The achievements of modern pharmaceuticals cannot but rejoice. Those diseases that were considered fatal several hundred years ago are successfully cured today thanks to the discovery of antibiotics. Penicillin was the first to be discovered, after which they began to produce semi-synthetic and synthetic antibiotics, each of which is effective against a certain type of bacteria. But everything has a downside. During treatment, the beneficial intestinal microflora also dies. Therefore, diarrhea after antibiotics in children is not at all uncommon.

The main enemy of bacteria
Let's start with a quick introduction. Let's consider what the drug group of antibiotics is and how these drugs work when they enter the body. Already based on the name, it becomes clear that the action is directed against living cells that are alien to our body. In other words, these are drugs that actdirected against bacteria.
The mechanism of it depends on the group to which they belong. Some destroy the cell membrane of bacteria, others neutralize them from the inside, and still others do not allow them to divide. But the result is always the same: the cell dies. Once in the digestive tract, the drug is rapidly absorbed and enters the bloodstream.
Unfortunately, it makes no difference to a drug whether the bacteria in front of it are good or bad. Therefore, it goes to the natural inhabitants of our intestines. The result is diarrhea after antibiotics in children.
Causes of diarrhea
But not everything is so simple. After taking this group of drugs, various effects can develop, which as a result lead to severe diarrhea:
- Diarrhea after antibiotics in children can be caused by the action of antibiotics on intestinal motility. This is true for almost all groups. Erythromycin causes fluid to pass through the gastrointestinal tract faster, Penicillin accelerates intestinal blood flow. But the result will be the same: water does not have time to be absorbed and liquefies the feces. It should be noted that this effect is rarely observed on its own, without the influence of other factors.
- Diarrhea after antibiotics in children may be associated with dysbacteriosis. This is the mass death of bacteria against the background of taking the drug. The latter does not know how to distinguish "us" from "them". This phenomenon has two consequences. This is a violation of digestion and infection with pathogenic bacteria, that is, the colonization of free space by pathogenic microflora.
- Pseudomembranous colitis. The reason for its appearancepathogenic bacterium. As long as the immune system is strong, it will not allow its reproduction. But while taking antibiotics, it weakens. The result is the multiplication of bacteria and the development of colitis, the main symptom of which is diarrhea.
- Resistance of pathogenic bacteria to therapy. That is, diarrhea is a symptom of a disease that continues to progress.
- Allergic reaction.
If during treatment the child has a fever, vomiting appears, it means that you are treating something wrong or have chosen an inappropriate regimen. You need to immediately consult a doctor, undergo an examination in order to select other drugs. But this is a topic for another discussion. Let's go back to the case where the child has diarrhea after antibiotics. What should parents do in such a situation?

Assessing the state
It will not be superfluous to recall that any medicines must be prescribed by a doctor. Their acceptance should be justified and really necessary. If your child starts having diarrhea a few days after starting treatment, don't panic. Watch your baby throughout the day:
- If diarrhea occurs rarely, up to 4 times a day and does not deplete the body, then you can give "Smecta" and take no more action.
- If diarrhea is frequent and debilitating, then you need to restore the balance of fluid in the body. "Regidron" is perfect for this. The main task of parents is to prevent dehydration.
Many immediately start calling the ambulance andask: "What to do?" In a child after antibiotics, diarrhea can be mild or very severe. In the second case, the baby becomes apathetic, after the toilet he immediately lies down. May be bothered by pain in the abdomen. In such a situation, an ambulance will be sent to you.

When is medical attention needed?
Parents have two extremes. Some call the doctor at the first slight change in the child's condition. Others, on the contrary, pull to the last, hoping that everything will pass by itself. Of course, you need to look for the golden mean. Diarrhea and fever in a child after antibiotics are definitely overkill. This means that against the background of suppressed immunity, his body was struck by another infection. You need to call a doctor if your baby is not yet 1 year old and defecates at least five times a day, and the following symptoms join:
- In addition to diarrhea, there is nausea and vomiting.
- Baby is severely dehydrated. He constantly sleeps, does not respond to stimuli.
- If diarrhea develops almost immediately after starting antibiotics, within a few hours.
- If your diarrhea has red or green patches.
- Temperature rises with diarrhea.
Green diarrhea after antibiotics in children is not uncommon. If the general condition of the baby is normal, then you can ask this question during the next consultation with the pediatrician.
If diarrhea after treatment occurs in an adult, then this is notis of particular concern. Someone begins to intensively drink sour-milk drinks, while others wait until the condition returns to normal on its own. But if a child has diarrhea after a course of antibiotics, then parents try to take measures to bring the digestive tract back to normal as quickly as possible. This is justified, since babies have a much smaller body weight and dehydration can develop at lightning speed.
That is, the treatment of diarrhea in a child after antibiotics begins with the normalization of the water-s alt balance in the body. There are many folk ways for this, but if the child is small, then it is better to resort to drug therapy. There are two groups of drugs that can help you with this:
- Means for the normalization of water balance. These are Oralit, Hydrovit, Regidron, Humana Electrolyte.
- Means for thickening feces. These are the well-known "Smekta", "Laktofiltrum", "Enterosgel" and many others.
- Probiotics are sources of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
Choosing how to treat diarrhea in a child after antibiotics, first consult a doctor. For example, "Smekta" is a sorbent. On the one hand, it binds toxins. On the other hand, it neutralizes the body's attempt to remove what poisons it. Therefore, if the cause is eliminated, then it will be beneficial. Otherwise, it will only complicate matters.

Antibiotics for diarrhea
It's amazing howthe habit of treating diarrhea with the help of levomycetin has firmly settled in our society. It is given even to children, despite the fact that the drug is not adapted for children. But that's not even surprising. If a child has diarrhea after taking antibiotics, then the microflora has been seriously affected. It needs to be restored and in parallel to normalize the digestive processes. Instead, the child is given an extra dose of antibiotics. What happens? The diarrhea will probably only get worse. In any case, the baby will be tormented by discomfort in the abdomen for a long time.
Drugs are half the battle. If a child has diarrhea with mucus after antibiotics, it means that the intestines were seriously affected by the infection, and the therapy did not affect it in the best way. The child's diet should now contain foods that will help cope with the disease. Dietary nutrition is a preventive measure and an aid to treatment, and should continue after the course of treatment has been completed. This usually takes from one to three weeks, depending on the therapeutic regimen used. The gastrointestinal tract must fully recover, otherwise any load will lead to disturbances in its work.

Under 12 months of age
Diets for infants will differ from those recommended for older children. If the baby is breastfed, then there will be no major changes in his diet. Only in the presence of vomiting, the doctor can recommend replacing breast milk with a solution for a day."Rehydron". But as soon as the vomiting stops, you need to resume feeding.
Linex solution is also given for diarrhea. It is important not to overdose it, since a high concentration of s alts in the body is also useless. It is recommended to give one spoon every 10 minutes. If the child is artificially fed, then he is given a solution of "Rehydron" before each feeding. If diarrhea does not go away in 1-2 days or is severe, then the child is placed in a hospital.
Over one year old
By this age, babies get a varied diet, so parents will have to think carefully about what to exclude. A well-balanced diet allows you to normalize bowel activity in just a few days. If a child has diarrhea and vomiting after antibiotics, then you need to give him "Regidron" 20 tablespoons for one hour. Be sure to use Linex or a similar drug.
What needs to be eliminated from the diet
After taking antibiotics, it is recommended to temporarily exclude citrus fruits and other fruits. Raw vegetables are also not the best choice; their heat treatment is necessary. This list also includes meat products and pasta, all fatty and fried foods, cakes and ice cream. On the table, the child should not see carbonated drinks, smoked meats, spicy and spicy foods, any milk and sour milk.
Compliance with these rules is very important. Often, parents themselves are to blame for the fact that the child's condition worsens. As soon as the baby begins to eat, they buy fruits, yogurts,sausage and other bad goodies.

What is recommended to eat
Dieting isn't always fun, but it's absolutely essential right now. It is very useful to use boiled rice and a decoction of this cereal. Banana puree can be introduced into the diet, this fruit helps to normalize the activity of the digestive tract. The next day, you can try a little applesauce. Drying, bagels and crackers will brighten up the diet. Children love them very much. The basis of the diet can be broths and baked potatoes. It is very useful to prepare a child jelly, infusion of St. John's wort, blueberries, raisins, dill. The diet is gradually expanded, as the child's condition normalizes. Products that are listed on the banned list are best left for last, when you are already completely sure that the problem has passed.
If you cannot do without antibiotics, then you need to take measures so that the treatment goes without consequences. To do this, follow the recommendations that will avoid negative consequences:
- Do not take an antibiotic on an empty stomach. Often children have no appetite during illness, in which case some light food should be given. If he refuses completely, doctors recommend feeding a piece of butter.
- During treatment, you need to adhere to a certain diet. The above scheme with recommended and prohibited products is fully consistent with it.

Instead of a conclusion
Antibiotics are not vitamins. They should be prescribed only by a competent and experienced doctor. Such treatment necessarily requires compliance with a number of rules in order to cause minimal harm to the child's body. In particular, it is necessary to follow a diet and take drugs that help restore the intestinal microflora. In this case, the treatment will pass without any special consequences. Diarrhea and vomiting after antibiotic therapy can be caused by various factors. If several days have passed since the end of the course, then it is worth looking for a reason other than banal dysbacteriosis.