Health 2024, October

Temperature, nausea, weakness - which doctor should I contact? Possible diagnoses, treatment

Temperature, nausea, weakness - which doctor should I contact? Possible diagnoses, treatment

He alth problems can overtake each of us at any time of the year. Depending on the totality of the symptoms, the malaise may pass without a trace. But in some cases, high fever, nausea and weakness indicate serious pathologies. Which doctor to contact and how to act if you feel unwell is described in this article

Hemorrhoids: effective treatment with folk remedies

Hemorrhoids: effective treatment with folk remedies

Hemorrhoids: effective treatment with folk remedies. Homemade ointments, suppositories, microclysters and lotions. What budget funds can save a person from hemorrhoids?

Imbeciles - what kind of people are they?

Imbeciles - what kind of people are they?

Imbeciles are patients suffering from moderate dementia. Such patients need constant care of relatives. Understanding from others is important not only for the relatives of the patient, but also for the emotional state of the imbecile himself

Interstitial lung disease: description, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, classification and treatment

Interstitial lung disease: description, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, classification and treatment

What are interstitial lung diseases? The treatment of such diseases, their symptoms and classification will be described below

Membranous nephropathy: symptoms, treatment and clinical guidelines

Membranous nephropathy: symptoms, treatment and clinical guidelines

Membranous nephropathy is a serious kidney disease. It is very important to consult a specialist doctor at the first signs of the disease and begin therapeutic measures

Glomerulonephritis treatment in children: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Glomerulonephritis treatment in children: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Glomerulonephritis in children is a syndrome of heterogeneous diseases affecting the glomeruli of the kidneys or nephrons, which are the main building block of this organ. Manifested by hematuria, proteinuria, swelling of the face and problems with urination. The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. Consider what is glomerulonephritis, symptoms and treatment in children

Acetone poisoning: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Acetone poisoning: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Acetone is an organic substance that belongs to the category of ketones. It is widely used for domestic and industrial purposes. Intoxication with this compound is quite common. Acetone poisoning can be exogenous or endogenous

Soft tissue tumor: types and classification, diagnosis, treatment and removal, prevention

Soft tissue tumor: types and classification, diagnosis, treatment and removal, prevention

Sore throat is a very common symptom in a variety of pathologies, which can only be identified by a doctor. There are a lot of nociceptors on the mucous ENT organs (they are activated only by a painful stimulus). In this case, pain occurs, and the nervous system sends a signal about the appearance of an inflammatory reaction

Inflammation. Stages of inflammation and their symptoms

Inflammation. Stages of inflammation and their symptoms

Man is a rather fragile creature. But nature, which cares about the survival of the species, has presented people with a very significant gift - immunity. It is thanks to him that our body exists, evolves and prevents aggressive infectious agents

Head hurts on the weather: what to do?

Head hurts on the weather: what to do?

Head on the weather hurts a lot of people. Weather sensitivity is called the disease of civilization. The less a person is in the fresh air, the less mobile his lifestyle, the more chronic illnesses he has, the stronger any jump in atmospheric pressure, the change of frost with warming affect his condition

Psoriasis on the elbows: treatment with traditional and folk methods, causes of the disease, symptoms, medical diagnosis and control

Psoriasis on the elbows: treatment with traditional and folk methods, causes of the disease, symptoms, medical diagnosis and control

Psoriasis on the elbows is not uncommon. The problem is that few people pay attention to it. And this, in turn, leads to the transition of the disease to a more severe stage, which is difficult to cure. Timely diagnosis is the key to he alth

HIV: diagnosis and treatment, prevention

HIV: diagnosis and treatment, prevention

The article discusses methods for diagnosing HIV infection, as well as effective ways to treat this serious problem

Tennis elbow syndrome: treatment with folk remedies, exercises

Tennis elbow syndrome: treatment with folk remedies, exercises

"Tennis elbow" (or lateral epicondylitis) is a chronic disease characterized by pain and inflammation in the elbow area (namely, at the junction of the muscles with the epicondyles of the humerus)

Urinary incontinence is Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Urinary incontinence is Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Urinary incontinence is a problem that many women experience. In some, it manifests itself when coughing, while others may experience involuntary urination during sleep. For some, the problem is more pronounced and manifests itself in the form of an uncontrollable desire to empty the bladder as quickly as possible, and immediately after this, urine begins to pass involuntarily

Constantly dries in the mouth: causes, possible diseases

Constantly dries in the mouth: causes, possible diseases

Often, patients at the appointment of a therapist casually mention that they constantly dry their mouth. Unpleasant dryness makes you constantly drink water, use therapeutic rinses - but the discomfort does not go away. It is very important not to remain silent about your problem, but to notify the doctor about it, since this delicate nuance can be a symptom of a rather dangerous pathology

Why did my cholesterol rise? What can you eat with high cholesterol?

Why did my cholesterol rise? What can you eat with high cholesterol?

What is cholesterol and why is it needed. Causes of high blood cholesterol. Norm of cholesterol in the blood. Do's and Don'ts for High Cholesterol. How to Lower Cholesterol

Mesial occlusion: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Mesial occlusion: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Overbite is an abnormal occlusion in which the row of teeth on the mandible overlaps the teeth of the upper row during jaw closure. Then a characteristic step is formed. Pathology is observed in 11.8% of patients. It is considered a complex dentoalveolar curvature. The opposite of it is the distal bite, where everything is exactly the opposite

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine: symptoms and treatment

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine: symptoms and treatment

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is a rather complex pathology that can provoke a deterioration in well-being, the occurrence of pain, as well as a feeling of pressure in the sternum. If timely diagnosis and treatment are not carried out, then dangerous complications can develop

Polyp in the maxillary sinus: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, classical and surgical treatment, prevention

Polyp in the maxillary sinus: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, classical and surgical treatment, prevention

The purpose of the maxillary sinuses is to purify the air that is inhaled by a person. Respiratory pathologies can provoke in them the processes of formation of a mucous mass, in which subsequently a very rapid reproduction of various pathogens will begin. With improper treatment or no such at all, mucus can cause the growth of polyps in the nose in patients, and as a result, polyposis sinusitis is formed

Causes and symptoms of bursitis

Causes and symptoms of bursitis

Bursitis is an acute inflammation of the periarticular bursa, that is, a soft sac of fluid that serves as a kind of gasket between the muscles and bones. Such bags are located in places of greatest mechanical pressure

Sciatica: medical treatment and folk remedies. Sciatica: symptoms and causes

Sciatica: medical treatment and folk remedies. Sciatica: symptoms and causes

Sciatica (neuralgia, lumbar sciatica) is a pain syndrome spreading along the entire length of the sciatic nerve. The main reason for its appearance is the compression of the nerve roots in the region of the lumbosacral spine. Sciatica most often overtakes patients after 30-35 years

Infringement of the sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment

Infringement of the sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment

Infringement of the sciatic nerve is a painful pathological condition that develops as a result of compression of this nerve, but the myelin sheath is not broken. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body, starting at the sacrum and reaching to the toes and heels. It contains highly sensitive motor and nerve endings that innervate the hip and knee joints

Symptoms and treatment of osteoporosis. Consequences and prevention of osteoporosis in women and men

Symptoms and treatment of osteoporosis. Consequences and prevention of osteoporosis in women and men

Osteoporosis is a pathological condition that is characterized by the destruction of bone tissue, when the process of decay begins to prevail over synthesis. Against the background of osteoporosis, the strength of bones decreases and, accordingly, their fragility increases. In addition, there is a violation of the internal structure of the bones. Osteoporosis can be an independent pathology or serve as a symptom of other diseases. Treatment of osteoporosis should be timely

Cracks in the tongue: photo, causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, prevention

Cracks in the tongue: photo, causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, prevention

A person does not always pay attention when cracks appear in the tongue, especially if they do not cause any discomfort for a long time. However, it must be remembered that such a violation may indicate the presence of various kinds of problems and diseases of the internal organs

How to deal with methanol poisoning? Symptoms and features of treatment

How to deal with methanol poisoning? Symptoms and features of treatment

Methanol is a very dangerous substance that can affect various organs of the human body. It is difficult to completely protect yourself from methanol poisoning. Therefore, you need to know what to do if methyl alcohol has entered the body

Paint poisoning: first aid, treatment, consequences

Paint poisoning: first aid, treatment, consequences

It is known that any chemicals (carcinogens, poisonous gases, pesticides) pose a serious he alth hazard

How to restore voice after a cold? Voice restoration after a cold with folk remedies

How to restore voice after a cold? Voice restoration after a cold with folk remedies

The ability to speak is a necessity for all of us. But sometimes, after recovery, some consequences of the disease may remain, such as loss of voice. What to do in such a situation and how to restore the voice after a cold? Let's talk about it in the article

Can a sore throat be without fever? Features of the course and recommendations for treatment

Can a sore throat be without fever? Features of the course and recommendations for treatment

Angina is an infectious disease in which the tonsils become inflamed and there is a sharp pain in the throat. As a rule, one of the symptoms of this disease is fever, but there are cases when it remains normal, and the disease still develops. It is worth dwelling in more detail on the question: "Can a sore throat proceed without temperature?"

How is chickenpox in a mild form?

How is chickenpox in a mild form?

Chickenpox (chickenpox) is an infectious disease. It is caused by the herpes virus. Children and adolescents under 12 years old are mostly susceptible to chickenpox, but in some cases adults (up to 45 years old) also get sick with it. Is the manifestation of chickenpox in a mild form possible?

How to increase appetite: remedies and products

How to increase appetite: remedies and products

A person's he alth depends entirely on his lifestyle. As he eats, so it will be. After all, the key to he alth is good food. How to increase appetite will be discussed in our article. Various methods will be considered

How to treat a runny nose in children: drugs and folk remedies

How to treat a runny nose in children: drugs and folk remedies

It's hard to find a person who has never had a runny nose. Adults sometimes endure this banal ailment very hard, and it is even more difficult for children. How to deal with the virus? What can not be done? What medicines are the most effective?

Chickenpox. How long does it take?

Chickenpox. How long does it take?

About two days before the rash appears, the patient becomes contagious, and until the crusts dry out, he will be a source of infection. It should be noted that this disease is infected by airborne droplets, but after that a person develops a very persistent immunity to chickenpox

Prevention, features of treatment and symptoms of measles in a child

Prevention, features of treatment and symptoms of measles in a child

Measles is an acute, highly contagious viral disease that occurs mainly in children. Anthroponotic infection is characterized by fever, maculopapular rash all over the body, conjunctival hyperemia, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. With the invention of live (attenuated) vaccines, the epidemic spread of the deadly virus was stopped, however, vaccinations do not reduce the risk of measles infection to zero

Lichen in children: causes, symptoms and treatment

Lichen in children: causes, symptoms and treatment

Lichen in children is a fairly common problem. These are infectious skin diseases that are the result of infection with pathogenic fungi or viruses. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by various lesions of the skin, and the source of pathogens can be both a person and a sick animal

Symptoms of rickets: a dangerous disease can be prevented

Symptoms of rickets: a dangerous disease can be prevented

The symptoms of rickets are known to many, today it is one of the most common childhood diseases. This article will tell you about what awaits a baby who has suffered a lack of vitamins, and will also remind you of the most obvious symptomatic manifestations of the disease

What does chicken pox look like? Causes, symptoms and treatment of chickenpox

What does chicken pox look like? Causes, symptoms and treatment of chickenpox

What does chicken pox look like? This question is often asked by parents of young patients. Many childhood infections occur with skin rashes. To distinguish them from chickenpox, you need to know the main signs of this disease. This infection is widespread and easily transmitted. The disease is considered predominantly childish, but an adult can also become infected. The older the patient, the more severe the pathology

Chickenpox in adolescents: symptoms, possible complications, treatment

Chickenpox in adolescents: symptoms, possible complications, treatment

Chickenpox, or chicken pox, is one of the infectious diseases. If you believe the statistics, then 80% of the population of our planet manages to get sick with this virus in childhood, before the age of five. But the older a person becomes, the more difficult the disease is tolerated. If you get sick in childhood, then strong immunity is developed, and the risk of re-infection is practically reduced to zero

How to treat chickenpox for adults and children?

How to treat chickenpox for adults and children?

Chickenpox is an insidious disease. Upon contact of a he althy person with a carrier of infection, infection occurs in 100% of cases. Therefore, it is so important to know what to do with the development of an ailment that can affect the body at any time

It hurts the inner side of the thigh: what it can be and how to treat

It hurts the inner side of the thigh: what it can be and how to treat

What should a person do if one day it turns out that he has pain on the inside of his thigh? Of course, in this situation it is necessary to look for the cause. Often people set themselves loads that can cause hip pain. Painful symmetrical sensations in both limbs are a characteristic sign of excessive overloads

Purulent laryngitis: symptoms, causes of the disease, treatment and prevention

Purulent laryngitis: symptoms, causes of the disease, treatment and prevention

What is purulent laryngitis. The main causes and characteristic symptoms of the disease. Effective methods of treatment, practical recommendations and preventive measures. Folk remedies, drugs