In society, there is an opinion that syphilis is a disease transmitted exclusively through sexual contact. In fact, there are other ways of infection. What is the causative agent of the disease? Who is at risk? How is the problem fixed? All this - further in our material.
What is syphilis?

Syphilis is a serious illness of an infectious nature, in which the pathogen damages the mucous membranes of body tissues, skin, damage to bone tissue and disturbances in the nervous system occur. The disease is extremely insidious. The problem lies in the latent, rather lengthy course of the incubation period. Often the main symptoms remain unmanifested for a long time.
The development of the disease is fraught with serious complications. Against the background of the disease, meningitis, partial or complete loss of vision, and epileptic seizures can develop. Based on the foregoing, it is extremely important to know the ways of contracting syphilis, the main manifestations of the disease, the methods of transmission of the pathogen and the risks.
The causative agent of the disease and its methodsdistribution

The infectious agent of syphilis is a pathogen called Treponema pallidum. The latter is unable to maintain vital activity outside the human body even for the shortest time. Nevertheless, pale treponema is extremely active. The infection easily penetrates the tissues of the body through the smallest damage on the surface of the skin.
There are the following ways of getting syphilis:
- From mother to child.
- Having sexual contact with a person who has been infected with Treponema pallidum.
- Through household items.
- As a result of various cosmetic and medical manipulations.
It is worth noting that syphilis is most often transmitted through sexual contact. Therefore, the disease in society is regarded as a shameful phenomenon. However, pale treponema can easily enter the human body by interacting with household items, in other ways. Next, consider the ways of infection with syphilis in more detail.
Stages of disease progression
The disease develops as follows:

- Primary syphilis. Infectious pathogens are concentrated in the lymphatic fluid. At this stage, various seals can occur in various parts of the human body. Most often, the so-called chancres are formed in the genital area. Such manifestations are sometimes quite large, butrarely cause discomfort to the wearer. Fluid begins to ooze from the seals over time.
- Secondary syphilis. At this stage, infectious pathogens of the disease move directly into the blood, after which they spread throughout the body. Thus, damage occurs to the lymph nodes, which become inflamed, swollen and significantly increase in volume.
- Tertiary syphilis appears only a few years after infection in the absence of competent therapy. At this stage, the development of extremely severe, chronic processes in the body, which are destructive for many organs and systems, is observed. This feature of the course of the disease in a neglected form, to a certain extent, makes syphilis and HIV related. Both diseases have very serious consequences.
Sexual contact
More than 90% of cases registered in medical institutions fall on this method of transmission of the pathogen. As noted above, sexual intercourse with an infected person is the most common route of infection with syphilis. Therefore, this disease is considered shameful. To avoid this, safe sex is important, especially when changing partners frequently or at the beginning of an intimate relationship with an unfamiliar, unverified person.
It is worth noting that the likelihood of infection with pale treponema in women is much higher than in men. The explanation for such negative statistics are significant differences in the structural features of the genital organs. So, the representatives of the weaker sex are much more likely to have all kinds ofmicrotrauma and tissue damage in the genital area. Even a slight irritation on the surface of the mucous membranes of the genital organs is enough for infection to enter the body. Safe sex using a condom makes it possible to avoid the transmission of pale treponema from a sick person to a he althy one.
Household way of spreading the pathogen

It has already been said before that pale treponema cannot survive in the environment for a long time. The pathogenic microorganism quickly loses its activity in such conditions and dies. Therefore, the highest probability of contracting syphilis occurs during interaction with household items in the toilet, bathroom or kitchen. The transmission of the pathogen occurs through contact with products intended for personal use. These are, first of all, towels, toothbrushes, washcloths, underwear, etc.
Medical and cosmetic path
What is the likelihood of contracting syphilis medically? This is rarely seen today. However, there is still a small risk of infection with the pathogen.
It is understood that a he althy person, in the course of undergoing all kinds of cosmetic or therapeutic manipulations, comes into contact with non-disinfected, poorly processed instruments. This is how pale treponema can get into the body. It is noteworthy that at a time when they did not know how household syphilis was transmitted, and did notused disposable medical devices, the incidence of such situations was high.
Transmission from mother to child

In this case, we are not talking about genetics, but about cases when the fetus becomes infected with pale treponema in the womb through the placenta, or the child becomes infected when it is born. Such cases are recorded quite often. This can be avoided by passing all the necessary examinations by a pregnant woman.
Clinical signs of syphilis
Treponema pallidum infection can be detected according to the following signs:
- The occurrence of hard chancres or ulcerative manifestations on the skin.
- Increased size of lymph nodes.
- Development of pain syndromes in various parts of the body.
- Feeling generally unwell.
- An increase in body temperature unjustified by objective factors.
- The formation of extensive ulcers on the mucous membranes, the gradual destruction of bone tissue, the breakdown of cells of internal organs, the development of dementia (in the later stages of the disease).

Quality treatment of syphilis is possible only in a hospital setting. Hospitalization of the patient occurs after a comprehensive diagnosis, the results of which confirm the primary diagnosis. At the same time, the patient's sexual partners and close people who are in everyday contact with him are recorded for examination.
Syphilis is treated by destruction in the bodythe causative agent of the disease - pale treponema. For these purposes, the patient is prescribed the use of potent antibiotics in the form of tablets or single injections. Since such drugs destroy almost all the pathogenic and beneficial microflora of the body, a person is additionally prescribed immunomodulators.
In closing

As you can see, there are many ways of infection with the causative agent of syphilis. To avoid danger, it is important to have sexual intercourse using reliable contraceptives, to avoid interaction with other people's personal hygiene items. If it was not possible to avoid unprotected sex, you should use local antiseptics as soon as possible and go for a diagnosis.
As for prevention, it is recommended to periodically take blood samples for analysis. Especially such actions seem appropriate for people who are sexually active and allow a change of partners.