Epilepsy is considered a polyetiological disease, as there are many different causes of its occurrence. The lesion may affect an area of the entire brain or individual sections of it.
Partial seizures occur in the presence of neuropsychiatric diseases characterized by high electrical activity of neurons and prolonged course of the disease.
Features of the disease
Partial epileptic seizures can occur at any age. This is due to the fact that structural changes lead to violations of the psychoneurotic status of a person. There is also a decrease in intelligence.

Partial seizure in epilepsy is a neurological diagnosis that indicates a chronic course of brain disease. The main feature is the occurrence of convulsions of various strengths, shapes, as well as the nature of the course.
Main classification
Partial seizures are characterized by the fact that they affect only a certain part of the brain. They are divided into simple andcomplex. Simple, in turn, are divided into sensory and vegetative.
Sensory partial seizures are mostly accompanied by hallucinations, which can be:
- auditory;
- visual;
- flavored.
It all depends on the localization of the focus in certain parts of the brain. In addition, there is a feeling of numbness in a certain part of the body.
Autonomic partial seizures occur when the temporal region is damaged. Among their main manifestations, it should be noted:
- rapid heartbeat;
- heavy sweating;
- fear and depression.
Complex partial seizures of epilepsy are characterized by a slight impairment of consciousness. The lesion extends to the areas responsible for attention and consciousness. The main symptom of this disorder is stupor. In this case, a person literally freezes in one place, in addition, he can perform various involuntary movements. When he regains consciousness, he does not understand what is happening to him during an attack.
Partial seizures can progress to generalized seizures over time. They form quite suddenly, as both hemispheres are affected at the same time. With this form of the disease, the examination will not reveal foci of pathological activity.
Simple Seizures
This form is characterized by the fact that the human mind remains normal. Simple partial seizures are divided into several types, namely:
- motor;
- touch;
- vegetative.
Motor seizures are characterized by the fact that there are simple muscle contractions and cramps of the limbs. This may be accompanied by involuntary turns of the head and torso. Chewing movements worsen and speech stops.
Sensory seizures are characterized by numbness in the limbs or half of the body. With the defeat of the occipital region, there may be visual hallucinations. In addition, unusual taste sensations may appear.
Autonomic seizures are characterized by discomfort, salivation, flatulence, and a feeling of tightness in the stomach.
Complex Seizures
Such violations are quite common. They are characterized by much more pronounced symptoms. With complex partial seizures, a change in consciousness and the inability to make contact with the patient are characteristic. In addition, there may be spatial disorientation and confusion.

A person is aware of the course of an attack, but at the same time he cannot do anything, does not react to anything, or makes all movements involuntarily. The duration of such an attack is 2-3 minutes.
This condition is characterized by symptoms such as:
- rubbing hands;
- involuntary lip licking;
- fear;
- repetition of a word or sounds;
- man moves to different distances.
May also have complex seizures with secondary generalization. The patient retains allmemories of the beginning of the attack up to the moment of loss of consciousness.
Causes of occurrence
The causes of partial epileptic seizures are not yet fully known. However, there are certain triggers, such as:
- genetic predisposition;
- neoplasms in the brain;
- traumatic brain injury;
- malformations;
- cysts;
- alcohol addiction;
- emotional shock;
- drug addiction.
Often the root cause remains unidentified. The disease can occur in a person at any age, but adolescents and the elderly are at particular risk. For some, epilepsy is mild and may not show up throughout life.
Causes in children
Partial motor seizures can occur at any age in both infants and adolescents. Among the main reasons, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- birth injuries;
- intrauterine negative factors;
- brain hemorrhages;
- chromosomal pathologies;
- damage and trauma to the brain.
It is worth noting that with timely treatment, the prognosis is quite favorable. By about the age of 16, you can completely get rid of the disease. Treatment of children is carried out by surgical intervention, medication or with the help of a special diet. Proper nutrition will allow you to get the desired result much faster and get rid of the disease.

In some cases, epileptic seizures appear during the first 3 months of a child's life. The symptoms are similar to cerebral palsy. Seizures are mainly caused by various genetic defects. The disease can lead to dangerous malformations. It is worth noting that many children suffering from this disease die.
Main symptoms
Symptoms of partial seizures in all patients are purely individual. The simple form is characterized by the fact that it proceeds with the preservation of consciousness. A similar form of the disease is mainly manifested in the form:
- unnatural muscle contractions;
- simultaneous turn of eyes and head to one side;
- chewing, grimacing, drooling;
- stop speech;
- heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, flatulence;
- olfactory, visual and gustatory hallucinations.
Complex seizures are observed in approximately 35-45% of sick people. They are mostly accompanied by a complete loss of consciousness. A person understands exactly what is happening to him, but at the same time he is simply not able to respond to an appeal to him. At the end of the attack, there is basically complete amnesia, and then the person does not remember what exactly happened to him.
Often occurring focal pathological activity covers both hemispheres of the brain at once. In this case, a generalized seizure begins to develop, which often manifests itself in the form of convulsions. Complex forms of the disease appear as:
- appearancenegative emotions in the form of intense anxiety and fear of death;
- experiencing or concentrating on past events;
- feelings of unreality of what is happening;
- appearance of automatism.
Being in a familiar environment, a person may perceive it as unfamiliar, which causes a feeling of panic fear. The patient can observe himself, as it were, from the outside and identify with the heroes of recently read books or watched films. He can also repeat constantly monotonous movements, the nature of which is determined by the area of \u200b\u200bbrain damage.
In the period between attacks at the initial stage of the course of the violation, a person may feel quite normal. However, after a while, the symptoms begin to progress and brain hypoxia may be observed. This is accompanied by the appearance of sclerosis, headaches, personality changes.
First Aid
If partial seizures occur very often, then you need to know how to give first aid to a person. When an attack occurs, you must:
- make sure it's really epilepsy;
- put the person on a flat surface;
- turn the patient's head to the side to avoid suffocation;
- do not move a person or do it in case of danger to him.

Don't try to contain convulsions, and it is strictly forbidden to do artificial respiration or chest compressions. After the end of the attack, you need to givethe opportunity for a person to recover and urgently call an ambulance and hospitalize the patient in a hospital. It is imperative to provide assistance to the victim in a timely manner, since such seizures can lead to the death of the patient.
To make a diagnosis of complex partial seizures, a neurologist prescribes a thorough examination, which necessarily includes:
- gathering anamnesis;
- inspection;
- ECG and MRI;
- fundus examination;
- a conversation with a psychiatrist.

To detect damage to the subarachnoid region, asymmetry or deformation of the ventricles of the brain, pneumoencephalography is indicated. Seizures of partial epilepsy must be differentiated from other forms of impairment or a severe course of the disease. That is why the doctor may prescribe additional research methods that will help to make a more accurate diagnosis.
Feature of treatment
Treatment of partial seizures must necessarily begin with a comprehensive diagnosis and finding out the reasons that provoked the attack. This is required to eliminate and completely stop epileptic seizures, as well as to minimize side effects.
It is worth noting that if the disease occurs in adulthood, then it is impossible to cure it. In this case, the essence of therapy is to reduce seizures. To achieve a stable remission, antiepileptic drugs are prescribed, in particular, such as:
- Lamiktal.
- Carbamazepine.
- "Topiramate".
- "Depakin".
To get the best possible result, your doctor may prescribe combination medications. If drug therapy does not bring the desired result, then a neurosurgical operation is indicated. Surgical intervention is resorted to if the methods of conservative treatment have not brought the desired result, and the patient suffers from frequent seizures.

During meningoencephalolysis, a craniotomy is performed in the area that caused epilepsy. The neurosurgeon very carefully dissects everything that irritates the cerebral cortex, namely, the membrane, which is changed by scar tissue, and exostoses are also removed.
Sometimes a Horsley operation is performed. Her technique was developed by an English neurosurgeon. In this case, the affected cortical centers are removed. If seizures provoke the formation of scar tissue on the membranes of the brain, then there will be no results during such an operation.
After eliminating the irritating effect of scars on the brain, the seizures will stop for a while, but very quickly scars will form again in the area of the operation, which will be much larger than the previous ones. After the Horsley operation, monoparalysis of the limb, the motor centers of which were removed, may occur. In this case, the seizures immediately stop. Over time, paralysis resolves on its own and is replaced by monoparesis.
The patient always retains someweakness in that limb. Often, over time, seizures reappear, which is why the operation is prescribed in the most extreme case. Doctors prefer to initially treat conservatively.

With minor epilepsy, which is not provoked by serious pathologies, treatment is possible by eliminating irritants with osteopathic techniques. For this, massage or acupuncture treatment is indicated. Physiotherapy techniques and adherence to a special diet also have a good result.
It is worth noting that the disease manifests itself much weaker and less often in the absence of stress, normal nutrition, and daily routine. It is also important to give up bad habits that are strong provoking factors.
The prognosis of epilepsy can be very different. Often the disease is treated quite effectively or goes away on its own. If the disease occurs in elderly people or has a complex course, then throughout life the patient is under the supervision of a doctor and must take special drugs.
Most types of epilepsy are completely safe for human life and he alth, but during attacks, the possibility of accidents must be excluded. Patients learn to live with the disease, avoid dangerous situations and provoking factors.
Very rare epilepsy associated with severe brain damage, which can cause dangerous disorders of internal organs, changes in consciousness, lossconnection with the outside world or paralysis. With the course of the disease, the prognosis depends on many different factors, namely:
- area of focus of convulsive activity and its intensity;
- causes;
- presence of comorbidities;
- age of patient;
- character and level of changes in the brain;
- reaction to drugs;
- a type of epilepsy.
Only a qualified specialist can give an accurate forecast, therefore it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. It is important to see a doctor immediately when the first signs of illness appear.
Prevention of any kind of epilepsy is maintaining a he althy lifestyle. To prevent the frequent recurrence of seizures, you need to completely stop smoking, drinking alcohol, caffeinated drinks. It is strictly forbidden to overeat, and it is also necessary to avoid exposure to harmful provoking factors.
It is important to strictly observe a certain daily routine, as well as follow a special diet. In order to prevent the occurrence of partial seizures after head injuries and operations, a course of antiepileptic drugs is prescribed.