Among the known STDs, gonorrhea occupies a special place, the development of which is provoked by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae - gonococci. Usually the disease is transmitted sexually, but there are other ways of transmitting the infection, for example, through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, eyes, etc. Gonorrhea of the throat (oropharyngeal gonorrhea) often develops when pathogenic microorganisms enter the oral cavity. This pathology is most often found in females, which is associated with the frequency of oral sexual contact. In 30% of cases, the disease is disguised as symptoms of other diseases, such as purulent tonsillitis or pharyngitis.

Characteristics and description of the problem
Gonorrhea of the throat is a specific infectious disease characterized by damage to the mucous membrane of the pharynx, larynx and tonsils as a result of ingestion of the bacterium gonococcus. Usually the throat is a rare site of pathology, but it is difficult to diagnose, sincethe disease is disguised as a sore throat caused by other pathogens. But in 70% of cases, the disease proceeds in a latent form.
In other cases, the first signs of the disease may appear two hours after infection of a person. This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the oral cavity cannot counteract the gonococcal infection. Pathology in a short period of time becomes chronic, which is a he alth hazard, since the inflammatory process can spread to the meninges. In the event that the infection has spread to the brain, the person always dies.
Disease classification
In medicine, it is customary to distinguish several types of gonorrhea of the throat:
- Fresh pathology that develops a few hours after infection. Symptoms are either acute or mild.
- Chronic gonorrhea, which is characterized by frequent relapses. Also, this type of disease can occur with mild symptoms that will manifest as a result of exposure to negative factors.
- Latent gonorrhea, characterized by the absence of an inflammatory reaction in the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat.
Causes for the development of pathology

As a rule, gonorrhea of the throat, the photo of which is given in the article, develops as a result of contact with the mucous membrane of the oral cavity of the gonococcal bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The infection is usually transmitted from an infectedpartner to another during oral-genital contact. Pathogenic microorganisms enter the oral cavity from the urethra and begin to multiply there. Kissing has also been reported.
Children usually become infected through contaminated hands, and also through the transfer of pathogenic bacteria from the eyes with infectious conjunctivitis. Newborns become infected while passing through the birth canal.
Thus, the main reasons for the development of pathology are:
- oral-genital contact;
- kisses;
- infection during labor of an infected woman (vertical method);
- domestic infection.
Only 2% of cases fall on the household method of infection, since gonococci are not able to adapt to environmental conditions. Infection in this case occurs when an instantaneous transfer of a certain object, such as ice cream or cutlery, from mouth to mouth.

With the flow of blood or lymph, the pathogen can spread from the throat throughout the body, provoking the development of gonococcal sepsis.
Risk group
The risk group includes:
- Persons who have promiscuous sex without using contraceptives.
- Children, including newborns, whose mother is infected. Often, when diagnosing a pathology in a pregnant woman, a caesarean section is performed to reduce the risk of transmission of infection to the child.
- HIV and AIDS patients.
- Peoplewho underwent transplantation of donor organs or bone marrow.
Symptoms and signs of disease
In 70% of cases when a person is a carrier of the infection, the symptoms of gonorrhea of the throat do not appear. In other cases, the signs of the disease are similar to those that appear with infectious tonsillitis, tonsillitis or pharyngitis. The incubation period ranges from two hours to fourteen days, depending on the individual characteristics of the human body. Then a person begins to develop dry mouth, pain when swallowing, hoarseness, hyperemia and swelling of the throat, tonsils. Thick films of a dirty yellow color appear on the surface of the palate, tongue, tonsils and cheeks.
Also, the symptoms of gonorrhea of the throat are manifested in the following ways:
- increased salivation;
- increase in body temperature;
- bad breath;
- weakness and fatigue;
- enlargement of regional lymph nodes;
- increased palatine tonsils;
- formation of small ulcers on the palate, tongue and cheeks with a purulent core;
- rapid progression of the disease.
Signs of gonorrhea of the throat are such that it is not possible to distinguish it from a sore throat. The presence of the disease can be suspected when the causative agent of the infection is found on the genitals or in a sexual partner. Diagnosis of pathology involves only special studies.

Diagnostic measures
ForFor an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to identify the causative agent of infection in the biological material under study. But what tests show gonorrhea of the throat? In this case, it is carried out:
- Sampling and examination of a smear taken from the surface of the mucous membrane of the mouth or throat at the location of the purulent overlay.
- Cultural study, that is, sowing a smear from the oral cavity on a certain nutrient medium.
- Serological testing - RSK or RIGA.
Also, the doctor must identify the route of transmission. In this case, data on all sexual contacts of a person over the past three months are often established. An additional examination of the patient is also carried out in order to detect gonococcal infection in other organs and tissues, the possibility of infection of sexual partners is determined.
Diagnosis of pathology is carried out by a venereologist or an ENT specialist. It is necessary to warn the doctor in advance about sexual contact with a possible carrier of the infection. In addition to the above diagnostic measures, it is also necessary to conduct a smear study from the urethra and cervix.
It is important to be tested for gonococci before starting treatment, as otherwise the disease can be “drowned out” by antibacterial drugs, which will provoke its transition into a chronic form, characterized by frequent relapses.
Differential Diagnosis
Throat damage can be triggered not only by gonococci, but also by chlamydia. In the latter case, the disease proceeds latently or with mild symptoms. It is important to distinguishgonococcal infection from chlamydial. The doctor should examine the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat well, identify specific symptoms of the pathology and confirm the diagnosis with the results of the examination.

Therapy of disease
Treatment of gonorrhea throat should be comprehensive. It is very important to conduct simultaneous treatment of the sexual partner in order to prevent the development of relapse. The choice of method of therapy depends on the manifestation of symptoms. If the disease is accompanied by lesions of the genital organs, then the therapy is carried out in a hospital.
Usually, curability of gonorrhea of the throat occurs after treatment with antibacterial drugs of the penicillin or cephalosporin group, aminoglycosides, and sulfa drugs. An antibacterial agent is prescribed based on the results of the tests, during which the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics was determined. Many patients wonder how long their throat hurts with gonorrhea. Doctors say that everything depends on the stage of development of the disease. But usually the pain subsides after a few days of taking the medication.
To treat the throat, the doctor prescribes antiseptic solutions, such as Lugol or Chlorhexidine. In case of deep damage to the throat, erythromycin or tetracycline ointment is used. Be sure the doctor prescribes vitamin and mineral complexes, as well as drugs that prevent the development of candidiasis. To eliminate inflammation and swelling of the throat, Oracept or its analogues are prescribed.

Be sure to use detoxification therapy, as well as drugs that strengthen blood vessels, antihistamines, hepatoprotectors.
The disease can become difficult to treat if the pathogen becomes resistant to antibiotics. This phenomenon is usually observed in the case when the pathology was untimely detected, and its symptoms were mistaken for ordinary tonsillitis. In this situation, further therapy will be long-term, requiring the use of a combination of potent antibacterial agents.
Treatment during pregnancy
Treatment of gonorrhea of the throat, the symptoms and photos of which are discussed in this article, should be immediate. The choice of the method of therapy is carried out by the attending physician based on the duration of pregnancy, the age of the patient and the form of the disease. Treatment of pregnant women takes place in a hospital under the constant supervision of physicians. Such drugs are selected that will not pose a threat to the development of the fetus.
With a gonococcal infection in the throat, you need to adjust the diet. In this case, the doctor recommends:
- Eat warm, soft foods to reduce pain and ease swallowing.
- Use meals that will not irritate the throat.
- Exclude s alty, smoked, sweet and spicy foods, as well as alcohol from the diet.
- Drink up to two liters of clean water daily.
After the course of treatment, the patient must be re-examined. As a result, it will be seenwhether he is cured or not. If the disease is not excluded, the doctor prescribes a second course of therapy using other drugs.
Antibacterial drugs gonorrhea throat is usually treated quickly. With a mild degree of the disease, the symptoms disappear after a few medications. In severe cases, gonococcal sepsis may develop, which can be fatal for the patient.

The main preventive measure is the presence of one sexual partner, the use of contraceptives and the absence of promiscuity.
He alth education in medical institutions is of great importance. Physicians should conduct lectures and talks among the population on the topic of venereal diseases and ways of their transmission. Such activities are aimed at preventing the development of the disease.
To prevent the spread of pathology, it is necessary to identify the sources of infection in a timely manner;