Elephantiasis, or elephantiasis of the legs, is a disease in which the limbs grow and become huge due to the fact that the skin and subcutaneous tissue thicken greatly in them. What exactly becomes the cause of such a pathology, and how it can be treated, we will discuss in the article.
Congenital elephantiasis of the legs: causes
In the medical community, elephantiasis is also called lymphedema. It is based on a violation of the state of the lymphatic channel, which stops the outflow of lymph from the tissues and, accordingly, leads to their increase. At the same time, muscle tissue is impregnated with proteins, which causes fibrotic changes in the subcutaneous tissue.

In medicine, a distinction is made between primary (congenital) and secondary (acquired) elephantiasis of the legs.
The occurrence of congenital lymphedema is provoked by a genetic predisposition and problems in the formation of the child's lymphatic system. By the way, most often this pathology occurs in women. And it can manifest itself both from childhood and in adulthood.
Acquired elephantiasis
Depending onspecies, elephantiasis of the legs has various causes. So, one of the prerequisites for the described pathology is the infection of a person with the larvae of the Bancroft filaria. These are parasitic worms that belong to the class of nematodes. They live in the lymphatic system of people, affecting also the subcutaneous tissue. And they are carried by mosquitoes that live in countries with a subtropical and tropical climate. It is there that parasitic elephantiasis of the legs is especially common (a photo of this pathology can be seen in the article).
Filarii in the lymphatic ducts are intertwined into balls, which, in fact, causes a slowdown in the outflow of lymph. In addition, they provoke thickening of the walls of blood vessels, which leads to their blockage as a result of thrombosis or stenosis. Thrombosed lymphatic vessels, by the way, often rupture.
Necrosis foci present in such cases become a favorable environment for the development of coccal infection, which leads to abscesses.
In addition, as a result of the vital activity of parasites, especially in the event of their decay, substances appear that cause an increase in skin sensitivity in the form of rashes, inflammation, etc.

Are there other causes that can cause elephantiasis?
Doctors to the causes of the acquired disease - elephantiasis of the legs, also include the appearance of malignant tumors in the lymph nodes, their purulent inflammation (lymphadenitis), injuries of the limbs, erysipelas.
Sometimes the impetus for the development of the described disease is a surgical intervention or some kind of medicalprocedures such as radiotherapy, cosmetic venectomy, liposuction, arterial reconstruction, etc.
How the disease manifests
Elephantiasis of the legs is not a fatal disease, but it can lead to disability and severely disrupt the normal life of the patient. In order not to miss the first symptoms of the disease, you need to know how they look.

- Pathology begins to develop with a small soft swelling that appears on the back of the foot. It, like the usual edema, intensifies in the evening, and after a long rest or in the morning it disappears.
- After some time, such edema no longer disappears after rest, they keep constantly, spreading to the upper part of the lower leg or thigh, and at the same time become more dense. Limb shape now resembles a cylinder.
- Skin folds form in the area of swelling, which give it the appearance of elephant skin.
- Subsequently, the skin changes: it becomes inflamed, reddens, covered with cracks and trophic ulcers.
To the symptoms described above, you can add keratinization of the skin, the appearance of warts and chronic dermatitis. Heaviness is felt in the legs, fatigue increases, pain occurs.
When to See a Doctor
As you probably already guessed, you should contact specialists already at the initial stage of the disease. That is, as soon as you notice that the swelling on your legs does not go away by morning, and with a slight pressure it turns out to be soft and pliable, you should visit a doctor, otherwiseelephantiasis of legs will steadily increase. Treatment at an early stage has the greatest chance of success.
The doctor will need to differentiate your disease from others with similar symptoms (varicose veins, deforming osteoarthritis, etc.). To do this, you will have to do lymphoscintigraphy, computed tomography, ultrasound and x-rays.
Do not forget to mention in a conversation with the doctor and your vacation in hot countries, if any, so that the specialist can exclude infection with filariae, which was mentioned above.

How elephantiasis is treated
How to treat elephantiasis of the feet depends on the stage of elephantiasis. At the beginning of the development of the disease, the doctor will recommend that the patient bandage the affected area with an elastic bandage to reduce swelling, wear compression stockings or stockings, and also undergo massage sessions and exercise therapy. There are also good reviews about regional barotherapy (this is a type of vacuum massage). A positive effect on the pathology of electrophoresis with trypsin and lidase and phonophoresis with apizartron was noted.
In addition to these procedures, the patient is also prescribed the drug Venoruton and Troxevasin ointment.
Treatment of elephantiasis in the stable, deforming or fibrous stage is usually carried out with surgical methods. So, with the palliative method, the affected tissues are partially excised and draining modifications are used in order to improve the outflow of lymph. This method is especially popular in the treatment of the elderly and children.
In advanced stage useradical method: excision of the skin, connective tissues and fascia. True, such operations can have complications and require a long stay in the hospital.

Some advice for patients with elephantiasis
Treatment of elephantiasis of the legs cannot be successful if the patient does not reduce the load on the legs. During work, you should pause for 15 minutes, and it is better if at this time it is possible to take a horizontal position and slightly raise your legs. At night, it is also worth putting a soft roller under them.
Don't sit cross-legged, wear tight shoes and clothes - all this slows down the flow of lymph. And the question of the possibility of visiting baths and saunas will be decided by the attending physician.
In addition, patients should remember that herbal medicine and folk remedies are not suitable for the treatment of elephantiasis. If you rely only on them, the optimal time to start treatment will go away, and you may not wait for the result. There are no means for the so-called cleansing of the lymphatic system in modern medicine! Remember this and don't waste your time!

Are preventive measures possible for elephantiasis
Although elephantiasis in the undeveloped stage usually has a positive prognosis, measures to help prevent its development will not be superfluous. This is especially true for those families where there have already been cases of this disease.
Doctors advise to include in the menu chicory with ginger, tea brewed from lingonberry leaves with honey, andcranberry juice.
If even slight swelling appears on the legs, you should do a light foot massage and lift your legs for 10-15 minutes.
Comfortable shoes and an active lifestyle are essential. You should not get involved in s alty and spicy foods and start the treatment of injuries, erysipelas and burns. Watch your weight, and coordinate the use of any medicines to reduce swelling in the legs with your doctor, otherwise the consequences can be disastrous! Stay he althy!