason to consult a specialist. With theirit is unlikely that it will be possible to cure the disease by force, the likelihood of complications is high.
Features of the state
If Montgomery's tubercles become larger during pregnancy, but there are no symptoms of inflammation, there is nothing to worry about - no treatment is required. After birth, in most women, the glands become almost invisible again. For some, this happens shortly after they stop feeding.
If inflammation occurs, it is important to properly care for the breasts. You will have to strictly observe hygiene rules, use only underwear made from natural material that does not squeeze the chest, but supports it. Similarly, inflammation can be prevented. The doctor will prescribe topical agents, antiseptic compounds that soothe irritated areas and relieve pain. Physical therapy may be prescribed.

In isolated cases, removal of the inflamed area is indicated. This is possible with a difficult process, when the results of the tests indicate the need for a procedure.